You made only the briefest of allusions to programs for the disabled and special ed. The majority of programs for the handicapped are funded by the DOE. While some of them like Vocational Rehabilitation might be moved to other departments, they might not. The initial memos on how to enforce his anti DEI order said DEIA. The A stands for accessibility. They won’t enforce ADA. I would love to see you use your soapbox to make people aware of how they are attacking the most vulnerable.
so - I say this super gently - as there is much at stake here, but whilst I completely disagree with HOW this is happening, we do need to see that the current (global) education system is also failing us in many ways. I wrote in my book about a conversation that was had between 100 eyes and the great Khan, it was in the tv series yes, but its essence holds much value - 100 eyes as an often adviser to Khan said - 'to fight the system is futile if you dont have an inspiring alternative' ... ( it was Kublai Khan's desire to one day bring all of China under one rule. It was at this point in discussion with 100 Eyes as a wise counsel that he said the desire to lead people together under one rule was ambitious and futile if they do not know where they are heading, in order to bring those you seek to know your way with you, you must show them the inspiring alternative.)
I see this moment as being a HUGE problem mostly because nothing else has been offered or created despite many of us working in many fields to do so- the truth is the books need to be thrown away that don't tell the true history of this world - and the wrongs - and the invasions - and the deceit... is this a moment where we can actually see whats happening and make it work for us? Is the inspiring alternative one that can have history revealed - not rewritten - to offer us the ability to return to true diversity - one where we arent needing the DEI he has dissolved because we now offer equity through truly understanding what the world has endured and how we can come together moving forward?
Sure perhaps that wont be offered through T but what if this is a way we can begin to use his damage (which in his eyes is building a great america or greater power for the world) to actually build an inspiring alternative (in all the areas he is canon balling) that we begin to build DESPITE the shit show he is creating? To me it is akin to you asking all of us to connect to alternative sources of Media to stay up to date on the travesty that is occurring - DESPITE whats happening in the media - we can build outside of this and support and connect and we can do the very same once we recognise the alternatives and build upon them. IMO
I hope this was sent to the Democrats in the House and Senate. They need to get busy with fighting against Trump and his army of ignorant, greedy, hateful trolls!
Just want reiterate yours is the Substack I most often quote and refer people to as I appreciate your critical analysis along with examples,often personal. Your perspective helps me consider my own ignorance or perhaps even bias- unrecognized though it may be. Thank you for your continued work here.
I am sorry your partner is part of the collateral damage of this reckless regime. Please encourage your partner to call or email her U.S. senators and Congress person and complain about this. We cannot be silent. If we are silent they will think we agree or we do not care what they are doing. Good luck.
Hope you or your partner contact your local paper, put it out on your social media sites, contact all your Senators and Representatives both State and Federal.
This is a travesty- I will be using your story when I call on my Senators an Representatives.
I hope you:your partner can hang in there financially and this wrong gets righted.
Purportedly Elon has said there will be mistakes and we’ll fix em-push this when you make your calls. Call as oft as you can.
It’s no surprise that The Fapweasel wants to do away with The Department of Education. He never cared for school and has no respect for teachers. He told off his professors, and spent his college years cutting classes. His diploma was bought and paid for by his father, who probably didn't care that he cheated his way through. As to who he picked, he chose about the worst person for the job. She was never a classroom teacher or even a school administrator. She’s is a total waste of office space!
The reason we have a federal Department of Education is to insure that students who live in different parts of the country have the same basic standards for their education. Especially in light of how people move from state to state it was considered important to provide equal education (I know the word “equal” is now considered bad!). We need public education. It was bad enough when they started banning books, and put an unqualified wrestling promoter in charge of a department, but to dismantle it entirely is egregious. Not everyone can afford private school for their kids. Public education is essential!
Everyone keeps outlining great things for Dems to do but they DO NOTHING. Oh they do keep asking for money. Not sure what we have to do to make them listen.
