How dare you compare Russia’s great leader with Satanyahu!
WHY is it that Russia’s special operation is taking years instead of months? It’s because the Russian military isn’t dropping 5000 lb. bombs on civilian populations!
Ever listen to an interpreted speech by Vladimir Putin? The man is a true STATESMAN and we would be fortunate indeed…
How dare you compare Russia’s great leader with Satanyahu!
WHY is it that Russia’s special operation is taking years instead of months? It’s because the Russian military isn’t dropping 5000 lb. bombs on civilian populations!
Ever listen to an interpreted speech by Vladimir Putin? The man is a true STATESMAN and we would be fortunate indeed to have the likes of him leading this godforsaken country. He loves Russia. He loves the Russian people. If the Minsk Accords hadn’t been a total sham by the West, there would have been no war.
You’d do well to remember that the US-backed coup in Ukraine started this.
You're not wrong it was definitely amerikkka who keeps creating these damn wars, and feeds them with support via funds and weapons. But do I think putin is a good dude, no but I don't think any world leader is. They're all being puppeted by rich white men with a dime on the line. None of them do what's best for their people. Not a single one.
How dare you compare Russia’s great leader with Satanyahu!
WHY is it that Russia’s special operation is taking years instead of months? It’s because the Russian military isn’t dropping 5000 lb. bombs on civilian populations!
Ever listen to an interpreted speech by Vladimir Putin? The man is a true STATESMAN and we would be fortunate indeed to have the likes of him leading this godforsaken country. He loves Russia. He loves the Russian people. If the Minsk Accords hadn’t been a total sham by the West, there would have been no war.
You’d do well to remember that the US-backed coup in Ukraine started this.
You're not wrong it was definitely amerikkka who keeps creating these damn wars, and feeds them with support via funds and weapons. But do I think putin is a good dude, no but I don't think any world leader is. They're all being puppeted by rich white men with a dime on the line. None of them do what's best for their people. Not a single one.