The backlash to the horrific New Orleans massacre is already demonizing immigrants, American Muslims, and all Muslims globally — and corporate media remains complicit
I think it’s also important to note the difference in coverage between the events in New Orleans which is on the news 24/7 (while mentioning the religion of the perpetrator) with the events in Las Vegas which are barely being covered (and the race and religion of this perpetrator is not even brought up). Double standards thru and thru. ALL white people are NOT being vilified for his actions. Maybe we should be so we can feel the injustice of being blamed for another person’s actions based on our race or religion.
Sen Kennedy at a press conference was quick to exploit the events by implying the Govt (of Biden) would attempt to cover things up, whatever those "things" might be.
Excellent article QR. Keep up the good work. It is amazing isn’t it? Trump and his circus return to the same old playbook and mainstream media does another repeat. I know it upsets you and many of your readers. But, we all know this is not going to stop. Trump and his kind of hustlers realized many years ago this one thing how big media/“news” organizations have evolved. Over the last 60 years, mainstream news has drifted from trying to be neutral fact gathering entities to now being full blown gossip/entertainment money making businesses. They all are reality TV actors/shows now. They pretend to be dedicated professionals in the endless pursuit of truth and the “real” story. When in fact, they are quite the opposite. This trend has only quickened over the last 15 years. Why? Look who owns many of the “news” outlets now. These people are not journalists, they are money people. Over the years many journalists employed by these outlets would protest internally over story presentation. When stories were wrong, they pushed for quick retractions and the true story to be repeatedly stated. These journalists are no longer employed by the large outlets. A prime example is Mehdi Hasan. And he is just one of many. Many regard him as honest, straightforward, and a neutral professional. MSNBC threw him out the back door into the alley when they received the slightest amount of criticism/complaints of him. The signal was received by many. “Play ball”, or you lose your livelihood and risk being blackballed. How can the situation be rectified and bring honor back to mainstream news? I believe by smaller, independent, dedicated news organizations and professionals. As younger generations of readers and viewers move away from mainstream, the big outlets will be forced to do a turnabout. You are helping this to come about Qasim. It will take more time, but stay on your path. You are helping to bring back honest journalism which in turn helps this country.
Remember, trump has told so many lies to mislead the public that he really doesn't have a specific platform to spit out more garbage. So he's basically latched onto the one tired, overused lie political hacks have used for decades, perhaps centuries... "Crime is Rampant, Save Your Family". Unfortunately, as we have witnessed many times over, it works!!!
I had NO idea Stephen Miller was Jewish! OMG -- how could someone with his background become such a disgusting, fascist, racist, hideous human being? I thought for sure he came from German stock a la Adolph Eichmann, as he bears a strange resemblance to him. Wow. What a mess!
Mr Katz, I grew up Jewish (holidays, Saturday school, Bar Mitzvah, etc). I'm going to take the liberty to guess from your last name that you're Jewish. Please give some further thought to your reaction of disbelief that any Jewish person could possibly be disgusting, fascist, racist, and hideous. You might consider what's going on the Middle East, especially Israel and Palestine (Gaza Strip and West Bank, for example), right now. Are you sure it's unimaginable to you that Jews could be this way? It was easier for you to understand Miller when you thought he was German, like Eichmann and the Nazis. I assume you're aware that the Nazis talked about the "final solution to the Jewish problem." Are you aware that the Israelis have talked, in a somehow uninhibited way that lacks any sense of self-awareness, about the "final solution to the Palestinian problem?"
