Here's what's in the bill, why it is so dangerous, and the meaningful steps you can take to fight back, support women's health, and help block this bill from becoming law
Yeah since all life is sacred just kill the woman who seeks to control her own life, body, and destiny!
And i would like to execute them for being stupid men. Fair right?
Wow. South Carolina men about to get real lonely.
Oh look a bill about women’s health created by white men. surprise surprise.
All mediocre white men involved. Go figure.
When all this is said and done white men so worried about being a minority will be the skunk everyone runs from!
How are you doing
New forms for your dart board. These guys are lunatics. And were voted in?
Doesn’t seem very pro life to me, said the incubator. Men really have all the audacity
Good Lord!
Beyond sick
And I bet no social services for single mothers
Yeah since all life is sacred just kill the woman who seeks to control her own life, body, and destiny!
And i would like to execute them for being stupid men. Fair right?
Wow. South Carolina men about to get real lonely.
Oh look a bill about women’s health created by white men. surprise surprise.
All mediocre white men involved. Go figure.
When all this is said and done white men so worried about being a minority will be the skunk everyone runs from!
How are you doing
New forms for your dart board. These guys are lunatics. And were voted in?
Doesn’t seem very pro life to me, said the incubator. Men really have all the audacity
Good Lord!
Beyond sick
And I bet no social services for single mothers