Yes. I am fearful of the same outcome. Since Trump was elected, I quit reading classic literature and have been learning the ugliness of politics. Religious bias is a horrific thing that holds great power over a nations mindset like the US and Isreal. Collective ideology is an extremely dangerous thing because people really believe that they are in the know and it gives impetus to their unleashed destruction. It’s truly disruptive on a global level, but well informed people are a loss to control it. Others have opinions about it, but don’t really understand the true dynamics of it, or the power to stop it. Just my perspective alone with others on this matter.

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As we listen to senior political reporters name every looter or arsonist appropriating a Palestinian flag during their attacks, and thus re-affirming the links of "pro-Palestine" to terrorist, is this not blood libel by the press? And the added insult of no wide public acknowledgment of 2 major reports on Blinken's State Department cover up of arms transfer actions - now this:

"(The comparison was accentuated when officials announced that FEMA did not have the funds to make it through the rest of the hurricane season as Israel welcomed the $8.7 billion gift from the US)."

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And as in Gaza, on Lebanon the IDF is targeting journalists and aid workers.

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"I fear that a loss this November election, or a future MAGA presidency in general, will be the end of American democracy as we know it."

Qasim in practical terms, don't you think 'democracy' at its essence - i.e. where the will of the electorate causes public discourse and policies to shift (or remain the way they are) more frequently and consistently than the will of special interests - has been dead for a while now? Popular support for policies that are contrary to the 'national interest' and only benefit some to the detriment of many has to be manufactured by gaslighting the public (if not outright deceiving and lying to them). This has been happening for decades now, going back to the McCarthy era at least.

Successive administrations have eroded the foundations which are supposed to make 'democracy' work - most notably accountability. That authoritarian impulses articulated in more circumspect terms (or just hidden from the public eye) would eventually evolve into something more overt shouldn't come as a surprise.

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Oct 4Liked by Qasim Rashid

Latest case in point - is Blinken going to face any accountability for brazenly lying to Congress? Of course not! Congress itself won't demand any accountability.


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Yep wrote about this exactly last week on this very substack.

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Oct 4Liked by Qasim Rashid

Qasim, I don't understand your surprise after 11 months of this. Democrat voters want it to end, but most Democrat politicians are enthusiastically in favor of the ongoing genocide, and believe that unconditional support for Israel regardless of how many war crimes they commit is in America's best interests, even if it leads to Trump back in the White House. Everyone remembers *Reagan* making a simple phone call and stopping the bombing of Lebanon, but Biden just keeps shipping more bombs.

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Not surprise so much as hope that by bringing more awareness to this injustice we can rally a coalition to put pressure and bring change.

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Oct 4Liked by Qasim Rashid

That's largely why I criticize Democrats more than Republicans; I have zero expectation of Republicans being reasonable, but I hold out a sliver of hope that Democrats will change.

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Biden's fatal, and lethal flaw. According to this posting, he knows full well why Netanyahu is playing with bombs; to save his own neck, nothing more. Oh, maybe Israel's PM can convince some of the most bellicose and deranged of his voters that he is doing it for the sake of the Greater Israel , but I'd wager few rational Israeli's believe that. Only those deluded Americans who think of Israel as a bulwark against Islam and count on Netanyahu to gut the dreaded Islamic hordes will believe in the holocaust Netanyahu has unleashed. In reality, I'd imagine Biden has simply confirmed Islamic hatred of the US.

Can't hardly blame them now, can we?

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There's no such thing as "Islamic hatred of the US." There are people globally upset at the lack of justice in US foreign policy. Please don't incorrectly label it as "Islamic hatred" as that makes no sense and doesn't help in addressing the actual issues.

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Oct 3Liked by Qasim Rashid

This is only the beginning of US deaths. No boots on the ground until after Nov 7 then who knows.

Insanity growing minute by minute, day by day.

Let them strike Irans oil depots and then see what happens.

War machines run on oil.

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Very difficult facts to deal with while juggling other perceived national interests including allyship with highest work toward ultimate peace and stability where the answers and multifaceted solutions are not easy or black and white. There is also a prioritization of prosecuting issues versus behind the scenes efforts that might prove more fruitful. I’m not a Netanyahu fan but I wonder if the US were in Israel’s shoes, how would we handle it? How could anything nearing perfection or justice be involved in war while it’s happening- it’s war; it’s unjust. There seems to be a lot of oppression going on in the world that hopefully we quash a bit here in the US with this election. we have to stand against that oppression of whatever form and even more against killing innocent people. Strategy of war has its own system that we likely do not understand or agree with while it is happening but national behavior has invisible power. We gotta deal with the issues and ramifications at some point. Thanks for giving us facts and views.

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The lying, hollow utterances of empire…..believe their actions, for their words are meaningless!

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Oct 3Liked by Qasim Rashid

Biden has an opportunity to do the right thing, to demand a permanent cease fire in this region but why does he delay? What motivates a man who presents himself as fair and ethical, to stand by and support a tyrrant such as bee bee who like some out of control tornado, sweeps thru one refugee camp after another killing and destroying anyone and anything in site. And how is it that a nation, unwilling to provide housing assistance, to the homeless medical care, education assistance, etc., find the funds to support the Israel colony with a blank check, and military weapons? As an American I am disappointed , concerned that international voices calling for peace is falling on deaf ears. If the Israelies are not stopped, imagine the damage and lives loss are a result of inaction.

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There's little doubt that his current actions are hurting Harris' chances of winning in November, he knows this, yet seems to not care.

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Oct 3Liked by Qasim Rashid

I can see how folks would call his judgment, and the judgment of his vice president into question given their unwaivering support of the Israeli PM, and want to distance themselves from the party that supports the ego maniac that represents the Israeli colony conducting indiscriminate killings and descruction. It is a horrible scene to watch unfold each day. How can any ethical human being be comfortable with what has happened and what continues to happen.

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Oct 3Liked by Qasim Rashid

This is terrifying. But it needed to be said. Thank you for your courage and fearlessness. We must all acquire these traits during this very dangerous times. I pray we do.

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Thank you, Myra. We absolutely need to call out this injustice. Being silent isn't an option.

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Yes, thank you for this information. Biden is behaving irrationally. I worry for the world wellbeing, and immediately for the election. Is some past emotional commitment to Israel related to holocaust making Biden fail to act??? We are not asking him to abandon Israel, only to stop the genocide in Gaza and stop expansion of the war. Did the state department condone killing of the Hezbollah leader for killing of marines in Lebanon decades ago....? Were they looking for retribution??? Terrible decision.

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Exactly right. This makes us and the world less secure.

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