2 hrs agoLiked by Qasim Rashid

The immigrants are the politicians "scapegoats" when they can't admit any wrong doing.🤫

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My north carolina senator who declined fema funding for this exact storm, wants to be very clear that the failure of fema funding is a direct result of immigration issues 4 states away. I shit you not.

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Their hypocrisy is only surpassed by their cruelty.

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4 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs agoLiked by Qasim Rashid

Thank you. How do we get this information out to the widest possible readers if the media is awol? Your readers maybe can forward your letters to others and ask them to do the same. The lies and misinformation are stunning!

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Welcome. I'm grateful to you for reading and sharing. Hopefully we can spread this far and wide.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Qasim Rashid

A bit off the subject, but a MAGA friend told me the other day that Mexicans are the ones causing problems by bringing crime, drugs and overpopulation because they don’t do anything but breed. I said I’m of those people, but her argument was stunning.😖. Magats don’t care about facts. Facts are boring and can’t fulfill their hate laden fantasies.

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They don't at all care about facts. I have a post coming soon on IG that debunks these anti-immigrant myths.

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BRAVO, Qasim, and thank you for the facts.

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Thank you Elizabeth

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FEMA running out of money is going to be a regular thing now, because climate change could really give a shit whether or not you believe in it. It’s going to bend you over either way. Sure would have been a lot smarter to do something about this back when it was still possible, huh?

We actually made a few baby steps back during Jimmy Carter’s term - he even had solar panels installed on the White House. Then that sonofabitch Reagan got in and had the solar panels TORN DOWN. That stupid asshole threw away free power because he thought it was some hippie shit. It’s not a coincidence the SUV craze started during Reagan’s term.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Qasim Rashid


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6 hrs agoLiked by Qasim Rashid

This is the Republicans’usual pattern-ruin something good, then blame what they’ve ruined for being awful. Public education, for another example. Dangerously cynical.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Qasim Rashid

And the lame MSM certainly won’t inform their readers what a sorry Congress we have that have failed to properly fund FEMA! Vote Blue!💙

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6 hrs agoLiked by Qasim Rashid

In fact, FEMA is NOT lacking funds at all. They are fully funded and ready, willing, and able to provide assistance for those in need from this most recent hurricane in Florida, contrary to Republican's, intentionally deceitful propaganda. Disgusting! Shameful. Reach out to disasterassitance.gov. Or, call 1-800-621-FEMA if you need assistance.

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You’re right. Basic civics would tell you the funding issue is a Congressional one. Not an immigrant or Biden/Harris issue. Articles like the Post are so infuriating.

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The feed off people's fears and insecurities to foster hate and discord. It's beyond deplorable.

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Why do you continue to claim the House controls the FEMA DRF purse strings when the Constitution clearly places appropriations authority with Congress, both House and Senate? The Dem controlled Senate Appropriations Committee is fully capable of proposing legislation to fund the FEMA DRF. I fact checked your disinformation yesterday when you made the same FALSE statement but you continue to push the lie. You are not stupid so you clearly prefer to spread misinformation for political gain. Or perhaps your civics education was substandard and you are ignorant of the Congressional budgeting process?

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I am not stupid but are you confessing to something? The House does in fact have the purse strings. Every House budget bill has been passed by the Senate. The GOP led House has been the blockade to more budgeting for FEMA. My statement is true. Your attempted rebuttal is uninformed. You have no point.

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And it’s making society dumber, to be blunt.

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“I love the poorly educated.” - America’s Hitler

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deleted3 hrs ago
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I am not stupid but are you confessing to something? The House does in fact have the purse strings. Every House budget bill has been passed by the Senate. The GOP led House has been the blockade to more budgeting for FEMA. My statement is true. Your attempted rebuttal is uninformed. You have no point.

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Thank you for this. The mental midgets are the ones who don’t understand how the government works!

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