You're on LSD if you think prices under Biden only rose 4.95%.

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I linked actual receipts. Thanks for your opinion though.

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I applaud your commitment to the truth, Qasim. Thank you!

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Thank you. I appreciate reading your posts each day. Candidly I have subscribed to a number of posts. Yours provides a deeper sense of thinking.

I am one of six children to the child of an immigrant from what is now the EU. I grew up in Chicago. My siblings, most have remained there. Me, I have night. My two children, after living in different places are in Chicago and New York.

I have shared with siblings ( we are open and somewhat close) with Trump’s first election, that I have the resources and will return to ( Ireland/ EU) to find and purchase a place where many( all) can come soon. We are Americans and more. America is in a very dangerous place.

My sister agreed with my considerations. At that time she did not laugh but did not think this change immediately important. It is now that time… so interesting.

As a country we are at grave risk if we do not educate ourselves to understand the changes we seek… now…

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Thank you for your support

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As you read this perhaps understand that as Americans who have thrived as first and second generation immigrants we understand and actively support efforts to support other immigrants from different places and countries. That is what American has been and could once again be.

I can share more about these steps. We must understand, be and lead the changes we seek as Americans.

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Pardoning the insurrectionist thugs that tRump forced out of the woodwork of hate still remains the most egregious flaunting of the justice system

The crooked patsies on the Supreme Court need to be dethroned for habitually ignoring the truth

Shame on the stooges

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Let us not forget he just made bribes legal for the Executive Branch. $20 million in foreign bribes (those discoverable, not the Putin payments?) in his last term, and the $1.78 billion embezzled including wire fraud from seniors.

And this: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-business-got-least-78-mln-foreign-payments-during-presidency-report-2024-01-04/

And this (reported by his biographer):


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Remember, Ben, I don't tolerate pro fascist and pro insurrectionist revisionist history on my page. Babbit committed violent insurrection, did not comply when ordered to stop, and died as a result. White supremacists love to tell innocent unarmed Black people to "simply comply" when illegally stopped by police, but suddenly when a Black cop is telling a white woman to stop violently breaking into the Capitol, the insurrectionist is the victim.

Take your racist and fascist apologist trash elsewhere. Thanks.

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Pretty sure at least another person got trampled to death(now called an overdose). Several deaths via heart attacks, a stroke, suicides, all a result. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/

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Class journalism. Thank you Qasim!

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Thanks Kelsey ❤️✊🏽

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Another one to save in my records! And thank you for listening, taking notes, and responding with facts. I and thousands of others can't take more than a minute of Trump's bullshit, so I thank you again for doing the work for us!

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Thank you friend

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Let’s do a thought experiment. Forget about Trump for a moment. Take some imaginary American President whose only allegiance is to Putin/Russia and they have made a plan to destroy America and all democratic countries. What would that look like? What actions would he take? How would he behave?

Now tell me that is not what is happening before our very eyes.

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I also think a lot of regular everyday MAGA folks (not the cretin repubs in office) but ordinary folks - have been bombarded so much and for so long and with such psychological warfare, targeting, disinformation, etc…that they have been the first casualties of the Trump/Russia assault on the USA, which has been happening at least since citizens united.

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100% agree

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We have struggled to comprehend this situation of Elon and his 20 something hackers at the treasury., I think we have struggled to describe what we were witnessing. It was an act of war by Trump/Elon/Russia against America. That’s what we all saw. We saw America being attacked.

Trump is working with Russia/Putin to destroy America. This is the start of WWIII. We need to name it. We have been attacked.

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I believe you are correct but Elon has a further plan to use all the data he downloaded into his private servers to power his new AI Platform. This is where the Sci Fi Computer Control scenarios start. All he needs to add is the information from the NSA to be able to blackmail or cut off the finances of anyone who disagrees with him.

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That’s right. TRUMP IS THE WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION. The power of naming it. America is under attack by Russia. Trump is a Russian asset. Russia, Putin, Trump, Vance, Musk are all a part of the same criminal syndicate, Russia. Knowing these things, we can now predict that there will be no true ceasefire in Ukraine. Trump and Putin’s intention is wiping democracy off the face of the earth. Russia will not stop its aggression and attacks on Ukraine for good. If Russia agrees to a ceasefire, it will not be honored. Trump’s allegiance is to Putin. Eyes wide open. If we name it we can see it and respond accordingly.

