I launched Let’s Address This with Qasim Rashid 100 days ago with this goal:
Today, Let’s Address This is a global voice. 100 days in we have achieved:
80,000+ subscribers
Our articles have been read collectively more than 5 million times
Our subscribers hail from all 50 states in the USA and from 130 countries globally
And in those 100 days we have delivered to you:
Recorded and aired 15 podcast episodes with national & international leaders.
Wrote, edited, and published 102 pieces spanning critical topics like Project 2025, genocide in Gaza, electing VP Harris, SCOTUS reform, racial justice, the Olympics, children’s rights, combatting antisemitism, women’s rights, and more.
Being quoted and published in The New Republic, Business Insider, Inquisitr, The Wrap, YahooNews, BlackPressUSA, the Jacksonville Free Press, Newsweek, Meidas, among others. Legacy and national media is recognizing our expertise!
Happily sharing a weekly dad joke for much needed levity in these trying times.
Your subscription has made this possible and it is why I seek your continued support. Your investment helps keep our content accessible to the masses, and free for those who may not have the financial means to subscribe.
For those supporters who have not yet subscribed, my sincere ask is to consider upgrading by investing the price of a cup of coffee a month. Become a paying subscriber at either $5/mo or $50/year. We are also grateful for our first dozen founding members who have invested $500 annually.
To our gracious paying subscribers, thank you for leading the way. My humble ask of you is to consider forwarding this email to your network to encourage them to invest in Let’s Address This.
As the threat of fascism continues to rise, and legacy media continues to fail us, every dollar we spend is a vote for the kind of future we want. Help me create a future more committed to justice, universal human rights, and media accountability. Thank you, and as always, I welcome your thoughts, feedback, and insights.
Quite a track record my friend. Keep up the good work.