Never look to a dictator for justice or mercy!

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If it looks like a coup and quacks like a coup…

Very clearly stated Qasim. And your readers are the best! Love the idea of sending an apology to Pres. Zelenskyy via the Ukrainian Ambassador. People can also donate to Ukraine at u24.gov.ua.

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My readers are absolutely the best.

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So true. Lots of money to be made in wars.

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Most excellent analysis, thank you,


And the COUP continues: trumpet rigged the 2024 election with the help of muskito to avoid not crossing go and be sent directly to jail without cashing 200 million dollars…


                   🫵 YOU 🫵




        ⚠️WE OWE THEM SHIT⚠️


WE REALLY need to do something here…


Either we share this PDF with Senators, House Reps, Governors, Police, Military, Defense Groups, Election Officials and ALL our Contacts, OR WE’RE FUCKED UP!


It’s as fucking simple as that!





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The Democrats are beyond frustration. Jeffries comments and his hope to work with the Republicans shows his/their total lack of reality. We need new young faces who are willing to fight like AOC for our country.

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Absolutely agree.

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How can this be good for America- even I don't understand the plan behind the plan...if we are all broke, living like peasants in martial law with no rights or services, the country will collapse, is this their plan?

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He fancies himself a king. It was never about what's good for America. It was always about what's good for him.

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Amazingly articulate article. Thank you!

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Clear and simple, Trump, etal, are traitors to our country and should be taken away in handcuffs. We should never get used to what they are. It's right in front of our noses. They are dismantling our country, its agencies designed to protect us, our laws, our regulations, our schools, social programs--EVERYTHING. And if you think you're immune from all this--YOU'RE NOT. Unless you're a wealthy white Christo-fascist man, you're of no value to them. Democrats need to be yelling, screaming, acting--and leading the way for those of us who still believe that a democracy is the best type of government--a place where our children can feel to be free to grow up and become what they want to be. We were given an opportunity to live in the greatest place on earth, with a wonderful Constitution, respect for diversity, equal rights, and so much more, and we're allowing them to destroy it. RISE UP, GET MOVING, GET ACTIVE, AND GET RID OF TRUMP/MUSK ETAL.

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Whew! This is disgusting and very scary.

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You know that he is actively and intentionally destroying our country. You must also be aware that he isn’t governing, Musk is acting President. Also from reading and observing, he’s sadistic, so he’s exacting pain and hate upon all other countries. Zelenskyy was an easy target. In time he will also turn on the Saudis, and Bibi when they are no longer benefiting him. He is chaos and he is an unfettered agent of destruction.

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This is a list we need to see over and over again. The saying "you are who you hang with" never has been more clear. The pervasiveness of the evil still takes me by surprise, but clearly has been many years in the planning. We have, in essence, lost our democracy and in such a short period of time.

Can anyone imagine what would have happened if any one of these things had taken place uder the former administration?

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And sadly this list is incomplete. Doesn't even begin to address his alleged Presidential immunity from packing SCOTUS, his bribes, his tax evasion, and the credible rape allegations against him.

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We need to rise up go to the street in numbers that he cannot control🤷 I may be wrong but I will not submiss to this tyrant!! We have to take our Country back!

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I think Trump wants that and is not going to be afraid to use lethal force.

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What do you think about millions of us going to the White House to make a citizens' arrest?

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Wait until he reactivates the Selective Service! I doubt that Canada will take in our young men who don’t want to be drafted.

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Thank you! I am sending this to both my Senators, Schiff and Padilla. I will urge that at least someone on their staff read and report to them on it.

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Thank you, Carol.

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You laid out the truth, the ugly truth of it all. I'm in Canada. We are prepared to stand together and fight for what is right. The tariffs went in effect this morning. Everyone is talking about it.

I stand with my American neighbors.

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Thank you, Fierce Goat. You are helping us keep our spirits up as we try to understand what can be done.

Congress needs to understand that their role has changed. The Democratic lawmakers are de facto our leaders. A movement needs leaders and planning, delegation and work. Individually we are not nearly as strong as in an organized group. This regime is betting they can take control before we get organized.

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There is nothing fiercer than the average person times thousands. We must stand together and wield the power that we have. Hurt them where it hurts. Follow the money!

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Thank you Fierce Goat.

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yes: Refuse Fascism Oppose Oppression

your commentary of what's happening here is spot on.

However your foreing policy commentary IMO less so;

the kurds-

do they know what they want?? maybe a piece of northern Syria and souther Turkey? a Kurdish state or a safe space for its entheicity?

when they get their shit together they should make peace with their neighbors to the N and S and stop hating and start loving their neighbors. Is that a big ask? or just kill and kill and kill.

The soviot union:

post the break up in 1990 if they were given membership to the NATO alliance maybe all the crap that's happening now would never had occurred.. If you ask me who is more parainoid I'd say its us and Europe not Russia.

that's it for now but yes yes yes we need to stop Trump and the Repuplicans from turning the USA into a fascist state.





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No people has been more oppressed than the Kurds. They happen to live in an area of some of the most brutally oppressive regimes in the world: Iran, Iraq, Syria & Turkey, which has committed genocide against them, even the former Soviet Union, with no independent country of their own (although they finally got an autonomous region in northern Iraq.

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