A “unified American identity”? Does he not realize that there are more religions here than just Christian or no? Guess I violate that by being a Pagan. This makes me feel like I’m living half in the 1800’s and half in 1930’s Germany. I say half 1800’s because this is some Know Nothing level of bullshit.

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Thank you

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The problem is they are making up whatever rules they want, as they go, while we're still "we go high" playing by the rules.

That makes penalties for us, but not for them. And is why we're knee-deep in fascism one week in.

How do we address this imbalance?

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It's extremely frustrating. Dem leadership needs to step up. Until they do, this will continue. It's hard to accept but the quickest fix still takes time. It involves starting locally and building coalitions. That's what I'm working on with this platform and with numerous candidates I support.

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I think with these crazy EOs we've finally reached the height of government overreach.I wonder how many of these will withstand legal and legislative challenges. They don't appear to be well constructed.

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Thank you Qasim, I love your concise explanations and evaluations.

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Thanks Leah, for reading and your kind support.

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Wow!!! Hate is not a strong enough word to describe how I feel about Trumpster fire , his gang of thieves and goons and anyone and everyone associated with him, MAGA, or 2025 - I am hoping for another pandemic that will neutralize that population since they are anti Vax 😈

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🙄🤦‍♂️😡 Trump is a cancer!

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I wasn't aware. Thank you for that sir.

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What in the world is our "unified American identity?" Assimilate into what? Are we all supposed to be sex offenders and felons like him in order to assimilate?

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Thank you for this information. I appreciate in your conclusion that you share ways to get involved and take action. I'd love recommendations on other good independent media news outlets (other than yours) to follow. Thanks again.

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Always! Thank you Rebekka. Being outraged at these injustices is natural, and my goal is to channel that rage into meaningful progress.

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If the 14th Amendment falls, the entire Constitution falls - including the 2nd Amendment. Who’s trying to take their guns now?

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Maybe not the whole Constitution, but certainly the part about states having to follow the Bill of Rights. Including the 2nd Amendment.

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Just spent time with my trans neighbor-their pain so evident and I’m sad to witness it. I’m motivated by this entire post and your ideas for action. I’m also willing to get arrested for speaking up for others and my own rights as an Irish-born Canadian expat married into a Muslim

Pakistani American family with mixed race kids. The amount of explaining and contextualizing we have to do to raise our children to see and understand what is happening around them is so hard.

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Thanks for this summary of the beginning of the destruction of the United States of America. The racists, bigots and white supremists are having their day. Meanwhile, the billionaires are stealing everything from us. I am completely with you on this. This man should be in prison instead of in the “White House”. The country hasn’t learned from its mistakes and now it is repeating them.

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I don't know how you do it. Every day there's a well-thought out summary of very complex issues. Thank you for your hard work and determination.

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Thank you, Nanette. My view is that trust is earned, and I want to continue to research and publish high quality content worth people's time and support. I'm grateful for your trust and support.

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An expectedly brilliant, if desperately depressing write up.

Thank you for all you do.

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Thank you, Lee.

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I'd like to suggest that in addition to the tips provided, we also 'do not give any benefit of doubt' to this administration and it's minions. No 'second chances.' The Rapist in Chief released terrorists. When they act up, they need to be treated like terrorists. In the moment, and in perpetuity. We now know, they will get away with it, again. Eliminate those possibilities.

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