Gotta love (i.e. hate) it when literal nazis are hating on literal Aryans

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Can someone be Republican and not represent MAGA values?

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He and she have sold their souls. They pretend “they will make a difference”, it’s pure bullshit.

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Aug 2Edited

So in resisting this sort of violence against others, facts of experience are most effective. Direct experience and candid accounts of what prejudice-free relationships are like are what change attitudes, lessen fear-based mischaracterizations.

VP Pres Harris has a lot going for her in the way of experience to put before the public. Trump will make all sorts of accusations and use inuendo... that's Trump, short on fact, long on his opinion.

The following seems to me important for Harris et al as a campaigning article; it is provided by Center for American Progress Action:

"Aug 1, 2024, Kamala Harris Knows How To Make Communities Safer -

Throughout her career, Kamala Harris has consistently delivered real solutions to keep communities safe by holding people accountable for serious crime, investing in crime prevention, and leading the country to a significant decline in violent crime.


This is a 'talking points' article in personal and other conversations about the importance to vote and the importance to vote Harris. It uses very clear and respected evidence of judicial integrity and effectiveness and of policy implementation that works to reform and return people to living lives for which they respect themselves and are respected for choosing.

This is the sort of character and accomplishment that Trump cannot claim for himself, that Roberts of Heritage cannot claim to be at the core of Project 2025; in other words, the extreme conservative opponents to American constitutional government are not pointing to this sort of constitutional and effective leadership and social accomplishment. By contrast, Harris can point to her choices and achievements, and we can speak about her choices and achievements when we are discussing with others the choice to vote and to vote Harris.

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This is one of those posts I can relate to living in southern Mississippi. More often than not, it feels you can trust no one. The far right republicans immediately prey upon anyone that can relate & speak to bipartisan politicians regardless of party. They want to “control” any independents, and any democrats. IMO, they will use any race, any identity, & any means available to try and “control” your vote.

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Shades of Tim Scott and other MAGATS of color who sold their souls to become part of what they regard as some kind of opportunity that they think will represent the disenfranchised. For MAGA that means poor white folks who attend the rallies in droves listening to the drivel spewed out by liar in charge. These are often good people who do not think for themselves and who are being misled, and misinformed with opinions based on fiction, not facts. Some are waking up slowly to the reality. By November, there may be more than we expect who come to their senses. Do you wonder if the Trumpers are trying to figure out how to dump Vance as a liability?

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Let these shameless maggots taste their own medicine!

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Who said? I haven’t seen such a thing f

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Mind blowing. For the extremier extremests, the extreme hasn’t gone far enough. To the dark side.

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None of us is as strong as all of us. None of us is as strong as all of us. None of us is as strong as all of us. None of us is as strong as all of us. None of us is as strong as all of us. None of us is as strong as all of us. None of us is as strong as all of us. The Democratic Party has a job to do, and we know what we’re up against. There is a lot of dirt and trash to clear out, and none of us can do it as well as all of us.

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Not all skin folk is kin folk. I don’t feel sorry for her or them at all. People selling out to advance themselves while putting their foot on other peoples necks. Remember my man who was the Prime Minister of UK? Absolutely disgusting how they treated immigrants when they all are!

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Does JD know?

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No, this is absolutely not representative of any conservative circle I have ever been in. These are fringe folks amplified because that’s what social media algorithms do for shock troops. Many of these “maga” were so maga that in 2020 trump wasn’t maga enough for them. They are a lost cause and no one should be trying to win them over. They are no more relevant to trump than project 2025 is to the gop platform (hint, it’s not). Also Anne Coulter hasn’t been relevant in over a decade.

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Ann Coulter is an ignorant idiot, a totally useless racist, xenophobic ass, and it would be terrific if someone could run her DNA so we can find out what planet she came from. It's hard to believe that in 2024 people can still believe they are "superior" to someone else because of where they come from, or because of their race, or their color, or their whatever. How could people be that stupid? And in case she is too stupid to recognize it, I see her brown hair roots, so she can stop pretending to be some Aryan princess. Never could figure that crap out, since Hitler was dark and hardly "Aryan." When Coulter looks in a mirror, if anything other than an ugly-as-sin witch looks back at her, she's delusional.

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She must be poisoning the blood of America

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