It's so infuriating. Where are the Democrats? There's no outcry except for a few random officials with courage, like Rep. Raskin, former Rep. Adam Kinzinger, Rep. Maxwell Frost, and AOC. Everyone should be out in the streets and led by our congressional representatives, but they're nowhere to be found. Hiding in their offices will only lead to the continued assault on our freedoms. We are going through the same thing that happened in Germany in the 1930's. They learned too late, buried their heads in denial, and we're doing the exact same thing. Every one of us needs to get involved. These anti-DEI fascists are saying that if you are not a white straight fundamentalist male Christian, we're going to get rid of you. If every minority except these white men joined together as one, we would have a powerful revolution against the takeover by Trump/Musk, CPAC, ALEC, and all the other hateful scum now running our country.

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Thank you so much for this info!! Keep it coming!

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thank you

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While I agree with much in your piece, I'm sorry to say that all of us who seek genuine change are tired of the same refrain for so-called resistance. What you put quite an effort to elucidate here, appreciated as it is, offers nothing new, or anything that hasn't been tried, and failed numerous times. Take the example of Bernie Sanders.

Democrats and Republicans are two wings of the same vutrure vicious capitalism. What you and others repeatedly suggest cannot be more than an occasional tactic of an alternative and comprehensive strategy. Alas, such a strategy eludes the sincere precisely because the vision requires SACRIFICE, COURAGE and SHEDDING THE MIDDLE CLASS OUTLOOK. A different breed of leadership is required.

I write as a Palestinian "American". But my "Americanism" belongs to the Natives of the continent, the Blacks, and the millions of homeless, not the White settlers of the Trump ilk who still raise the death spear of the fascist Manifest Destiny and God's Chosen People.

It is ludicrous, if not even preposterous, for the USA to call itself America. By what right? Repeating misinformation does not make it true.

On the other hand, my Palestinianism is beyond geography because it is first and foremost Human. But be not confused, I will struggle to liberate Palestine from the yoke of settler colonialist "Isreal" and the US/NATO continuous genocide.

The US public needs to learn something from the over century long struggle of the Palestinian people and all the sacrifices they have been making on the altar of humanity's emancipation.

Until the US masses break free of the poisonous "American" delusion and begin thinking outside the confines of the box imprisoning them en-masse, we will all suffer the Einstein dilemma of doing the crazy thing of repeating the same thing over indefinitely and expecting different results.

Peace unto all.

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great article

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How is it the Germans are crowding their town squares by the tens of thousands and I have no concept of an outpouring like that here in the United States? Social media is engineering the social response. How do I get information for local walkouts and marches etc etc?

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Sadly most of us Americans can't afford (literally) to protest en masse; everything we need is tied to our work.

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I see many people in here talking about calling on the Democrats to help fight this, but I can’t help but wonder why they wouldn’t by default. I felt sold out by this last election and I feel more sold out by their lack of action. It makes me wonder if they actually want to help or if they’re in on it. Many are also career politicians.

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You're not alone, Thomas. I'm getting dozens of messages daily from fellow Democrats expressing the same frustration. It's truly upsetting to see the apathy from Dem leadership.

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Sheldon Whitehouse suggested the DNC create a war room to coordinate the entire resistance to MAGA fascists and take back our democracy. The far right billionaires are organized and coordinated but we're fragmented. What do others think?

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I agree completely. The DNC always shoots itself in the foot. They refuse to work by consensus.

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At a minimum. Absolutely. I'm shocked that they're still not getting it.

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Treasury controls Federal payroll and Federal retirement. The pressure being put on all Federal employees in every state is tremendous. Daily emails, email making offers that can't be trusted, and unable to do their work because funds are being withheld. Supporting federal employees by challenges to the scenarios that they are fraudulent, lazy, and inefficient is extremely important. The Civil Service works to provide programs and manage projects for the people per Congressional actions. It's critical to stop the demonizing and monetary threats to the backbone of our government.

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I have wondered if Drumpf's goal is to completely reset the world order by aligning us with dictatorships around the world. Maybe he is the Trojan horse sent by Putin to destroy us from the inside.

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absolutely; not just him, but his MAGA cohorts and members of The Heritage and Federalist Society, CPAC and ALEC; one of his next moves shortly is to end all public education.

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Having no Leaders, I agree, WE are the Leaders and doing something is always better than doing nothing. I have been urging people to hound their MOCS relentlessly, secure their property their home and their dollars and get LOUD. The only tested way to face off a Bully is with a good Offense. Thanks! I am passing this on to others—you are shining a Light into the Darkness and Light is what we see by.

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ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING! 🏅👏 A much needed Island in this>Tornado, hurricane, fire nightmare, the calm rational plans to survive this storm of insanity! Thank YOU Qasim Rashid! You are my Hero! This looked so hopeless, until I read your survivor plans! 💖✅

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Thank you, Stephanie. We need to continue to activate everyone we possibly can. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of starting local and protecting your local communities from Trump's fascist policies.

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Thanks for publicizing the General Strike. I wish it had more people and could happen sooner. And thanks for the reminders how to resist. But how do we resist and stop Elon Musk? He doesn't get a confirmation hearing. He doesn't work for the government, so he can't be impeached.

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Absolutely. Hopefully we can keep building. We must use all logical tools at our disposal.

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Great stuff. Appreciate your hard work and well thought out and researched article.

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Thanks Jared.

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What if the dems continue with their inaction? What can we do to rise above? How can we stop this? No one is stopping this. What about the military? I get a lot of push back from others saying that we need to invoke the 25th which we know Vance will never do and congress wil.never impeach and convict.

Plus scotus has given this presidential monster immunity. Why can't the military stop the clear and present danger to our entire country and the world from this sociopathic monster? I feel it's beyond just calling our senators ( not that it's stopped me from calling)

So I guess my question to you is can the military step in and stop this independently? And I mean without hegseth who is a disgrace. To stop and arrest the musk and the President for clearly being massively unfit and the only goal is to destroy us.

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This is brilliant Qasim. Really one of your very best. I’ve been singing much the same song on an issue by issue basis and people are taking action from what I am hearing from them. Let’s keep it up-relentlessly.

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Thank you Mark!

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