I don't think that's realistic, especially since one-third of Israelis are Arab Palestinians. I don't think Israel has any plan to take out one third of their own population or their own Army. Miller is an American, first of all, and has no business, no matter what heritage he is, thinking or acting the way he does. Neither does his cult leader. What has been happening in Gaza is tragic, and the death toll has been insane, but in no way does it relate to "the final solution." There are 300 million Arabs in the world. A Palestinian is, by definition of the Palestinian Charter as written by Arafat in the 1960s, any Arab who was born in or lives in Palestine. It's a location, not actually an ethnicity. And it's not a religion. While I don't doubt a two state solution -- which was supposed to happen since 1948, but the Arabs never got it together -- is off the table for many, it's the only way things will ever be resolved in the Middle East. I hope I see it begin to happen in our lifetime. It's a nightmare that Israel "snapped" (to borrow the title of the crime show), but that's what appears to have happened. It's related to state security and the elimination of Hamas and other terror groups hiding amongst a general population; and not genetic, ethnic cleansing. I simply refuse to believe otherwise.
I just quoted what Israelis have said: "the final solution to the Palestinian problem."
I don't think Israel snapped. They've been subject to suicide bombers in the past. I think it's Netanyahu distracting Israel and Israelis from his problems.
I have a friend who's from Israel, and he says the same thing you say: "I simply refuse to believe." That sort of becomes the end of the conversation.
Saying "Israelis have said" is sort of generic. Which Israelis? And yes, it may be distraction for Netanyahu, but he's not working in a vacuum. What does suicide bombers have to do with a terror attack that killed more than 1,000 people? And a sea of terrorist tunnels under land that was supposed to become "a state?" Israel has been attacked continually since 1948, with major wars in 1967, 1973 and I could go on, but it's been non-stop since the UN vote, and that's pretty tiring, if you ask me. Is there some point when the Arab League will "get it?" We're talking about the building of a super power on one side, and the other ... nothing. That's a lot of decades and a lots of billions squandered by the PA. Arafat personally was worth BILLIONS. I simply don't know who you are talking about? Are there horrible people in Israel? There are horrible people everywhere.
It is maddening that the New York Times is trying to sensationalize this with a xenophobic and false link to Palestine & Lebanon. While the US should be reexamining the priorities of sending ammunition that is being used for genocide, instead the media is needlessly bashing the victims. Infuriating.
Qasim, you have your work cut out for you. (Better yet, our work, we all have work to do)! Knowledge has become so dangerous that multiple states have banned the teaching of American history to kids. Books are being banned and some burned in this great industrialized country. Critical Race Theory (CRT), a course taught only in Law Schools, is now a weapon used to claim exemption from knowledge. Serious adults claim your 3rd grader goes to school in the morning and returns home as Ashley, completely transmogrified! American History is being taught to make students feel good about themselves and their heritage, the purity of the founding fathers (leave out the part that most were slave owners). Not taught is that true history which makes kids uncomfortable but with hopefulness that it’s also the history of a people who pledged to work toward a more perfect union. Add the enormous contribution from the Muslim culture, one that gave us algebra, numerous inventions to humanity and brought civilization to Spain! Forget it! Smoke would ooze from the ears of bigots.
So, Qasim, soldier on. Shed light on darkness no matter what!
One Muslim American commits an act of violence and it's all Muslims; meanwhile near daily acts of violence are committed by Christian Americans and nobody says anything. We're a nation of hypocrites.
None of us should be surprised that MAGA politicians are exploiting this tragedy for their own purposes. It is what these scum do. How best to respond? We can chastise them and the complicit media all day long, and the MAGAs will just laugh. We can point out how unfair and illogical it is to demonize all Muslims based on the behavior of one sick ISIS sympathizer. When I have tried to make this argument, I have found that anti-Islamic individuals claim that the entire Islamic culture is at fault, for example, this Substack post, . The author of that post asks a probing question, "But where are the muslim organisations, or protests, or viral social media campaigns, or Islamic leaders saying 'Not in our name,' after what happened on October 7?" I find myself wondering whether it matters what I say or even what Qasim says with his wonderful outreach. Wouldn't it be more effective if Muslim leaders around the world, with one, strong, unified voice, decry both the behavior of terrorists and the American politicians who try to cash in on terrorist atrocities?
I agree with your conclusions. You’re spot on about demonizing a whole people for the actions of a few. Hurts when it hits home and suddenly one is on the defense explains their right to exist and be.
