A vote for Dr. Stein is, in reality, a vote for Trump.

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At this point: Revolution. Yes, I’m being flippant. However, to achieve campaign finance reform, undo Citizens United, and regain democratic control of our government we would have to first elect enough leaders who would vote against the system that enriches them. A catch 22. So, it seems we are just going to continue down our slow path of decline and disintegration while the genocide continues in Palestine.

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Campaign reform. The current system is legalized bribery v

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It will take Hamas returning the Hostages and leaving Gaza so the Gazan's can have self-rule and not be human shields! It is Hamas who caused this and, Mr. Rashid, you seem to conveniently forget this!

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“The hypocrisy and white supremacy in our foreign policy is deadly.” Sad truth, my friend. As an old (71) white woman with a Vietnamese-American grandchild I fear for the future.

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Omfg this shit is pure insanity... so I have a question.. so the IJC makes this ruling and orders Israel to stop their b.s. and minutes later they go on a murderous rampage taking out MORE innocent civilians... so now what, what are the repercussions on Israel for not following this "court ruling" ??? Nothing... so, all of it was just some kind of dog and pony bullshit, another "diamonds that'll shut her up" type of scenario??? Basicly all these trials and verdicts and court orders were to keep us from losing our shit on the powers that be in hopes that they would do the right thing and stop providing Israel with money and weapons and military aid when they knew it was all for not and they were just gonna keep on nazing like a nazi does?!?!?! Omfg!!! Wtf!!! Imo every single member of congress along with potus himself is guilty of dereliction of duty as well as war crimes, and crimes against nature itself. I'm so damned angry I could blow a gasket right now. F&'k!!!! Wtf is wrong with these people!?!?!?

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Benjamin Netanyahu has shown that he is no better than Vladimir Putin. They both have no regard for civilian life! And for those who have been saying that they both have committed war crimes. I guess that means nothing because nothing is being done to stop the killings! As far as the U.S. government, the Republicans are supporting Netanyahu. Most of them claim to be Christians. I beg to differ.

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How dare you compare Russia’s great leader with Satanyahu!

WHY is it that Russia’s special operation is taking years instead of months? It’s because the Russian military isn’t dropping 5000 lb. bombs on civilian populations!

Ever listen to an interpreted speech by Vladimir Putin? The man is a true STATESMAN and we would be fortunate indeed to have the likes of him leading this godforsaken country. He loves Russia. He loves the Russian people. If the Minsk Accords hadn’t been a total sham by the West, there would have been no war.

You’d do well to remember that the US-backed coup in Ukraine started this.

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You're not wrong it was definitely amerikkka who keeps creating these damn wars, and feeds them with support via funds and weapons. But do I think putin is a good dude, no but I don't think any world leader is. They're all being puppeted by rich white men with a dime on the line. None of them do what's best for their people. Not a single one.

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May 27Liked by Qasim Rashid

Thank you for stating why we feel that Israel is committing war crimes and how severe they are. But what about the internal US political pressures and treaties that are behind our official support of them? What can be done to actually change US behavior when US political pressures make any change (in either direction!) into political suicide?

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That is exactly what US will eventually pay for playing their biased role here . The political suicide will be in the shape of Biden handing it over to Trump and then we see the rise of A POLITICAL GAZA in US .......... and burial of Democratic values. The voters will tell US how to stop the Funding for War Crimes though the damage has already been done .

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The problem seems to be that supporting Israel costs Biden votes from those who care about moral choices, yet rejecting Israel breaks treaties and costs him votes from anybody who might reject Trump yet doesn't understand (or empathize with) how these dead non-Americans differ from those ones. Both choices are suicide in some way - unless we can change the understanding of those who don't believe/refuse to be involved. Just yelling at Biden for this evil doesn't help much - his losing the election would hurt Gaza far more than his winning - but we need to convince enough people in power that supporting Israel's war crimes is the wrong choice.

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I agree with you . There could be that backlash , I would not like to see either. It is a risk Biden is running with. Lets see if Biden can recover the lost grounds ! Getting Trump back could be even a bigger disaster. Adds more pressure on Biden to Win .

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There is another option, and her name is DOCTOR Jill Stein.

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Campaign finance reform is a must. It’s truly absurd that the Leahy laws specifically forbid the US government from arming any country that is credibly accused of human rights violations, and yet those laws are being trampled upon and ignored as if they don’t even exist.

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Both the ICC and the ICJ are mentioned in the post. Some may benefit from a clarification as to the difference.


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Yep, key distinction to make note of. Thank you.

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May 27Liked by Qasim Rashid

All of this seems indisputable and yet the “leaders” of the West refuse to put an end to it, perhaps hoping that Israel will come to its senses and make intervention unnecessary, or perhaps hoping that the population of Arabs in the area will leave or be completely destroyed. This degree of devastation will eventually result in widespread disease that will affect the ME as well as the rest of the world. There is virtually no chance that the West will do the right thing, both for the ME and for the world as we know it. As China becomes more economically powerful and takes a greater interest in matters of global importance, there is a bit of hope for humanity. Otherwise, one morning the world population will wake up to a very different world, more chaotic and violent, that will bring about the death and destruction of humanity. We could very well find that we are headed to a second Middle Ages where population decline, intellectual stagnation, and scientific research devolution rule the globe. The transition will be quick and lasting.

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I don’t agree that China is a great hope for humanity, I am sure some Chinese want what is for the common good, and some don’t. Historically and currently they have shown the same ruthless discrimination, and have caused suffering and death to many fellow human beings. Nor do I agree that there is no chance the West will do the right thing, This is a long standing complex problem and we are not privy to what the government is doing through diplomacy, nor should we be. I don’t have any answers. I will never understand why all humans would not want to work toward the common good of our species, and protect this rare and beautiful planet, but there has always been a portion of our species that prefers greed, power, false superiority, planetary destruction; for profit, and a portion that actually enjoys the suffering of others, I guess all we can do is each do what we can to prevent suffering and destruction, I have and will continue to write my Congresspersons calling for stopping weapons funding to Israel while they are engaged in war crimes, We all connected by our breath and while many can only exhale fear and despair, with every inhalation, it con only continue to break all our hearts. We are the most frightening animal.

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China is humanity’s only hope.

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Your pro russia pro china rhetoric is wild and reckless. Neither are any model for humanity in any capacity.

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Compared to the Zionist States of Amerikkka?

Sorry, you are incorrect, my friend.

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