The reality of elections in the US is that swing states determine the outcome. Looks like the Nebraska issue has been resolved and there won't be the change. Also in Georgia, the last I heard was that hand count plan will be challenged. The voter purge is real, on-going and funded by an conservative organization Ziklag... seems like the only remedy is to get everyone in swing states to check their registration and reregister if necessary. I don't know what can be done about poll closing; its been an issue for recent elections. Marc Elias Democracy Docket is apparently the force dealing with all of these issues, along with secretaries of states.

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With MAGA, FACTS and TRUTH don’t register. They have become so unattached from reality that if it doesn’t come from Trump or another MAGAt it will NEVER be digested as reality. Many are too far gone. We can only rely on those in the party that may still believe in the values that was once the Republican Party. Keep up your great work, it does matter!!

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Sam Katz is absolutely wrong on this and being ok with the slaughter of children, speaks volumes to his core and foundational beliefs. If you can’t even stand up and protest for the most vulnerable, everything else you stand for just doesn’t matter.

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it’s because of the electoral college. if popular vote was the winning candidate, and ranked choice voting was the mode, where one could vote for their preferred candidate and if that candidate didn’t get enough votes than the vote transfers to that voter’s second choice, any candidate could be considered. needing 270 electoral votes limits voting. (thinking off the person who would have had climate change preparedness happening since 2000)

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I just came here to say you and your work are appreciated and valued. I’ll never be as loud as a conspiracy theory, but I thought you should know.

Thank you. 🙏🏻

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Thank you Holly ❤️✊🏽

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As opposed to the "democratic" party, continuing to remain undemocratic toward third parties.

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I was banned years and years ago from Twitter for no reason (or no reason I will ever find out). Because they do that to people like me, while allowing all sorts of vile racists, xenophobes, sexists, misogynists, homophobes, anti-Semites, Islamophobes, and every other "phobe" on the planet. Maybe you should ignore that platform.

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LOL!!!! You just got done saying some of the most racist and dehumanizing things possible about Palestinians. What world do you live in? You’re insane.

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No, I did not. I simply said Palestine is a region, not an ethnicity. It's not "racist" to point out that a geographic location is not a race. The ethnicity, according to the PALESTINIAN CHARTER AS DRAFTED WITH YASSAR ARAFAT IN THE 1960S, is Arab. Feel free to look it up. It is not dehumanizing to discuss DNA and science. Try reading.

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We are voting and doing the best we can. That said, when the corrupt are in power, and the law doesn’t mean anything to them, and when we abide by the law to stop them, we lose. Our justice system moves slowly for those who want to uphold the rule of law, but not against those who are trampling it.

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sometimes the judges are law abiding, 59 of the court cases by (frump) attorneys claiming the election results were false LOST. another case filed had unintelligible text and was dismissed.

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Within 60 days of an election? No judge is going to allow this. Prepare for the lawsuits.

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I'm not sure the SAVE act is the answer, but I do think one should have to be a US Citizen to vote in federal elections, and there needs to be some way to enforce that.

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it’s already illegal to vote in an election if one isn’t a legal citizen - and depending on the state, not a felon. the “save act” will require the voter’s name to match their birth certificate thus it will impede women from voting if they have changed their name to their spouse’s surname, or other name changes outside of legal court documents.

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The SAVE Act is modern day Jim Crow, trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist, and in the process banning American citizens from voting. I address in detail here: https://www.qasimrashid.com/p/the-save-act-is-the-maga-plan-to

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While I completely understand how having government representatives and the media perpetuating such a belief can create reasonable alarm, there are already many laws and safeguards in place that proficiently prevent non-citizens from voting in US elections. According to CNN, "The conservative Heritage Foundation — which argues there are too many vulnerabilities in the US election system — has documented a total of 25 instances of prosecution for voter fraud in which citizenship was an issue over more than 20 years." I hardly see one vote per year qualifying for prosecution on the grounds of voter fraud due to a lack of citizenship as a problem. Let alone a problem worth spending millions of dollars (or more) of taxpayer money on, lying about to create unsubstantiated fear and promote racism, and potentially stripping millions of eligible voters of their rights. Please know that I'm not trying to be adversarial, my goal is merely to share correct information that may assuage worry and help all of us attain greater understanding.