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This is true, and so transparent yet so outrageous that it seems most of the country is blind to it. The insanities that we are now facing in our polity are systematic attacks on our population, our government, our economy and our way of life. They are not simply the acts of a handful of crazies in service of a clique of power-hungry oligarchs. This is the effect of years of cultivation of Donald Trump as a Russian asset combined with infiltration of our media with Russian propaganda. Trump's greed, hubris and vanity have made him an easy mark and an easy target for blackmail. Putin helped Trump win this election and he helped him win in the 2016 election, and now he's calling in his cards -- Russian media is even bragging about it. They are relentlessly dismantling our country in a way none of us ever thought possible. And our robber barons are helping them do it. Your quote from James Baldwin is perfect -- "I don't think I'm in despair. I can't afford despair. I can't tell my nephew, my niece. You can't tell the children there's no hope."

I'm outraged.

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True, but I have hope. If we can cut through the disinformation and name it, we can do something. The most powerful thing we can do right now is naming what is happening. That is how we respond to this masterclass in disinformation warfare…we speak a true that is undeniable. We have been attacked by Trump/Russoa and they are trying to start WWIII. Warn everyone. Spread the word.

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Exactly, I agree. The truth has to be called out on every level. Every single lie, every single act of destruction. It has to be made personal (it is becoming personal to more and more people by the day, and it will get much worse). I think WWIII has already started, but without having to fire a shot.

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After researching this today there seems to be some question about whether he was referring to transgenic mice (produced via genetic manipulation and used in cancer research) or mice that are subjects in endocrine system experiments using male/female hormones to assess effects. Either way the mice are not transgender. Duh.

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Your comment that it was a master class in propaganda says it all, based on what I have read. I refuse to listen to or look at him for my own mental health.

I'm trying not to give up on current Democratic leadership, but they're not giving me much to be enthused about. Even our Senator Warner said that he was attending because he respects the office. Really? Trump doesn't respect it, so why bother?

However, I did just hear an interesting thought from the editor of the Bulwark that this attack on veterans and the VA may be the thing that eventually brings Trump down. He made many promises to veterans but now is cutting services and firing many of them. They will expect much more from him and turn on him if he reneges. I hope he's right.

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Truly upsetting to watch Dem leadership fail to meet this critical moment. What a shame.

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Thank you for making the sacrifice. I considered (ok, very briefly, from some misplaced sense of martyrdom for the greater good a/k/a pointless masochism) watching it myself but I couldn't bear the thought of either seeing his face or hearing his voice: just reading your synopsis made me a little queasy. Snark aside, all of us with an iota of conscience, ethics, morality, humanity or common decency need to be reminded on a regular basis of the obscene details of the ongoing travesty that is the current administration. Your work is admirable and it is crucial - and I'm sharing it with my vast group of (20 or so) Substack followers, some of whom, with luck, will be able to pass it along to larger followings. Thank you again.

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I'm honored to have your trust and support, Phillis. Thank you for sharing my content and thank you for reading it.

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Thank you, sir, for having the stomach to watch that utterance from the king of fools. I know that a change will come. I also know it will come from the masses and not from democratic leadership! The new leaders are emerging, but the old guard is trying to silence them. They don’t understand what is playing out in front of them. May they learn and get their act together.

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Thanks Huley. It was definitely a lift watching him spew out that nonsense.

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Thank you again, for the thorough fact checking 🙏 and how quickly it came out! I couldn't bear to listen to the orange man, so i really appreciate all your hard work!

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Appreciate you reading, Erin! Thank you.

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Eight years of "fact checking" and "debunking" have taught us nothing? FACTS DO NOT MATTER, in the era of Trump. Fact-check until you're blue in the face, but you're wasting your time. Nobody cares about facts, and I have yet to run into a single Trump voter whose mind was changed by providing information about erroneous statements he's made. If facts mattered, do you think we'd be where we are? There are better ways of spending your/our time.

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My goal is to get folks informed and active. I know I may not convince his base, but hopefully we can activate ours.

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I agree with Jennifer. Facts do matter. Sources matter. Getting more people out to vote matters. Getting people to participate in the election is very important. They can turn the tide of an election!

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Facts are more important than ever before. The more than mainstream media gets corrupted with the alt-right, and the more they downsize, and silence any opposition in multiple ways, i.e. racist and discriminatory firings of talented media professionals, the more that we must make reliable information available to the public and have credible people to do the research to push back on any disinformation. We must have facts as a basis to support a free and democratic society. Without facts we have no integrity/nothing to stand on. I am extremely grateful that we have independent media sources such as Qasim who will write comprehensive articles based on citing credible sources and factual information to the best of his ability. We need to fight back with independent news sources and work harder on the pushback, and not give up!!

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Yes, well said, Jennifer.

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Is there any way for the communities who have a Republican senator or house member to rescind their votes for those members positions?

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