Gwinnet county is a suburb of Atlanta. So not exactly an expert on how to convert rural racist voters. Nice try.

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I'm in Dekalb and they aren't fighting for us either. Private equity is eating our neighborhoods.

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Thank you for this common sense editorial. It went a long way towards explaining to me why so many went for Trump even knowing what a scumbag he is. They were convinced by Republican lies that it would be better for them economically, and as you said, voters prioritize economic stability for their families above all else. Whether we as Dems like it or not, the "big important issues" such as climate change, genocide, reproductive rights, etc. --which, yes, are indeed important--don't move the needle for most voters as much as the promise of more economic security.

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Who cares

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Not a word about the Biden financed Genocide. You know how the Dems can win again? By stopping being hypocrites. And two, stop supporting immigration abuses by the current administration. Your party is useless and spineless. Hey heard Pelosi made a killing investing on Ai. Party

of the working class. Right…

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We need to do this. It has to be a top priority!

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Completely agree.

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Good post.

I sent you an email with songs.

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The Democrats need to stand together in the House and the Senate. They should have a solid NO for Trump’s unqualified Cabinet picks. I read where 6 Democratic Senators voted to confirm Kristi Noem. One of them was my Senator. He will hear from me.

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Agreed. I'm flabbergasted anyone voted for her.

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So am I.

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It's true Dems should ideally have had a primary. But there wasn't much time after Biden dropped out. His late withdrawal was one problem. Another was Harris' public comments that she wouldn't do anything different from Biden. (I always say Biden has always been a stuffed shirt who keeps being in the right place at the right time.) And the third problem was that neither Obama nor Biden re-raised the taxes on the rich and corporations that caused such a massive deficit. The act of lowering taxes on people and companies that had no use for the money also gave them the idea that they could simply have whatever they wanted. So even during a pandemic, when a proportion of people couldn't work, they raised prices. Obama's and Biden's not correcting the tax imbalance is very much like Ossoff and Warnock voting with Reps.

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I think there are multiple reasons Dems lost. But, right now, the only one's I'm paying attention to are the fighters, such as AOC and Jasmine Crocket. They're the ones who aren't saying "common ground." They are fighting Nazis, because this is exactly what we've got. I also think the Dems need to start going on podcasts, and not just exclusively on corporate media channels. I personally think the Dems had plans and communicated those plans on how they were going to help the working class. But, the corporate media wouldn't report it. An example: When the price of eggs was high under Biden, it was because of inflation. Now, suddenly it's because of the bird flu. How are we supposed to fight this?

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We are absolutely never coming back to the two-party system that caused all this misery in the first place. It is long past time for us to evolve beyond it and build something better. It's long past time for this machine that requires genocide and ecocide to keep our economy running to be shut down.

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The private organization, known as the Democratic National Committee, should have allowed the voters to choose Bernie Sanders, rather than them choosing corporate puppets/warmongers Hillary and Biden/Kamala Harris.

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I would add: unequivocally let the voters choose the D candidate through a primary. Do NOT allow a candidate to be pushed out (like Bernie in 2016) by the DNC

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Completely agree. And I say that as someone who ran against a corporate Dem funded by big oil and big pharama and faced the onslaught of corrupt attacks.

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At this point, I have almost completely lost faith in the Democratic Party. They will have to do a lot to win me back and not just with words! Step number one would be to dump AIPAC and all conservative Zionist money. There are many more steps after that…..

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this, life long D voter here, and I’m done if there isn’t radical change, ie, being lead by the working class not the corporate class

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The working class is very diverse..if you mean Dems winning back the white working class...you must know that DEMs lost the white worker with the passage of the CRA and the VRA...but DEMS are supported by blk workers and other workers of color

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Malcolm X had this to say about the Democratic Party: https://youtu.be/MOUjY1QbdoM

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The Dems lost because they are honest and realistic. Drump won because he promised impossible things ('the price of food and eggs will come down on day one'). Voters who want simple answers believed him. Fuel costs have come down and we're already the largest producer of fossil fuels in the world (to the detriment of our health and environment).

Harris addressed the issues that matter to working Americans. She explained her plans ad nauseum. The voters, including some Democrats, want easy fixes. Harris lost because she wouldn't dispense bald-faced lies. Answers to the complex issues of the Middle East and the economy are NOT simple one-liners, but in today's society, where being 'poorly educated' is glorified, no one has the patience to let skilled, moral people who really want everyone in America to thrive (not just the millionaire/billionaire class) do the hard work of actually governing, not simply knocking things down.

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