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Regarding your mention of the new (and sudden and almost last minute) Georgia requirement that votes be hand counted, I normally wouldn't worry about that. It'll just take longer. But if you've seen Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11," you'll remember that Sanders won EVERY COUNTY(!) in W Virginia, but at the nominating convention, they announced that Clinton was getting their votes. So they just lied. Kemp and Raffensperger didn't lie in '20, even though they were leaned on, and probably both

voted for Donnie, but they or poll workers could more easily lie if it was just a matter of what someone alleged, and not traceable on voting machines. I certainly hope that's not why they made the change, but it could be.

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It’s hard to hear their assaults and not revile them. I have to remind myself their brains have been damaged by the indoctrination they’ve been put through. I wouldn’t kick a dog with brain damage but I would make sure I was safe from him even though I’d care for him. I guess same for people. Making sure I’m safe is making sure voters are informed (thank you for your work in that arena) and working for voter turnout.

We’re not going back.

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If you vote for a democrat, then you are just as immoral. They are the same people and they sidetrack you with these lies to keep you focused on anything but them. The democrats are not just overseeing, but encouraging genocide in Palestine and broadening the war with the rest of the Middle East. A vote for either party will show you have no moral compass and have no room to talk about right and wrong. Vote in masses, but vote for a third party!!

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You’re such a liar. It’s funny. I don’t have to even argue with you, as you’re reading from a Zionist propaganda script. Zionism will be dead, but it’s not yet. The Democratic Party, the home of the evil Zionist entity and a danger to the whole world. It’s disgusting to hear the lies and propaganda by you and your fellow liars.

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A true Palestinian and a true Arab Jew are identical. It’s only the religion that separated them. The white Zionists that live in Palestine have little to no ties with Palestine. Palestinians are true semites.

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Nah, you’re still lying.

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Damn, I didn’t realize I was speaking to a group of evil fucks. You’re a fucking indoctrinated moron. Someone fighting against terroristic oppressors and thieves isn’t a terrorist. You are a true piece of shit and you’ll get yours in the end. Lying motherfucker. Not one thing you fucking said is true. Your time will come Zionist.

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Dude, there is no such thing as a Zionist. That shipped sailed in the 19th century. THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD APPROVED MODERN ISRAEL IN THE WAKE OF THE HOLOCAUST. You can't renege on that 75 years later because someone taught you the word "fuck." Curse like a baby all you want, it's irrelevant to the universe. Maybe someday you'll grow up ... and if you don't ... who gives a shit? You won't be winning any Pulitzers any time in the near future. You won't even be winning any arguments here. By the way, Sam Katz is my real name. You're such a coward, you have to hide behind your "crumpled foreskin." Yeeeech! How grotesque is that?!

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Soulless cunt!

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Well, now the sexism and misogyny comes into play. Calling women "cunts" is something a ... penis would do. Grow up, child.

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It’s what you are. If the shoe fits then it it’s not my fault that the truth is less than ideal. You represent the evil in the world.

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No, I don't. I'm a wonderful person. I do good deeds and work hard all day long. You know nothing about me or about anyone on this blog. You're here spreading hideous hate and yelling obscenities at strangers. I think you have Turrets Syndrome. Look it up. I think there are medications for it.

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I don’t feel the need to give my name to a group of terrorists that have shown how evil the can be.

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No they fucking didn’t! You’re a liar!

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I have no idea what you're talking about. As for "no, they didn't." Yes, little crumpled penis, the United Nations did.

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You should shut up.

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Well, that's mature. I don't take orders from Anonymous Penises.

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Lol, broken record. You’re just like every other one. Saying a bunch of bullshit lies over and over, will never make them true. It just makes you a fucking liar.

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No one has any idea what you're babbling about. Try writing without cursing. It will open you up to a whole new world of the English language. You might even make someone understand what you're trying to say, because ... no one does.

