Excellent excellent post. Can you do one for Josh tomorrow please and also it’s important that people know which counties are in the district. For your post for district one it’s important to put the four counties in there and the cities. Because not everyone knows they’re district by name even if they should. It’s important to know there are lots and lots of empty Airbnb‘s and hotels and condos right now just tons of emptiness andanybody wants to volunteer could go down to be a sign holder and have a nice little vacation also

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It will definitely begin to shake the Republicans if the Dems can take FL

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I do hope they can pull this off.

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Donated a couple days ago. Thanks for highlighting this important election!

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OK, just donated.

Now, all of Qasim’s subscribers should do the same, and restack his posting.

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I love her door to door approach to getting people to know who she is. I’m rooting for her from PA!

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I have been donating to her campaign and hope she wins.

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So why not run as an independent or Green party or Socialist party. Why the hell assoc. yourself with the genocide loving Democrats. The forever war Democrats.

Lock up the protesters of genocide party.

The Israeli lobbist syphphant party.

The send your job overseas party.

Down with the duopoly citizens




Refuse Fascism

Oppose Oppression

dear comrades

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I'm no fan of the DNC and I've successfully gotten myself removed from all of their email lists now, but I'm still donating to individual Dems who are willing to step up. For now, flipping the house is the only real chance we have to put any guardrails on the Musk/Trump regime. Down the line, we need to deal with the corporate Dems and create a party willing to represent the people of the US.

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That will come later, Jazzme. We have to stop the bleed or we may never have a chance to develop viable alternative parties. Those you mention are possibilities, but have ZERO chance now. There ARE young democrats who understand and share your concerns.

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Right now only hope of survival is to join with everyone that isn’t a millionaire and try to get everyone to work together all Races, all religions, all economic status, and all genders because Bernie says that the 99% will pummel the one percent back into their gopher hole, once we take control of the government back and restore The things that mask has destroyed. Then we can talk about a better way the Democrats can have sub groups within the party and caucus together to find balance and compromise on issues and growth and things in a little better way it would be like the Democratic Christian caucus or the Democratic people’s caucus or the African-American Democratic caucus in those kinds of things rather than structural parties. As idealistic as it would be to have parties fit us HS individuals there is absolutely no chance that Trump would lose again if if we started talking about parties, especially now no division only unity find a path forwardwe can do this, but we must do it now

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No. Just no. I have no money for candidates, especially if they're way the hell down in Florida. Perhaps you, Qasim, could donate one month's worth of Substack receipts instead.

You people have a lot of nerve asking your readers to donate to a candidate in Florida. That's just fucking ridiculous.

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Wow. What’s behind this angry response? The ask is to volunteer and knock doors, and if people have capacity, donate. Zero requirement or obligation to donate. None.

Also it’s a federal seat so it impacts us nationally no matter where it is.

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I cannot volunteer and knock on doors. I am disabled, I can't walk and I can't drive. I cannot afford to buy my way through paywalls. I can't even look at articles on most websites without coughing up money. I am facing losing my only income which is my dead husband's social security.

I will not send money to anybody running for office outside of my own state just because they're a Democrat. The Democrats are do-nothings, have shown us nothing but their cowardly backs. Am I to donate to a Democratic candidate outside my district, outside my state, just because you like them? And what makes you so sure there will be elections?

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If you do nothing to help I guess you can’t complain. It’s winning all states, or as many as possible, that will stop the Trump administration from hurting people like yourself. That way we win back Congress. We have to do all we can to help each other now, or the suffering will increase

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What is the best way to support her… give $ to her campaign or to support the efforts of people canvassing door to door? I want to make the best use of my contribution as possible.

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I would say the best bet is to volunteer for an hour or two of phone banking.

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I’m in CA. I’ll look for groups I can phone bank with. Thank you!

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Thank you. I must have missed that!

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The article has a link you can click on the sign up for phone banking. You can be anywhere in the country.

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Gay Valimont hosted a Town Hall in Pensacola, Florida, last Friday evening with an enthusiastic standing room only crowd. Her platform supports veterans, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. I live in her District and we need everyone's vote in this Red District. She can help get our country back on track!

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Pensacola Naval Air Station is in District 1. Hoping the current military members SEE how detrimental DJT has been to the veteran community and do the right thing. Josh Weil is my district and Randy Fine has started up his attack/negative ads against him, which means he may be just a tad concerned. District 6 is heavily Republican but if the independents would vote BLUE, we could do it.

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& Josh Weil in district 6! FL can flip 2 congressional seats. We're canvassing, ph banking etc.

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Just signed up for the virtual meeting for phone banking! Phone banking is a great way for those of us who don’t live in FL to help. And it’s fun!

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Amazing! And I agree, phone banking is great.

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Already donated. Thank you for drawing attention to this important election!

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Trump and Musk are acting as if polls don’t matter, as if there aren’t going to be anymore elections that matter. They act as if they expect to be in power permanently

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