Thank you for this. I’ve been looking for guidance on action steps. You provided me this today. I followed your links and emailed all three of my local political leaders

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Fuck ‘em!

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I have no complaint about people who prefer fascist dictatorships. They should move to a country that has one. N Korea would be perfect. Russia would be great. Right now would be an excellent time to move a short distance to Venezuela.

As for executing women who get abortions, so much for the "pro-life" claim. But as for the hunger for executing people, there are some Middle East countries where they'd live very contentedly.

I do know democracy can be a mess. All those other people with contrasting views, and who have to be taken into account? No, this is not the right country for people who like things clear, predictable, and reliable. Harsh and unfeeling is a perfectly reasonable price to pay for tidiness.

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Great article, but reading through the comments as someone outside of America and learning how the “elected officials” have total disdain and refuse to engage with the people they are supposed to be representing, I don’t think solutions will come from waiting for Democrats to step up. They have shown themselves to be completely complicit. It’s a hard truth to swallow, but the quicker people realize it, the quicker people can focus on other strategies.

And time is not on your side! I believe democrats are not fanning the flames of resistance because they serve the same corporate powers. Trump convinced many voters he would improve their personal economic situation but it is becoming clear that he is working for the oligarchs. This is the opportunity you need to seize now.

Put aside the childish dem vs rep battle cries. The powerful are united under one banner of greed, now the people need to unite under one banner. They use culture wars to distract while they destroy everything. Cost of living crisis is the way to connect on both sides.

In Greece during their economic crisis, activists set up soup kitchens and wide variety of mutual aid groups that provided material support and ALSO educated recipients on how disaster capitalism and bankers were intent on destroying their livelihoods for their own enrichment. They helped deflect the anger up at the powerful instead of down at the refugees - which is what every authoritarian government does- directing hate and blame at the weak to hide the actions of the rich. Similar community education classes exposing the real intentions of Elon Et al could turn Maga hate in a more proactive direction…. Someone should make a simple class lesson on the predatory capitalism of American oligarchs to share with the people. Worth a try!! Good luck!!!

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This is a great piece.

In truth, I am scared out of my mind for what the next few years are going to look like and I’ve been looking to get more involved. Some great suggestions here.

Thanks for everything you do. Sincerely, you are a hero.

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Thank you for your timely message. This information is empowering.

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Powerful and totally spot on

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My senators and congressman won't email me back. I've been emailing multiple times a day for weeks. Only canned replies. They don't address any of my concerns or any questions I'm asking.

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Do you know of anyone who gets any more than canned (non)replies?

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I just emailed Chuck Schumer and demanded that he resign. I also called my congressblob, Joe Morelle, and left 2 voicemails asking when he will introduce articles of impeachment against Trump.. I suggest everyone call their representatives and do the same. And keep on doing it.

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We all do that. The electeds don't, as the French say, give a shit. And no, they're not in any way going to resign because the voters are dissatisfied with them. Their sole purpose in life is to spend their careers sucking off the government tit.

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What do you suppose the GOP would do to Biden if he were the one whose reckless bullshit caused that air collision that killed 62 people? What we need to do is tell our Congressblobs to stop the mealymouthed pronouncements and finger wagging, and start getting their shit together to impeach Trump. That's the priority at this moment.

I'm finally beginning to seriously consider leaving the Democratic party. I'm tired of the weak, do-nothing crap. "God is on his throne," my ass. And I'm calling my senator, Chuck Schumer, to tell him to resign.

I lived from 2011 to the end of 2016 in Egypt. Americans should be ashamed - when I returned to the US I was so happy to be home, but in those almost 6 years I saw more courage in the Egyptians than I have seen in "ordinary" Americans. Healthcare costs through the roof, no affordable housing, $5 for a loaf of bread, and people whined but voted for the same old shit. I came home to a country of people who think whining is the way to effect change. Maybe it's time for America to have a new revolution. Decades of threats to democracy by the Republicans went unanswered, and the doomsday clock is seconds away from midnight. We cannot vote our way out of this or post comments or commiserate. That shit hasn't worked. I'd been crying almost every day since November, and now 62 more people died because Americans voted for a grifter who is the devil incarnate.

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Gov. Whitmer chaired the Fight Like Hell pac-why aren’t they fighting?

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We're living in Nazi Germany. It quite striking the similarities between us.

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Also stay focused. Pick an angle/issue and become good at that angle/issue as an individual. We can't all defend everything at once. But it's like a choir - there's voices on every part. And we can all take breaths (breaks) as needed while the others keep holding the note. And practice excellent self-care. Your existence is the best resistance.

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You know something, Mr or Ms Groh, I am good at an angle/issue. I've been a medical doctor for 47 1/2 years. I don't believe in private money (donating) in politics, but I made some exceptions last year, because I panicked. Candidates ask for $3, or $5. I wrote back to Ocazio-Cortez's campaign and someone else's, and I offered to donate $1000 (a lot for me) in exchange for a phone conversation, or better yet, an in person visit which I would make to DC, to explain about what's terribly wrong with the medical industry in this country. And I said I preferred to talk to as many Congresspeople as possible, because none but a very few are medical doctors, and would have any way to understand the problems. Would you like to guess if I got any response?

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Let me guess: none?

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Sorry but not surprised to hear that. Thanks for trying.

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Absolutely right. No one person can solve every problem, but every person can try to solve one problem--they one they're most effectively equipped to address.

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Super great article Qasim! I enjoyed reading it! Imma share it! Thank you for continuing to be voice for the anti-fascist movement as we get our sea legs and figure out how to deal with this monster!

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Thank you for reading and sharing, Caroline! I appreciate you!

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thank you for your very clear explanations and for everything that you are doing!

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Absolutely. Hopefully we can get folks even more activated in their local communities.

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Thank you for the ideas. Like many here, I already call and email reps. As noted, they don't seem to care about constituent concerns. I hate to even voice this, but with Musk able to manipulate voting machines, (and I do think he can and probably did do that), none of these senators has anything to worry about in terms of getting reelected, because there's going to be support for them as long as they are loyal to Trump and the tech bros. And that's not to mention the Democrats that are going along with a lot of this because they want a Christian nation. Make no mistake, those people are not just Republicans. I have a very practical question to ask. If I go (grabbing a friend or not), to a local school board meeting, what am I doing? I know you can't say anything unless you're on the agenda. So how is my presence there going to help? This is something I'm willing to do but don't know exactly WHAT I'm doing. Any ideas are helpful, thanks!

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Funny you should say that, because every time I look at what the DNC is focused on it's "win elections." Well of course they have to win elections, it's just how they are going about it. It's now WE the People, which is me the people, ha.

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Nina, I'm sure I'm no different from you and everyone else here in that I spend a noteworthy part of my day signing petitions and adding a personal comment. Not one of them cares about constituent concerns. I even invite them to argue with me, and show me what I got wrong.

Dems don't go along because they agree. They go along because they don't want money and effort deployed against them.

As for school board meetings, or any other municipal meetings, they have a public comment opportunity. Often, you're limited to commenting only on topics on the agenda, and there's always a tight time limit: 2-3 minutes. But if you have something to say, then go say it.

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Thanks Fred, I think I'll just have to plan on going to all the school board meetings and if something comes up to address, I'll speak to it. I also just remembered the agenda has to be posted publicly 30 days before, so you are able to prepare a statement in advance too.

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We're all with you, my love. There's a universe of Substackers who fully agree with you. And the fact is that most Americans, when they're not hypnotized or in some inane stupor, agree with you. Even electeds agree with you, but their only goal is to get re-elected, so if they think they don't see support for your position, they'll go along to get along.

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