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Did you see when Netanyahu gave a speech? Only one congressional member protested at the speech and a few didn’t show up. The democrats are so deeply imperialistic and genocidal, that Darth Vader, I mean Dick Cheney has endorsed Harris. They democrats have been responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in the past 4 years, between Gaza and Ukraine. The Ukraine war and the Palestinian genocide are both wars of aggression. One is a NATO backed war and the other is a live streamed genocide, where they huddle everyone up and drop a giant bomb on innocent civilians. The Palestinians as a group are innocent by the way, as they are fighting to keep thier rightful land and some sense of freedom. The Democratic Party did nothing for the environment, nothing to keep women’s rights in tact, killed hundreds of thousands of people, and are now trying to vilify immigrants that come from the very countries they destroy. I’m very well educated in the reality of our countries plutocracy, that doesn’t even resemble a representative democracy. The country is ruled by evil oligarchs, hell bent on keeping US hegemony, by raping and killing. They don’t care about you or me and we the people of this country need to wake up and stop believing the shit that you hear on every single mainstream media site in the country. Educate yourself more and don’t side with the enemy. Don’t vote for genocide and warmongers. They steal our tax money and funnel it to the rich, through the military industrial complex!

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"The Palestinians as a group are innocent" -- LOL! -- of what? Because they didn't really vote in a terrorist group to lead their not-quite-a-nation and attack other innocent people and use their own as human shields, and guess what, sweetheart -- Israel has every right to exist, and there actually is no such thing as a "Palestinian" -- it's like saying Philadelphian. A Palestinian is anyone who is born or lives in Palestine, so that means ... everyone there. The Palestinian Charter defines a Palestinian as a ARAB who lives in Palestine. Oi vae. But then again, when someone can't use their own real name and instead uses "Crumbled Foreskin" as an identity moniker are we actually going to take him seriously? Of course not. Oh, grow the hell up, deprogram yourself from your collegiate ("my professor taught me this!!") mentality and get an original thought in your cranium. No American Presidential election can be won at this point in history by a third party. How old are you? Clearly, not old enough to comprehend this, and if you think handing the election to Trump is going to bode you better, you're as delusional as any MAGA loon. If you aren't happy in America, get the hell out ... you do realize you're free to leave, sonny, don't you? If you think abandoning Ukraine is a good way to go, well, I'd have to accuse you of being some fake Russian account, which is possible since you think we shouldn't be supporting a sovereign nation in defense of itself, while at the same time propping up a non-nation in support of itself. Make up your mind!? You make no sense, but college confuses kids who can't think for themselves. Clearly you need some "mainstream media" because whatever alternative shit you're buying, it's f--ked you up completely.

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I grew up on this stuff. I don't need to read "substack" when I don't have any idea who wrote it. I'm 68. I actually lived the history of the 20th century in REAL time. Nothing I wrote was a "lie" at all. Yasser Arafat coined the term Palestinian in the 1960s. Before that, people who lived in Palestine were referred to as whatever they were ethnically or religious affiliation or nationality -- Jews, Christians, Arabs, Muslims and the like. I was alive and quite cognizant of it all in real time. I was in Junior High, for cryin' out loud.

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You being alive doesn’t make you a scholar on something. You’ve obviously got your information from a racist, and bigoted source. You’re the reason people are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. It’s filled up with hateful, Zionist supremacy ideals. It’s really disgusting hearing the lies that come out of people’s mouths. I’m a good person, I have a dollar to a homeless man, now go kill all Palestinians, so we can erase the word and the existence of them. You’re an evil person and obviously believe lying to a gentile is ok, just like killing gentiles.

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1898 was the when the word was first used. Stop lying.

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I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Don';t accuse people of lying. It's pathetic. Here's the link to the Palestinian Charter -- https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/plocov.asp First used and use routinely are TWO different things.

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lol, you grew up in a Zionist household and watched mainstream media. You grew up with lies and you perpetuate them.

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How could you possibly know anything at all about my household or what television I watched?! LOL! You must really fancy yourself a mind reader and a soothsayer. If you could read minds, you'd tell us the winning Powerball numbers. But you can't. You can't tell anyone anything about anything else either. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A ZIONIST NOW. Someone can support Israel or oppose Israel, but it exists and it's not going anywhere. I am sick of hearing idiot comments from a narcissistic anonymous ass, so stop tagging me, or I will have to complain to Substack.