Finding common ground to stand up to hate would be the strongest way forward for all minorities.
Your angst is noted, but isn't the real story, which no-one, including yourself, has addressed, is the radical Islamic conversion of an American soldier who grew-up in your TX, driving him to commit murder/suicide? NOLA and LVNV are well known as the twin "sin cities" of the US and bound to be prime targets for any radicalized fundamentalist to target in a murder/suicide attack. The MSM you attack passionately has informed us that the NO attacker had three failed marriages and 3 children he was estranged from as a result. His photo is that of a very angry man, irrespective of his religion, perhaps attracted to the paternalistic culture so much a part of the Muslim community at large (pls forgive the common generalization). Why did they divorce him?
ABC, to their credit ran a story online at 6:15AM today giving the history of these marriages, but without depth, except to cite money problems and failed support payments. This was a deeply unhappy man who carried out the sadly familiar scenario of murder/suicide, perhaps in a misogynistic last act. As for Our Mad King (wannabe) Donald 1st, he is a dangerous con-artist and does not have the best interests of the US at heart, which has been covered at length in the liberal and alternative press.
I have been married and divorced 4 times, fathered 4 children who never speak to me, and at 79 have finally come to realize that I was sexually, emotionally, and spiritually abused throughout my childhood. I self-medicated with marijuana, alcohol, sedatives for 25 yrs. and have been clean and sober for 13yrs. 25 yrs in and out of 12-step groups and practicing the spiritual program of SA recovery laid out in "Alcoholics Anonymous" has freed me from my hatred of any and all who wronged me. I understand where this seeming monster and you are coming from. God help us, one and all.
I think ISIS wasn't really any issue -- it was the formalized sexism and misogyny it offers that is the "real" issue. Is that what you are trying to say? Unfortunately, extremism in Christianity, and in most religions, falls back on sexism and misogyny, too, because power can be achieved over women easily, when it can't be achieved over other men so easily. Men seem to need power over others to feel like men (sometimes). But failed marriages, money woes, and other such issues might be the "real" issue for the individual who is losing his s--t, but politicians are instead blaming eastern religions. However, the GOP and their anti-female stance (anti rights, anti-abortion, pro legislation against women's healthcare, etc.) are all equally the reason so many women are murdered in America, sometimes, ultimately, by the state who eliminates their rights to proper healthcare. The fallout for Muslims being blamed for this perpetrator's mania is what this essay is about. Meanwhile, what all these politicians are doing, really, is supporting the hatred of others. It's just different "others." It's a round-robin of the blame game. I am sorry for your past woes, and I am glad that you got to the root of your problems without physically harming others. But how do we tell these feckless right wing politicians that they are every bit as lousy as ISIS?
No. That isn’t the “real” story. What evidence do you have that’s the “real” story.
America is majority Christian, and is the 10th most dangerous nation on earth for women. More than 1600 woman are murdered every year by their husbands and boyfriends. Vast majority are Christian. By your logic, should the story be “why are radical Christianist terrorists killing thousands of women annually?” Is that your argument? Seriously?
I don't think that's what the doctor was trying to say. I think what he was trying to say was that personal problems -- such as multiple divorces, money woes, sexual dysfunction, etc. -- were what really drove the perpetrator to such violence. But, of course it was, because irrational hatred and an inability to look inward is always the root of such random acts of irrational violence. Other than love (a crime of inflamed passion) or money (unbridled greed), most crime is just about irrationally "lashing out." If Americans had proper, affordable access to mental healthcare, and were trained to address the deep-seated problems of their youth, the crime rate would drop drastically.
It’s seems like a never-ending farce, but it will end alright - one way or the other..
