Those 6 men would benefit mankind if they had themselves neutered.

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So, trying to get this right, they will execute, as in kill, any woman trying to get an abortion. If she's trying to get the procedure, she's still pregnant, right? Are they going to kill the pregnant mother and the fetus, together? Seriously???

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And which one of these yahoos will be arrested next for sex crimes? 🤔

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Burn the witches

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Last year, a similar bill was proposed in Brazil by a far-right lawmaker. It sought to impose a punishment equivalent to that for murder on women who undergo abortions, including victims of rape, women carrying anencephalic fetuses, or those whose pregnancy poses a serious risk to their lives. In Brazil, abortion is legal only in these three cases.

The proposal sparked widespread outrage. Society mobilized, protested, and sent petitions. The bill was dubbed the "Rapist’s Bill" by the media, as it imposed a significantly harsher penalty on the victim than on the perpetrator of rape itself. Due to intense public pressure, it was ultimately withdrawn from the agenda.

I hope you are also able to block this absurd measure.

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From six chubby white guys who never get any…we are a very fucked up country!!!

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Dreams of femacide.

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Bunch of cowards-all old white men- happy to yell women what to do- wonder how many of them are pedofiles

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So,umm, to save the baby, kill the mom, which will kill the baby? Or is it save the baby, then, after it’s born, kill the mom, ensuring a motherless baby? Are we thinking the dad will take over or the state? Since programs are being cut, I’m sure the state won’t be able to do this.

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Let’s introduce a bill to execute this stupidity. If you don’t vote these idiots out of office you are the problem.

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No viagra for you

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Better not get pregnant in S.C. - Oh, wait, next they’ll try to make a law requiring women to get pregnant because of plummeting birth rates in the state. 🤔

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Anyone who's a snowbird and owns property in that shit hole of a state, or any other shit hole red state, needs to sell and come back north. Nor, should anyone be vacationing in any of those shit hole states. FUCK THEM ALL.

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Creepy Republicans, always in our uterus’s

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Dear South Carolina, so you want to execute women who are in need of safe healthcare? How about instead we just castrate men, that way women won’t need to worry about getting pregnant until they relocate from your misogynistic, patriarchal white hypocritical state.

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