Place Blame for MAGA Abortion Bans Where it Belongs
The response to my viral article yesterday has been outrage, appreciation, and a bizarre demonization of Islam and Muslims — here's what's wrong with that picture
My article yesterday on South Carolina MAGA extremists introducing a bill to execute women who receive an abortion, has already been read by more than 50,000 people, with praise from MSNBC’s Joy-Ann Reid, and re-posted thousands of times across the Internet.
And in response, I’ve received dozens of comments and messages appreciating the insight and the calls to action. And, I’ve received responses to the effect of, “What is this Shariah law?” or “What’s next? Burkas?” or “Might as well live in Afghanistan.” Here’s the thing. Demonizing Islam and Muslims is not the answer to the crisis we face, both because it ignores the root of this crisis, and because it further demonizes an already marginalized community in the United States. Let’s Address This.
It is critical we understand that the right wing extremism we are seeing in the United States is home grown. It is not due to any ‘outside’ faith, religion, or nationality. These MAGA abortion bans calling to kill women who get an abortion are 100% “Christian” nationalism. (I put the word Christian in quotation marks to ensure I distinguish from the compassionate teachings of Christ vs the right wing theocratic extremists we’re witnessing in political power). Any attempt to allege that right wing ‘Christian’ extremists hijacking Christianity to Christianize America and demand Christian theocracy is anything but homegrown extremism is both false, and dangerously misses how to address this crisis.

Likewise, please understand that it is incredibly racist to see something xenophobic, misogynist, or unjust done by American citizens (who, again, claim they are Christian no less) and respond with “What are we a bunch of Muslims?” Such a response divests us as Americans of responsibility, accountability, or influence to counter these acts of extremism. We can rectify them, but it will require recognizing them for what they are, not by fabricating a charicature in our minds that does not exist in reality.
Finally, for those actually interested on what Islam has to say on the issue of abortion, Islam takes a very similar approach to Judaism in prioritizing the life of the mother. So, as your friendly local American Muslim and lawyer, I’m here to remind you Islamic Sharia permits abortion generally up to 120 days, and also for rape/incest, when the fetus is non-viable, to save the mother’s life—and most importantly—as a decision between a woman and her physician.
So my gentle ask is—stop using our faith as your punchline. MAGA abortion bans are 100% ‘Christian’ nationalism, and it is critical we stand united across all faiths and no faith against this extremism. Because in doing so, not only do we prevent xenophobia and misinformation from spreading, but just as if not more importantly, we stand the best possible chance of ensuring we are blocking bad legislation, and advancing meaningful legislation to protect women’s healthcare.
Totally agree. I think the distinction is more that these "Christian" nationalists are using the same playbook as other religiously-affiliated terrorist networks like the Taliban or ISIS (which are often wrongly equivocated with Islam as a whole), whereas, generally speaking, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity as adopted by non-nationalist groups have a lot more in common than many folks may realize.
What do these so-called pro-lifers get out of outlawing abortion? Rape is not about sex. It is about control, the old keep them barefoot and pregnant thing, with a heavy dose of violence. They don’t want independent women who can pay their own way.