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙂𝙊𝙋’𝙨 𝙒𝙖𝙧 𝙤𝙣 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚: 𝙁𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙢𝙥, 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙃𝙖𝙨 𝙏𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙎𝙩𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙂𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙖 𝘽𝙖𝙙 𝙅𝙤𝙠𝙚
I think it’s also important to note the difference in coverage between the events in New Orleans which is on the news 24/7 (while mentioning the religion of the perpetrator) with the events in Las Vegas which are barely being covered (and the race and religion of this perpetrator is not even brought up). Double standards thru and thru. ALL white people are NOT being vilified for his actions. Maybe we should be so we can feel the injustice of being blamed for another person’s actions based on our race or religion.
Sen Kennedy at a press conference was quick to exploit the events by implying the Govt (of Biden) would attempt to cover things up, whatever those "things" might be.
Excellent article QR. Keep up the good work. It is amazing isn’t it? Trump and his circus return to the same old playbook and mainstream media does another repeat. I know it upsets you and many of your readers. But, we all know this is not going to stop. Trump and his kind of hustlers realized many years ago this one thing how big media/“news” organizations have evolved. Over the last 60 years, mainstream news has drifted from trying to be neutral fact gathering entities to now being full blown gossip/entertainment money making businesses. They all are reality TV actors/shows now. They pretend to be dedicated professionals in the endless pursuit of truth and the “real” story. When in fact, they are quite the opposite. This trend has only quickened over the last 15 years. Why? Look who owns many of the “news” outlets now. These people are not journalists, they are money people. Over the years many journalists employed by these outlets would protest internally over story presentation. When stories were wrong, they pushed for quick retractions and the true story to be repeatedly stated. These journalists are no longer employed by the large outlets. A prime example is Mehdi Hasan. And he is just one of many. Many regard him as honest, straightforward, and a neutral professional. MSNBC threw him out the back door into the alley when they received the slightest amount of criticism/complaints of him. The signal was received by many. “Play ball”, or you lose your livelihood and risk being blackballed. How can the situation be rectified and bring honor back to mainstream news? I believe by smaller, independent, dedicated news organizations and professionals. As younger generations of readers and viewers move away from mainstream, the big outlets will be forced to do a turnabout. You are helping this to come about Qasim. It will take more time, but stay on your path. You are helping to bring back honest journalism which in turn helps this country.
Remember, trump has told so many lies to mislead the public that he really doesn't have a specific platform to spit out more garbage. So he's basically latched onto the one tired, overused lie political hacks have used for decades, perhaps centuries... "Crime is Rampant, Save Your Family". Unfortunately, as we have witnessed many times over, it works!!!
I had NO idea Stephen Miller was Jewish! OMG -- how could someone with his background become such a disgusting, fascist, racist, hideous human being? I thought for sure he came from German stock a la Adolph Eichmann, as he bears a strange resemblance to him. Wow. What a mess!
Mr Katz, I grew up Jewish (holidays, Saturday school, Bar Mitzvah, etc). I'm going to take the liberty to guess from your last name that you're Jewish. Please give some further thought to your reaction of disbelief that any Jewish person could possibly be disgusting, fascist, racist, and hideous. You might consider what's going on the Middle East, especially Israel and Palestine (Gaza Strip and West Bank, for example), right now. Are you sure it's unimaginable to you that Jews could be this way? It was easier for you to understand Miller when you thought he was German, like Eichmann and the Nazis. I assume you're aware that the Nazis talked about the "final solution to the Jewish problem." Are you aware that the Israelis have talked, in a somehow uninhibited way that lacks any sense of self-awareness, about the "final solution to the Palestinian problem?"
I don't think that's realistic, especially since one-third of Israelis are Arab Palestinians. I don't think Israel has any plan to take out one third of their own population or their own Army. Miller is an American, first of all, and has no business, no matter what heritage he is, thinking or acting the way he does. Neither does his cult leader. What has been happening in Gaza is tragic, and the death toll has been insane, but in no way does it relate to "the final solution." There are 300 million Arabs in the world. A Palestinian is, by definition of the Palestinian Charter as written by Arafat in the 1960s, any Arab who was born in or lives in Palestine. It's a location, not actually an ethnicity. And it's not a religion. While I don't doubt a two state solution -- which was supposed to happen since 1948, but the Arabs never got it together -- is off the table for many, it's the only way things will ever be resolved in the Middle East. I hope I see it begin to happen in our lifetime. It's a nightmare that Israel "snapped" (to borrow the title of the crime show), but that's what appears to have happened. It's related to state security and the elimination of Hamas and other terror groups hiding amongst a general population; and not genetic, ethnic cleansing. I simply refuse to believe otherwise.