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Claiming there’s no such thing as a Palestinian is deeply racist and bigoted. And telling people opposing genocide to “get the hell out” is indistinguishable from MAGA extremism.

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Thank you for standing up for what is right sir. 🙏

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I didn't say "get out" ... I said he was free to become an ex-pat. There are ex-pats all over the globe and they left America for one reason or another. His screed against the Democratic Party was ridiculous. By the way, a Palestinian is an ARAB living in Palestine -- according to the original definition of a Palestinian by the Palestinian Charter. I am simply mentioning the ethnic make up, which is ARAB. I'm not racist or bigoted at all. I am distinguishing the difference between actual genocide of a nationality, ethnicity or religion, versus war and death. There are Palestinians in Israel who are Israeli, but Palestinian Arabs. There are people in America who now identify as Palestinians but unless they were born in Palestine, they're ... what, exactly? They're Arab. No? If I'm originally a Philadelphian, but I leave Philadelphia, I am not longer a ... Philadelphian? I don't know. AND, I didn't mean "get the hell out" because he was opposing war. I simply suggested that if he hates everything about America -- which his post was about, since it covered everything under the sun -- that he had the option of leaving. Lots of people do, for all sorts of reasons. There are ex-pats all over the world. This "crumpled foreskin" covered a lot of ground for the Democrats and accused the party of everything short of eating dogs and cats. Well, the GOP is much worse, so ... I repeat ... he can leave, because if he thinks he's going to radically alter 350 million people ... that's not happening. But his running around angrily cursing because he thinks someone "stole" ancient land is ... psychotic. Where ever he lives here, he's on some old tribal land. If he isn't getting off his land, he can stop expecting anyone else to ...

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You’re so uneducated that it’s laughable. Do you know what separates and Arab Palestinian from an Arab Jew? Only the religion!!!! Being Jewish is practicing Judaism, a religion not a nationality. Palestinians and true Arab Jews are indistinguishable through DNA as they have the same ancestors. Palestinians are Semitic and so are Arab Jews. The white, racist, European Zionists that are in Israel, have little to no ties to the land that they are stealing as we speak. You continually make a fool out of yourself by telling lies. The lies never become truth, you juts become a liar!!!!!!

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I don't know how to break this to you, little crumpled penis, but the vast majority of people in Israel were BORN there. It's 2024, little penis. Wake the hell up. There are hardly any Europeans in Israel. Europeans are in ... Europe. Israelis are in Israel. There is also no such thing as a "Zionist." Zionist is 19th century word and a dead concept. Plus, in case it never occurred to you -- you're a nobody with a fake penis name spewing dumb shit on Substack. Call me when the United Nations is interested in your idiot ramblings. They're assembled in NYC right now. I don't recall reading about any special assembly that's planning to listen to a crumpled penis. You can stop tagging me.

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You’re a racist, rapist, thieve and genocidal terrorist, who doesn’t have any clue on the truth or does know the truth and willingly

lies. You will be on the wrong side of history.

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You’re the fucking epitome of a braindead fool. It will be a better world when your kind dies off. Pathological lying POS.

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Youre a racist and a bigot. You should be ashamed of how you continually make a fool out of yourself. How does it feel to be a soulless liar and genocidal POS? You have no morality.

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I never killed anyone. I live in NYC. I have no criminal record. How does it feel to have Turrets Syndrome? Something is wrong with you. You should find out why you're compelled to scream obscenities at total strangers.

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You are on board with the genocide. You’re complicit.

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No. I'm not. How did you come to THAT conclusion? You're really living in the insane noises in your head. You make shit up and throw it at total strangers. You need medication. Seriously, dude. You know absolutely NOTHING about anyone on this blog, and here you are, screaming trash at strangers.

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Fuck off.

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I think that is a an ill informed and generalized statement. You are painting all Democrats with the same brush. Perhaps you should read more about the situation and how others view it.

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The truth is it’s an obvious genocide. If you don’t know the truth of it, you’ve been willingly ignorant. The truth is being reported and can be found throughout Substack.