It is very hard to get things done when you don’t have a majority, & The Fapweasel has all the Republicans under his thumb. He won’t back their re-election, and put up an opposition candidate who is unquestioningly loyal to him (bought & paid for).
They can do what Qasim and many others have suggested. They could have daily pressers with their own messaging on what GOP have done that day. They could have had a much more impactful person do the rebuttal the other night. A Substack writer suggested a veteran who was fired could have been great. No they are sitting back making money from big donors to do nothing while also asking us all to donate to them doing nothing.
Also, while they were in power they could have pushed Biden to replace Garland and convict this bastard. They could have expanded the Supreme Court. They also did nothing (oh but genocide) while in office.
Exactly my frustration. They keep throwing up their hands like they're completely powerless. If they actually believe they are powerless then give up your seat. But you won't because you know it has power. What you fear is being accountable.
💯. So frustrating. But thank you for doing what you are doing- as it’s necessary. I hope someone wakes up and listens and acts with them. In the meantime we keep doing what we can.
Like the WWE, the Democrats will likely “tap out” to save what functionality the Dept Education does provide. Alternative leadership and extreme resistance may be needed beyond the burning of Tesla chargers in Boston.
Democrats have to fight fire with 🔥 fire! Our nations children will suffer. Black,brown and children with disabilities will suffer the most! 🤬🤬🤬🤬😈👿 STOP MUSK/TRUMP NOW
You made only the briefest of allusions to programs for the disabled and special ed. The majority of programs for the handicapped are funded by the DOE. While some of them like Vocational Rehabilitation might be moved to other departments, they might not. The initial memos on how to enforce his anti DEI order said DEIA. The A stands for accessibility. They won’t enforce ADA. I would love to see you use your soapbox to make people aware of how they are attacking the most vulnerable.
so - I say this super gently - as there is much at stake here, but whilst I completely disagree with HOW this is happening, we do need to see that the current (global) education system is also failing us in many ways. I wrote in my book about a conversation that was had between 100 eyes and the great Khan, it was in the tv series yes, but its essence holds much value - 100 eyes as an often adviser to Khan said - 'to fight the system is futile if you dont have an inspiring alternative' ... ( it was Kublai Khan's desire to one day bring all of China under one rule. It was at this point in discussion with 100 Eyes as a wise counsel that he said the desire to lead people together under one rule was ambitious and futile if they do not know where they are heading, in order to bring those you seek to know your way with you, you must show them the inspiring alternative.)
I see this moment as being a HUGE problem mostly because nothing else has been offered or created despite many of us working in many fields to do so- the truth is the books need to be thrown away that don't tell the true history of this world - and the wrongs - and the invasions - and the deceit... is this a moment where we can actually see whats happening and make it work for us? Is the inspiring alternative one that can have history revealed - not rewritten - to offer us the ability to return to true diversity - one where we arent needing the DEI he has dissolved because we now offer equity through truly understanding what the world has endured and how we can come together moving forward?
Sure perhaps that wont be offered through T but what if this is a way we can begin to use his damage (which in his eyes is building a great america or greater power for the world) to actually build an inspiring alternative (in all the areas he is canon balling) that we begin to build DESPITE the shit show he is creating? To me it is akin to you asking all of us to connect to alternative sources of Media to stay up to date on the travesty that is occurring - DESPITE whats happening in the media - we can build outside of this and support and connect and we can do the very same once we recognise the alternatives and build upon them. IMO
I hope this was sent to the Democrats in the House and Senate. They need to get busy with fighting against Trump and his army of ignorant, greedy, hateful trolls!
Just want reiterate yours is the Substack I most often quote and refer people to as I appreciate your critical analysis along with examples,often personal. Your perspective helps me consider my own ignorance or perhaps even bias- unrecognized though it may be. Thank you for your continued work here.
Re your action #6: Do you have recommendations for “creators of content” to invest in?
Yes. Many! A few on here I highly recommend.
@Dara Starr Tucker
@Salaam Bhatti
@Pari & Eve, MPH
@Lindsay Meyer-Harley
@Ayesha Noor
@Sylvia S
@Julie Oliver
Many many more.
