The two most powerful ways to destroy democracy in the long term is to destroy voting rights and public education. Therefore, We the People must take the initiative — indeed be on the offensive — to expand voting rights and provide for direct Federal investment and involvement in all public schools. In the longer term we must pass amendments to the Constitution guaranteeing the right to vote and the right to a quality public education. In support of the latter, I invite everyone to join the struggle for education equity and excellence at www.qualityeducationasaconstitutionalright.org

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They are running the Nazi playbook, circa 1933. Frighteningly similar.

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100% accurate.

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Aug 1Liked by Qasim Rashid

Qasim, the more I think about it, the more it seems that the return back to a more overt form of fascistic identitarian majoritarianism (that P25 represents) in Europe and North America ("the West") was inevitable. Unsurprisingly, the education policies you've broken down are taken straight out of the playbook of the colonial era, where missionaries monopolized the schooling system to disseminate a propogandized form of 'education' that ordained the hierarchy which placed the imperialist on the top.

But that's just it, the West has never truly left its imperialistic and fascistic past behind. That chapter never really closed. The superiority complex (e.g. manifest destiny) and the genocidal impulse that underpins it drove Europeans virtually wipe out natives to take their land in North America, Australia, Kenya, Algeria to name a few examples. And this fascistic instinct is very much alive and well, as the last 300 days in Gaza has demonstrated so painfully. After all, the occupation, the apartheid, the ethnic cleansing, the genocide - none of this would've been possible without the backing of an imperial power patron, a role that the collective West so gleefully and enthusiastically assumes.

Trump, Farage, Le Pen and the likes are just bringing home the violence, the belligerence, the bigotry that the West has been engaged in for decades in Asia and Africa - after the Second World War (against a different boogeyman of course, like 'commies' and later Muslims, after all the evil of fascism was supposedly defeated). For decades, Western elites put on an Oscar worthy charade of championing 'human rights' to fool it's own publics into believing that their actions around the world were 'principled' and 'well intentioned' to advance 'freedom' and 'democracy.' At some point, this bubble was surely going to burst, for it's fulled with the most noxious form of hypocrisy and lies. It just needed the housing bubble to burst first, and provide the necessary impetus for true colours of the so called 'civilised' West to be exposed for what it truly always was.

For anyone that's interested, Naomi Klein's addressed this idea of the fascism of the present being a seamless continuation of what transpired in the past in depth in a recent lecture in NYC: https://youtu.be/qCd75DFs5J4?si=JPW4X6sH_a0PIQdd

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They're desperate racists in a world that no longer is willing to submit to their unquestioned rule, and it scares them, so they're lashing out, including violently.

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But this isn't just contained to the MAGA movement Qasim. There's a sizeable portion of the so called establishment Democrats + Republicans who fundamentally believe in the Madeline Albright's 'indispensible nation' thesis (which, at its core is a deeply imperialist/supremicist view of America's role in the world).

The 'centrist' Dems + GOP have been 'lashing out' at this 'no longer willing to submit' trend for decades (certainly since Vietnam, although I would argue as far back as Korea). The fact that the cost has gotten ever greater with time (both in blood and treasure as well as the ever increasing inability to contain the consequences of such adventurism + social engineering offshore - what Chalmers Johnson referred to as 'blowback'), has fermented the resurgence of insular hypernationalism that the MAGA movement represents.

It's good ol' American arrogance that's manifesting itself in two ways now. There's been the centrist hubris, which is to put your head in the sand and pretend that we're still in the 1989 unipolar moment where 'America stands taller and sees further'. And more recently, there's MAGA which I think correctly recognises that the adventurism abroad has been an absolute disaster, but channels the backlash against immigrants, foreigners, ethnic and religious minorities, LGBTQ+, CRT, women who want to have the right to choose and any other scapegoat it can find but the establishment (particularly the foreign and economic policy elites in the beltway).

Which begs the question, is more business as usual neo-liberal, neo-imperial centrist GOP + Dems the way to keep going to counter MAGA?

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Jul 31Liked by Qasim Rashid

Thanks again for a well written article. All of these points that you raise are in that document. Scary stuff. We really need to defeat these fascists! We also need to get people more interested in real history, not just a movie about history. Please keep up the outstanding work!

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Thank you friend!

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Jul 31Liked by Qasim Rashid

Excellent analysis!

You are being overly kind & generous when you use the word "ignore" in this sentence: "the group that claims 'color doesn’t matter,' would have us ignore that Black women suffer a 300% higher maternal mortality rate than white mothers..." The more accurate word for many would be "revel" or "rejoice". Many of them are sadists.

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Thank you, James. And yes well said on their intentions.

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Quasim, you are doing the job that the mainstream media should be doing... thank you, thank you. Project 2025 is the greatest threat that the republic has faced since the Civil War. I hope that you will offer the same thorough treatment on other aspects of this this traitorous plan. Much aloha...

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Thank you, Gail. I'm plugging through it one topic at a time. Still need to cover several more including immigration, climate, veterans, and more.

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Jul 31Liked by Qasim Rashid

Sadly, one’s zip code today is the best predictor of health status as well.

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Exactly right. We still live in a deeply segregated society.

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Jul 31Liked by Qasim Rashid

You Qasim are officially hero status in my reading.

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You're too kind, Dan. Thank you for your kind support.

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Shell Oil

found bankrolling 2025 Project.

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Jul 31Liked by Qasim Rashid

Your coverage is always so reliable. I was once invited to a so called debate between Bill O'Reilly and Glen Beck in St. Louis, long before Trump's rise in politics. I was dismayed at the false pretense under which I was invited since this was not a liberal versus conservative debate as touted but all conservative with some pretty shockingly stupid positions- Obama must be a socialist since his grandparents came from Hawaii. They also wanted to throw history books out. Wow. Glen Beck really is so dumb, but the view that took the cake and made me almost physically ill was how many people cheered and hooted when Glen Beck expressed his disdain for even having public education. I am so grateful to have a public education from kindergarten through law school.

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Thank you, Penni. And wow what an experience.

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Jul 31Liked by Qasim Rashid

Maybe it was supposed to be conservative vs. fascist, although I'm not sure which of them is the conservative & which the fascist. Both seem more the latter.

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I didn’t speak to my friend who invited me for over a year. I was really pissed being placed in a room full of crowded nonsense. I was very uncomfortable as my blood boiled repeatedly.

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I would not like that, either. It's a feeling of being trapped in a place where you don't want to be & around people with whom you don't want to be.

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Jul 31Liked by Qasim Rashid

Sends shivers up my spine. We can’t let these people who hate America’s principles anywhere near any position of power.

Once again, thank you for reading and summarizing the document.

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Agreed. It’s horrifying

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