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I don't think Substack is the arbiter of "genocide" or "truth." Genocide is the systematic elimination of a people. Since Palestinians are ARABS, it's not a genocide, sweetie. It's death and all death is horrible, but there are 456 million Arabs in the world. No one is trying to kill all of them. That's obvious to me. Maybe that crumple in your foreskin is effecting your brain.

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Your dehumanization of Palestinians doesn’t work. Zionist POS. The gig is up, and you lost.

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Oh, and another thing. Everyone had the exact same 75 years to build a state. The Arabs in Palestine didn't. The Jews (and Arabs and Christians in Israel) did. You see how that works? You see, one side had 75 years and the other side had ... 75 years. Calling someone a Zionist is hilarious at this point. It's like someone taught you this whacky, out of date word and you think if you simply cling to it like some life raft of stupid, it will mean something -- but it doesn't.

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lol, you’re a broken record. The bit is up. If you live in Israel, you better not turn tail and run when the war comes to you. You won’t be wanted anywhere else.

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You seem to not realize the word "Zionist" is a word from another century. It's like using the word "suffragette" or "abolitionist" as pertains to slavery (as opposed to the death penalty) or imagining a highly lucrative and burgeoning field to get into would be "farrier." You might wish someday to join the 21st century.

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Sorry you don’t Iike the word that describes you. It’s sounds like you shouldn’t be a pathological liar and a genocidal POS. Instead of trying to erase the word, be a human with a soul.

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No it’s still very relevant and it’s used to describe the terrorists in Palestine.

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I'm not dehumanizing anyone. It's in the Palestinian Charter as drafted by Yasser Arafat. Look it up on the Internet. And apparently, the only people losing are ... sadly ... the people in Gaza. https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/plocov.asp

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If you vote for a party committing genocide, you’re complicit. Quit trying to rationalize your own immorality.

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While I can understand choosing to vote third party, to say that doing otherwise shows the lack of one's moral compass and ability to legitimately discuss right vs wrong implies black-and-white/either-or thinking in a world made entirely of grey is superior (and will likely do nothing to change minds). Unless, of course, your post was merely an attempt to knock others down as a way to construct a pedestal from which to stand so others can more easily adore you. If that's the case, I apologize for wasting both of our time in my trying to appeal to your sense of discernment and empathy.

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Looking at your Substack, you seem to be driven by morality. I’m sorry if I was aggressive about things, but Katz had me riled up. She had one goal and that was to hide the truth. She was trying to discredit me by being the loudest and repeating these lies that she reads from a script. The things she said were all lies, but one thing the Zionists are very good at are propaganda and psychological manipulation. They believe if they say the same lie and say it vehemently, over and over, then people tend to believe it and it’s a very good tactic. Ultimately she showed her true colors by saying I would have been shot by now, in the old days. When you know what to look for and listen to, it gets easier to pick up on people that have ulterior motives and are here to spread lies and hate.

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If you read into what Sam Katz is trying to do, you can see just how manipulative and insidious she really is. She has tried to cancel the word Zionism and a whole group of people in the Palestinians. She said there is no such thing as a Palestinian and that Zionism was last century. Her goal is to cancel words that tell the truth and these mind games are exactly what the US government and the Zionists of Israel are masters at. It’s so deeply evil and disgusting and she should be ashamed of who she is.