I just quoted what Israelis have said: "the final solution to the Palestinian problem."
I don't think Israel snapped. They've been subject to suicide bombers in the past. I think it's Netanyahu distracting Israel and Israelis from his problems.
I have a friend who's from Israel, and he says the same thing you say: "I simply refuse to believe." That sort of becomes the end of the conversation.
Saying "Israelis have said" is sort of generic. Which Israelis? And yes, it may be distraction for Netanyahu, but he's not working in a vacuum. What does suicide bombers have to do with a terror attack that killed more than 1,000 people? And a sea of terrorist tunnels under land that was supposed to become "a state?" Israel has been attacked continually since 1948, with major wars in 1967, 1973 and I could go on, but it's been non-stop since the UN vote, and that's pretty tiring, if you ask me. Is there some point when the Arab League will "get it?" We're talking about the building of a super power on one side, and the other ... nothing. That's a lot of decades and a lots of billions squandered by the PA. Arafat personally was worth BILLIONS. I simply don't know who you are talking about? Are there horrible people in Israel? There are horrible people everywhere.
It is maddening that the New York Times is trying to sensationalize this with a xenophobic and false link to Palestine & Lebanon. While the US should be reexamining the priorities of sending ammunition that is being used for genocide, instead the media is needlessly bashing the victims. Infuriating.
Qasim, you have your work cut out for you. (Better yet, our work, we all have work to do)! Knowledge has become so dangerous that multiple states have banned the teaching of American history to kids. Books are being banned and some burned in this great industrialized country. Critical Race Theory (CRT), a course taught only in Law Schools, is now a weapon used to claim exemption from knowledge. Serious adults claim your 3rd grader goes to school in the morning and returns home as Ashley, completely transmogrified! American History is being taught to make students feel good about themselves and their heritage, the purity of the founding fathers (leave out the part that most were slave owners). Not taught is that true history which makes kids uncomfortable but with hopefulness that it’s also the history of a people who pledged to work toward a more perfect union. Add the enormous contribution from the Muslim culture, one that gave us algebra, numerous inventions to humanity and brought civilization to Spain! Forget it! Smoke would ooze from the ears of bigots.
So, Qasim, soldier on. Shed light on darkness no matter what!
One Muslim American commits an act of violence and it's all Muslims; meanwhile near daily acts of violence are committed by Christian Americans and nobody says anything. We're a nation of hypocrites.
In hundreds of ways.
The crime rate in this country is like nobody has ever seen before?…. Yeah… by republicans!!
“Truth matters, and we cannot let it drown under the noise of hate and propaganda.” Thank you for your work not letting Truth be drowned out.
None of us should be surprised that MAGA politicians are exploiting this tragedy for their own purposes. It is what these scum do. How best to respond? We can chastise them and the complicit media all day long, and the MAGAs will just laugh. We can point out how unfair and illogical it is to demonize all Muslims based on the behavior of one sick ISIS sympathizer. When I have tried to make this argument, I have found that anti-Islamic individuals claim that the entire Islamic culture is at fault, for example, this Substack post, . The author of that post asks a probing question, "But where are the muslim organisations, or protests, or viral social media campaigns, or Islamic leaders saying 'Not in our name,' after what happened on October 7?" I find myself wondering whether it matters what I say or even what Qasim says with his wonderful outreach. Wouldn't it be more effective if Muslim leaders around the world, with one, strong, unified voice, decry both the behavior of terrorists and the American politicians who try to cash in on terrorist atrocities?
