God bless you and your colleagues for the work you are doing to help those in dire need! You are a light in the darkness ✨️!❤️💯💯💯💯🙏🙏🙏🙏👏👏

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Thank you for helping. These people need help! Thanks for stepping up. True leadership

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This will repeat itself for decades to come, and longer unless we stop burning fossil fuels.

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Hello Qasim, I am so thankful for what you do. I just wish we could clone 100 of you and spread you around to where you are most needed. Stuyvesant

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Thank you for sharing your gifts with others- ane being a shining example of how to help people.

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Thank you for being a model of what humans should be to one another—especially in times of crisis.

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You and your colleagues are bright lights in a very dark time for so many. Beautiful work and words. Thank you and bless all with whom you are in contact.

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Thank you, KRiley.

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Thank you guys!!! 💕

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The victims of the LA fires will need lots of help navigating the insurance claims process. Following the 1991 Oakland Hills fire that destroyed 3,000 homes the insurance companies did everything they could with an army of lawyers and insurance adjusters to avoid paying claims. The dirty secret about insurance companies is that they often deny claims with the understanding that most people won’t appeal a denial or don’t understand the appeals process or policy holders don’t understand that they possess a legally enforceable contract with the insurance companies. Insurance companies can be compelled to fulfill their contactual obligations but it requires lawyers to compel insurance companies.

Insurance is the transfer of risk from an individual or business to an insurance company. Insurance companies have teams of actuaries who mathematically calculate risk. It is from those calculations that insurance companies can formulate insurance premiums for policy holders. Those premiums consider occasional payouts for insurance claims and an operational profit. The insurance companies also hedge their risk by purchasing re-insurance (insurance for insurance companies) from companies like Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway to cover unexpectedly high losses in the event of disaster or large civil lawsuit judgments. Yet, at a time like now in LA, the insurers will do their best to avoid paying claims as much as possible.

The efforts of Humanity First USA is truly commendable and needed for the victims of the LA fire victims!

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Donated also. Sick to death of ALL insurance companies!

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Thank you for providing this essential assistance and education.

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Thank you for being here and sharing these stories

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Thank you for your work with Humanity First and for these informative posts about the critically needed assistance being provided. I had never heard of Humanity First and their mission. I've donated and will continue.

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TYSM all of you! May your kindness return to you a thousand fold. Praying for everyone affected. Everyone. All stripes. Fire doesn't discriminate. Best wishes to all.

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Reading your posts is the highlight of my day. Thank you for all that you do.

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Grateful for your support, Michelle. Thank you. ❤️✊🏽

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Donated. You're doing such a service to the larger community. Thank you.

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Thank you for donating, Lois! Grateful!

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Qasim, Thank you for being here. I will share your information on my Next Door app.

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Wonderful. Thank you for helping spread the word!

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Just one detail -- where are you located? How can people reach you?

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NAACP Pasadena Branch @ 595 Lincoln Ave., Pasadena, CA. We'll be there on Thursday from 10am-3pm, and available via legalhelp@humanityfirstusa.org

If more lawyers sign up we'll be there Friday and beyond too.

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Thank you!

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