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There is no valid argument one can have to be on board with genocide. You can see plain and clear what the democrats are and will continue to be. You’ve been fed lies your whole life, we all have. This genocide being live streamed has shown the truth and it’s been a rude awakening to many people that thought democrats were progressive and didn’t want war. That democrats actually cared about the common man and wanted to make the world better. Our government is composed of two very sick groups that are hell bent on accomplishing the same thing, US hegemony, raping countries of their natural resources, and killing millions to make that happen. Kamala is one of these people that are unquestionably evil, and so is Trump. Kamala continues to spit out lies about Israel and October 7th. She is a Zionist, a war hawk, and a puppet of the oligarchy. She will do nothing for us and only answer to her masters, just like every president has done, though it seems to have gotten more insidious since the late 70’s. There is no denying the truth and if you want to do that and pretend the democrats are something they aren’t, then you’re complicit with genocide, along with countless other atrocities the evil empire do on a daily basis. I’m saying this to try and help you see the light. Things are getting exponentially worse for us in the US and we are on the precipice of another world war. The democrats are pushing for it, just like the republicans. If you vote for either one, you’re voting for pure evil. Voting for your kids to go die in a war that’s only serving the oligarchs. Voting for our taxes to be given to the military industrial complex, to kill people. This isn’t something that is hard to see or understand. If you are a democrat because you believe they are closer to your ideals, then maybe you mean well, but they don’t represent you. The third party candidates with real platforms, that aren’t centered around hate are the ones that we need. Voting for a democrat or republican is a 100% non debatable, immoral decision and makes you complicit in genocide and colonialism. The country needs to wake up. Main stream media is a tool of the state and not one of these news sources will tell you the truth. They will hopefully be charged with aiding genocide. I’m talking about the New York Times, Wall Street journal, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and the list goes on and on. They are all war criminals and it’s not something that’s debatable. I’m trying to help people get out of the long arm of propaganda that we are inundated with from birth. It’s a shock to the system when you realize all these things you believe in are actually not what they seem, but you will feel freed when you see the light. People like Sam Katz who are racist bigots, that repeat propaganda word for word, will never change, because she obviously has an ulterior motive. You can see that hate she spews towards Palestinians, as the author of the piece even had to call her out. I know there are a lot of good Americans that haven’t seen through the lies we are continually fed on a daily basis. I want to help people that are truly good people, see the light!!!

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Thank you for your response, and please accept my apologies for coming at you very harshly! Honestly, I agree with everything you are saying. I'm old (47) and finally getting into politics because before the genocide I was extremely ignorant and believed MSM and the Democrats were legitimately trying while, in retrospect, I didn't pay attention to much of anything. That ship has sailed. It's just so scary to think about Trump getting into the White House again because I believe this time his backers and party are ready to get things done that will put our lives and the lives of everyone on this planet in serious jeopardy. Were the threat less, I would be going with Brother West and doing whatever I could to help him, but I'm seriously afraid that my third-party vote would essentially be a vote for Trump. If that were the case, beyond what would happen here, I believe we'd be heading for a massively destructive global war with nuclear weapons and genocides on a much larger scale. My hope is that, once in office, Harris will take the necessary steps to put Israel in a position where they have to stop, and then move to a place where this sort of thing cannot happen. While I'm sure I come off as naive and heartless, this is honestly what I think I need to do to try to make things better for Palestinians and everyone. 💔😞

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Thanks for your reply! I’m 44 in real life, not over 500 like my character on here. I understand what you’re saying and it’s a valid fear to have. I will say this to try and dissuade your thought process. These two parties are puppets of the same very wealthy people. They play these mind games on us, trying to make us believe that if we vote for someone who would actually represent us when elected, we will ensure that the most evil of the two parties will win. Divide and conquer is a truly effective way to keep power. They find these divisive topics and hammer them in our heads to the point we fear the other party and vote out of a place of fear and not a place of strength. When you vote like this, things will inevitably only get worse and worse. The democrats aren’t what they say they are. They didn’t fight to keep women’s bodily rights, they let it go with little to no opposition. They have killed over half a million people in the last 4 years and are trying their hardest to start another world war. I don’t have kids of my own, but our countries kids are going to die in masses in the near future. It’s inevitable, because it’s their goal. It’s a powder keg on the brink and it’s going to happen very soon. This is the part people have the hardest part separating from, because we’ve been so indoctrinated by the media to believe the democrats are going to keep our rights. You’ve seen what has happened to our right to protest, to dissent, to seek the truth. It’s been taken away and the democrats have shown their true colors. They have been fascist and authoritarian, and there is no denying this. They play good cop bad cop, but they are all bad cops. Don’t vote for our kids to go kill, or be killed by another countries kids in the name of colonialism and resource theft. Vote for what’s right, so you can confidently say that you weren’t complicit in the hell that is going to happen the next four years. Neither party cares about us, the environment, or anything but keeping their masters happy. If everyone that says what you’re saying voted for a third party, there would be a lot of votes for third parties. The democrats have shown what they are. Judge them on their actions and not their words. Keep fighting for what is right for humanity, and change peoples minds one at a time. The ball has started rolling and we have to help it build speed. Voting for a democrat or republican would be shooting ourselves in the foot, and to shoot our kids in the head. Things have to change drastically and it won’t happen if you vote for Kamala or Trump. Don’t give into the fear they install. We can’t live in fear or they will take everything.