I agree with your conclusions. You’re spot on about demonizing a whole people for the actions of a few. Hurts when it hits home and suddenly one is on the defense explains their right to exist and be.
Finding common ground to stand up to hate would be the strongest way forward for all minorities.
Thank you
🫶🏻 Stand together, Stand strong
Your angst is noted, but isn't the real story, which no-one, including yourself, has addressed, is the radical Islamic conversion of an American soldier who grew-up in your TX, driving him to commit murder/suicide? NOLA and LVNV are well known as the twin "sin cities" of the US and bound to be prime targets for any radicalized fundamentalist to target in a murder/suicide attack. The MSM you attack passionately has informed us that the NO attacker had three failed marriages and 3 children he was estranged from as a result. His photo is that of a very angry man, irrespective of his religion, perhaps attracted to the paternalistic culture so much a part of the Muslim community at large (pls forgive the common generalization). Why did they divorce him?
ABC, to their credit ran a story online at 6:15AM today giving the history of these marriages, but without depth, except to cite money problems and failed support payments. This was a deeply unhappy man who carried out the sadly familiar scenario of murder/suicide, perhaps in a misogynistic last act. As for Our Mad King (wannabe) Donald 1st, he is a dangerous con-artist and does not have the best interests of the US at heart, which has been covered at length in the liberal and alternative press.
I have been married and divorced 4 times, fathered 4 children who never speak to me, and at 79 have finally come to realize that I was sexually, emotionally, and spiritually abused throughout my childhood. I self-medicated with marijuana, alcohol, sedatives for 25 yrs. and have been clean and sober for 13yrs. 25 yrs in and out of 12-step groups and practicing the spiritual program of SA recovery laid out in "Alcoholics Anonymous" has freed me from my hatred of any and all who wronged me. I understand where this seeming monster and you are coming from. God help us, one and all.
I think ISIS wasn't really any issue -- it was the formalized sexism and misogyny it offers that is the "real" issue. Is that what you are trying to say? Unfortunately, extremism in Christianity, and in most religions, falls back on sexism and misogyny, too, because power can be achieved over women easily, when it can't be achieved over other men so easily. Men seem to need power over others to feel like men (sometimes). But failed marriages, money woes, and other such issues might be the "real" issue for the individual who is losing his s--t, but politicians are instead blaming eastern religions. However, the GOP and their anti-female stance (anti rights, anti-abortion, pro legislation against women's healthcare, etc.) are all equally the reason so many women are murdered in America, sometimes, ultimately, by the state who eliminates their rights to proper healthcare. The fallout for Muslims being blamed for this perpetrator's mania is what this essay is about. Meanwhile, what all these politicians are doing, really, is supporting the hatred of others. It's just different "others." It's a round-robin of the blame game. I am sorry for your past woes, and I am glad that you got to the root of your problems without physically harming others. But how do we tell these feckless right wing politicians that they are every bit as lousy as ISIS?
No. That isn’t the “real” story. What evidence do you have that’s the “real” story.
America is majority Christian, and is the 10th most dangerous nation on earth for women. More than 1600 woman are murdered every year by their husbands and boyfriends. Vast majority are Christian. By your logic, should the story be “why are radical Christianist terrorists killing thousands of women annually?” Is that your argument? Seriously?
I don't think that's what the doctor was trying to say. I think what he was trying to say was that personal problems -- such as multiple divorces, money woes, sexual dysfunction, etc. -- were what really drove the perpetrator to such violence. But, of course it was, because irrational hatred and an inability to look inward is always the root of such random acts of irrational violence. Other than love (a crime of inflamed passion) or money (unbridled greed), most crime is just about irrationally "lashing out." If Americans had proper, affordable access to mental healthcare, and were trained to address the deep-seated problems of their youth, the crime rate would drop drastically.
Trump's statement about crime is a blatant lie, being that crime under Biden has declined considerably from the bump during the Trump administration.