Immigration Justice

Qasim and his family immigrated from Pakistan in 1987, and moved to DuPage county in 1988, when he was just five years old. He understands that our immigration system is broken by design and selectively discriminates against BIPOC migrants and refugees. Qasim believes that immigrants are the backbone of our country, and that’s why he has fought tirelessly throughout his career as a human rights lawyer for an immigration policy based on compassion and justice. Not only has he called out the inhumane treatment of migrants that occurred during the Trump administration, but he’s kept up the pressure during the Biden administration – because human rights are non-negotiable. Qasim will:

  • Fully fund USCIS to meet the demand of American families seeking to ensure their loved ones can immigrate to the United States safely, quickly, and in a documented manner.
  • Fight to fully fund immigration lawyers and judges on the Southern Border so that asylum seekers and refugees can have their day in court.
  • End Title 42 to prevent future administrations from weaponizing public health policy to exclude lawful asylum seekers from entering the United States.
  • End Donald Trump’s family detention policy.
  • Repeal 287-G and prevent ICE from working with and deputizing local police departments for federal immigration enforcement.
  • Deliver a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and their families and support DACA and DAPA recipients.
  • Fund fully independent oversight and investigations into allegations of sexual assault and abuse of migrants by ICE.

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