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You've given me a lot to think about, thank you.

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Actually, he's an idiot. It's really simple.

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I live in Florida. I check my voter registration weekly. So far, so good, but I don’t trust my state government.

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I’m not paranoid in the least and I never said nor implied that there are not honest people in government. However, I do have healthy boundaries when it comes to any level of government, be it local, state or federal. Kremlin propaganda? Paranoid much?

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No one in any state should trust their government. They’re not your friends

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You sound paranoid because no one thinks their state government is their friend. However, there are honest people in public service and they should be acknowledged. It’s the far right clowns with their kremlin propaganda that can’t be trusted to do one decent thing for Americans

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There are no honest people that have high ranking political jobs. They don’t serve the people, only the oligarchy. We have a plutocracy in the United States and both the democrats and republicans are ever increasingly fascist. Our right to protest, to dissent, to tell the truth, have all been taken away and the party in charge is the democratic one. The US being a representative democracy is the biggest farce going. The politicians only care about what their masters tell them to do. Jill Stein is running on an anti-war and anti-colonialist platform, and there are a few other third parties that have platforms of morality. Biden has been one of the most evil presidents ever to be in the White House and Kamala is ready to take the reigns of the genocidal war machine, that steals our tax money and gives it to the rich, while it’s increasingly harder and herder for people to make ends meet. We could have free healthcare and college if the rich didn’t steal our taxes. We could have the best quality of life in the world if our tax money was used on infrastructure, healthcare, housing, and education. Instead the democrats and republicans, who are the same thing, steal our money and give it to the oligarchs. Voting for Trump or Harris is voting for your enemy. It’s like cutting off your own leg and shooting your own child. Nobody and this is a fact, nobody can claim to have a shred of decency and morality if they vote for either genocidal maniac and pathological liar that are Trump and Harris. You will be complicit in genocide and there is no way around it!!!!

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My very own voting district in North Carolina was gerrymandered after the 2022 election; we have too many Black and Democrat voters for the Republican-dominated county to be comfortable with. So WHOOOOSH -- our District 7 is suddenly part of heavily-Republican District 8. Those MAGA folks are like magicians....

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While being so grateful to you for researching, exposing, and communicating truth, I’d like to apologize for the obnoxious, vicious, ignorant, and / or idiotic comments by our fellow Americans. Please keep doing what you are doing even in the face of hatred and denial of truth. To follow the example of Jesus as he succinctly put it: please forgive them as they know not what they do. Really, they know not what they do as they are stoking the inner fortitude of seekers of good to more effectively fight this attempted destruction of our freedoms from lies and mal-intent. And just to really make the point clear, I pray for their release from their satan’s hold. Love is always the answer. What love looks like depends on conditions. Love is doing all we can to save our country from dicktatorship. Keep going my fellow lawyer and good citizen.

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Of course they know what they are doing!! But also they don’t because they don’t realize that they are defeating their own real cause (ie family health and harmony) while being brainwashed into the cult of one who will never look after their religious freedom, their bodies, their rights, their pocketbooks, their air and water, etc. Family values are harmed going after women and designating us less than equal. We are bill payers. Of course my point was that their intent motivates us justice seekers to work even harder. And there was that point about forgiving them- fellow Americans- I’m working hard on that one myself but it won’t come readily if we don’t defeat trumpism at the polling places in November.

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One correction, Penni. They DO know what they do.

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Thank you, Penni. I appreciate your kind words. And yes completely agree they do not represent Jesus Christ in any capacity, and I would never make the mistake of attributing their hate to Jesus Christ.

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