Got it. And have read at least 4 of these- time to subscribe!
Today my partner tried to do her annual recertification for income based student loan repayments.
The whole thing is frozen because of the Trump administration.
Her student loan has more tripled because of that. I can’t imagine how many other people with student loans this will affect.
It will financially ruin thousands if not millions of people.
He’s the cruelest man alive. I’m so sorry Lee.
I am sorry your partner is part of the collateral damage of this reckless regime. Please encourage your partner to call or email her U.S. senators and Congress person and complain about this. We cannot be silent. If we are silent they will think we agree or we do not care what they are doing. Good luck.
Hope you or your partner contact your local paper, put it out on your social media sites, contact all your Senators and Representatives both State and Federal.
This is a travesty- I will be using your story when I call on my Senators an Representatives.
I hope you:your partner can hang in there financially and this wrong gets righted.
Purportedly Elon has said there will be mistakes and we’ll fix em-push this when you make your calls. Call as oft as you can.
It’s no surprise that The Fapweasel wants to do away with The Department of Education. He never cared for school and has no respect for teachers. He told off his professors, and spent his college years cutting classes. His diploma was bought and paid for by his father, who probably didn't care that he cheated his way through. As to who he picked, he chose about the worst person for the job. She was never a classroom teacher or even a school administrator. She’s is a total waste of office space!
Headlines like this really feel like there's a glitch in the Matrix 😐
Yeah its both absurd and completely true.
Well it appears you are definitely pro palestinian in spite of all the lies and hate they are spilling on campus and through you. very sad
I'm not understanding what this comment means?
One of the greatest tricks the Republicans pulled off is convincing lots of people that education is a liberal conspiracy.
The Republicans today want most people to be ignorant. It is easier to control them.
Reality has a liberal bias no doubt
Thank you for laying out the problem and the solution so clearly. Thank you for speaking the truth. 🙏🏼
An EO is NOT a law! Always remember this and stand firm!
The reason we have a federal Department of Education is to insure that students who live in different parts of the country have the same basic standards for their education. Especially in light of how people move from state to state it was considered important to provide equal education (I know the word “equal” is now considered bad!). We need public education. It was bad enough when they started banning books, and put an unqualified wrestling promoter in charge of a department, but to dismantle it entirely is egregious. Not everyone can afford private school for their kids. Public education is essential!
Everyone keeps outlining great things for Dems to do but they DO NOTHING. Oh they do keep asking for money. Not sure what we have to do to make them listen.
It is very hard to get things done when you don’t have a majority, & The Fapweasel has all the Republicans under his thumb. He won’t back their re-election, and put up an opposition candidate who is unquestioningly loyal to him (bought & paid for).
They can do what Qasim and many others have suggested. They could have daily pressers with their own messaging on what GOP have done that day. They could have had a much more impactful person do the rebuttal the other night. A Substack writer suggested a veteran who was fired could have been great. No they are sitting back making money from big donors to do nothing while also asking us all to donate to them doing nothing.
Also, while they were in power they could have pushed Biden to replace Garland and convict this bastard. They could have expanded the Supreme Court. They also did nothing (oh but genocide) while in office. - more
Exactly my frustration. They keep throwing up their hands like they're completely powerless. If they actually believe they are powerless then give up your seat. But you won't because you know it has power. What you fear is being accountable.
💯. So frustrating. But thank you for doing what you are doing- as it’s necessary. I hope someone wakes up and listens and acts with them. In the meantime we keep doing what we can.
Someone must take care of them.
In ANY way.
That’s enough.
Like the WWE, the Democrats will likely “tap out” to save what functionality the Dept Education does provide. Alternative leadership and extreme resistance may be needed beyond the burning of Tesla chargers in Boston.
Democrats have to fight fire with 🔥 fire! Our nations children will suffer. Black,brown and children with disabilities will suffer the most! 🤬🤬🤬🤬😈👿 STOP MUSK/TRUMP NOW