In one posting, you have done more to educate people on the reality we are living in than could be done in months.

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I teach a class called Tech Ethics and we are definitely going to be discussing this

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That's amazing. Thank you.

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They are Nazis QR. They do not care about American workers. They care for the Dollar, nothing else. And they are not going to change!

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I wish you weren't so correct.

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Again, another great article. You really address my concerns and validate my feelings.. Most of all you educate me and open my eyes to things I've taken for granted for years. You do it using reasonable and logical analysis with out all the flame throwing. In these chaotic times, I appreciate your calmness!

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Thank you, Clare. I do what I can to be direct and concise. I appreciate you reading and am grateful for your trust.

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I’ve seen the same inability for content concerning multiple civil and human rights issues, including trans issues (which I write about) be suppressed by Meta and others, including TikTok, while right wing propaganda continues to spread. Thankfully, independent media is growing by leaps and bounds as more and more people realize that corporate media hasn’t been trustworthy for quite some time, and the heads of all social media platforms have utterly capitulated to Trumplestilskin.

Ground News looks like a great platform and I will check it out in more depth. Thank you!

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Grateful for your advocacy, Robert.

I've enjoyed Ground News and intend to keep working with them because they are providing meaningful accessible value, and doing it the right way (without billionaires).

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What about MSNBC with Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, Ali Velchi, Ari Melber, Nicole Wallace Lawrence O'Donnell and others ? I realize they fired Mehdi Hassan and Joy Reid, but kept Morning Joe. Still, a lot of important reporting there, in my opinion. Did I overlook it because the print is too small for me to read?

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I'm not sure what MSNBC is doing tbh. Some more changes coming there soon. Let's see what happens.

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I have been having the same issues in the past few days. Almost everything I post has been flagged. This has ranged from information about town halls and other meetings to challenging actual quotes said by members of the administration. I’ve been doing the advocacy thing there for almost a decade. I have never had these issues before this week.

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I canceled anything META related (Facebook and Instagram) when Zuckerberg put out his "we're not gonna fact check anyone, anymore" BS. Then he went to MAL, and supported 🍊🤡 inauguration...Fuck Zuck!

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I’m in!

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I’ll definitely be checking out Ground News. Thank you, Qasim!

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Awesome. Thank you Lee.

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I recently found out that the magazine for the Presbyterian Church, called the Presbyterian Outlook, has been banned from Instagram. They tried several times to find out why, but to no avail. Their thinking is that it was because two ministers from my own Presbyterian church wrote an article about the civil rights pilgrimage our church does for its high schoolers. It’s become so popular, that several other Presbyterian churches have sent their high schoolers to go along. The article listed/described the location and why it was important to the expansion of civil rights. That’s all — just talking about civil rights!

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Left and deleted all META when he capitulated and moved to Texas! No insta which I miss intensely for the creatives. No Facebook which I miss for the local Marketplace and region specific friends and information. No WhatsApp which I used to use to communicate with a first who is a sea going traveler. The only way a private business say like Tesla understands that your billions are made from us your public is to say FU! But we have to have real buy in and Americans are basically poor when it comes to long term thinking. If things are over and bank to normal in a few months we fall back into our comfortable lives and move on. I'm not sure we would actually survive a real war with boots on the ground in America. I watch as Ukraine against all odds still stands up still shows up or the Palestinians or Jewish people who are victims of Hamas and Zionists and I think, American are just so used to being at the 'top' or in leadership positions we cannot imagine other Countries being leaders into the future. That is where we are headed as Trump offers our Freedoms, domestic security, international intelligence and our Democratic ideals to Putin and the highest bidder.

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Utterly disgusting and scary. I'm just seeing DOOM since July 4 2024 when I wrote several posts on Doom and everyone ignored me.

I detailed tariffs, Autocracy, Europe , Ukraine, Russia, etc Even Trump wanting to be a King. I said it all. That was 6+ months ago.

I started writing about MAGA two years ago and lost my friends. Not really friends apparently. Fakebook just banned mefrom Groups and Phone 🤳 for saying BIATCH. 😆 Said I was harassing the bitch.

And she really was a bitch. I never said Bitch. I said Biatch bc I knew if I said Bitch I'd get in trouble 😵‍💫

I rarely say that world.

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One thing you miss: Anyone that has an instagram or f-book account is dropping dimes into Zuckerberg's pockets. The fewer acc'ts the less dinero these parasites rake in. Delete all accounts. I guarantee you'll survive. Instead of just justifiably complaining about Zuck's parasitic misinfo machines, drop the acc'ts & quit giving 'em money & business. It's the only real solution.

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There are too many of us for the oligarchs to survive their wildest dreams coming true.

Boycott them all.

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