zuck is a jew. go figure

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Sep 14Liked by Qasim Rashid

Wow. I shouldn’t at all be surprised but I am so tired of social media not only tolerating but amplifying white supremacy and continually silencing marginalized communities. I just opened Facebook recently after about a six year hiatus and it’s just so maddening to see this. Shared your content.

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I share your frustration, brother. In 2011 I had close to 10k readers on FB; then they started pulling news reposts from If Americans Knew and others; then they locked it in 2013. In 2018? I was able to restart that account, changed it to professional, and drove up the base to over 10k. I ran the same kinds of posts as before, but because I ran some ads for the book, they didn't squelch it. However, last year they started blocking content calling it "violation of Community Standards" (which never provides anything specific to deal with), shadow banning us, and I started spending more time performing workarounds for "reach" than writing. After looking at my FB account info I saw they were refusing to recommend the profile to anyone (coincidentally this started after I published "Dear Zionist" and the piece on Alhaik's genetic study). I started us on Substack, gave it a few months of transferring content, then deleted the FB profile. I'm a much happier person and I thank Substack for no censorship. The same problems occur on TwitX and LinkedIn, but unlike FB users, I'm able to draw people to Substack with teasers & links. 💚

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Sep 13Liked by Qasim Rashid

Americans are very very bad at owning their own 💩. Not really their fault. They are groomed from childhood by the government and media to rely only on them for information. Just look at our elected officials. How many of them do you see blaming the sun, the moon and the stars rather than take responsibility for the mess they have made. Keep doing the good work. Keep speaking the truth and researching and analyzing the information before you and sharing your findings. I appreciate you.

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Thank you for this reminder that we must honestly use and work to protect everyone's constitutional choice for public expression. Opposing censorship is directly important to supporting and using our constitutionally protected forms of expression.

We have many responsibilities.

We have responsibilities of relationship and of choice and action; how many ways each of us senses and lives perceived opportunities to choose and act responsibly is a measure of the freedom each of us actually exercises.

At this time in America, each of us politically, as citizen voters in a constitutional democratic civil society and governance community, can remember and heed lessons that are recognized as essential to continuing and improving living together with mutual respect, mutual cooperation, and mutual plans for better and within a better understood and workable awareness of equal responsibility and protection and participation in fact everyday.

To me, a most important remembrance which also renews and reinvigorates my commitment to our constitutional democracy is the lifetime of integrity, commitment and work of the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg. As only one public commentary on her choices and actions, we can note the remembrance published as " ‘The Most Important Woman Lawyer in the History of the Republic’, How did Ruth Bader Ginsburg change America?...", https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/09/18/ruth-bader-ginsburg-legacy-418191 .

We are fast approaching an anniversary of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's passing. Like other passings, it was and appears to have been inevitable, as living appears to have an end point. The accomplishments and the examples of human capacity and human mutual interest and concern and commitment which she chose to provide and with which we are in possession (for good use if we choose to learn from those examples) can continue to serve all Americans and to serve us in improving our respect and relationships with all people.

Each of us can remind each other, and we can remind two vitally important candidates for public office - VP Harris and Gov Walz - of how indebted each of us is to the living choices and public service of the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We can be aware of and remind the VP and the Gov of remembering how important was the impacts of the work of the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg was in both better understanding and putting to use our Constitution and, even after her passing, the purposeful motivations which this work provided ordinary Americans of every demographic to get out and vote to support the Ruth Bader Ginsburg legacy of honest democratic rule of law and workings of civil society.

We can remind each other of the capacities Americans and America as governance system under the Constitution have to directly benefit all Americans. This election 2024 is as much about Ruth Bader Ginsburg's vision of America as it is about the vision in American elementary schools and playgrounds throughout America. A vote in support of her vision and her work is a vote for VP Harris and Gov Walz. We have to repeat this over and over in conversations and in public comment between now and Nov 05 so that Americans can vote for an American future that will enable and encourage more women to choose the path that Ruth Bader Ginsburg chose and then to live on that path with the honesty and mutual respect and commitment which she chose to live.

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Sep 13Liked by Qasim Rashid

I wonder if this censorship is bot driven and so just looks at the number of times certain words are written/said vs. content. Because obviously your video is needed in our country to help counter the stupid sentiment created by some idiot in his car, it was an excellent rebuttal and not violent at all. Qasim, have you read this WP article that just came out today? https://wapo.st/47oFgcG I worry for journalists who address various human rights atrocities of our world. And I worry when it starts happening so indiscriminately like you have pointed out here. Stay safe!

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It's likely bot driven, but even those bots are programmed by humans with bias.

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Racists begat racists. They used to censor mine back when trump was running. My overseas friends would send pictures of his now wife Melania her before and after pictures, nude disgusting pictures. I didn’t send them, anyway I got a warning. I finally just left facebook in 2015. Never looked back. Medium started doing it too. That’s why I am on Substack!

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Sep 13Liked by Qasim Rashid

Unless you’re only sharing cooking recipes or pop culture trivia, it’s best to delete FashBook or anything Meta:

Pro-Israel Group Censoring Social Media Led by Former Israeli Intelligence Officers -

“..Facebook policy manager Yehuda Ben Yaakov noted his relationship with FOA, CyberWell, and Tal Or-Cohen..”



Erasing the Evidence – Facebook, Instagram Remove Palestinian Documentary as Soon as It Was Released -

“.. Instagram and Facebook, in particular, deleted the documentary altogether alleging that it had promoted ‘dangerous organizations’..”




“..I copied the URL of the video and sent it to a team in [Facebook parent company] Meta, some Israelis that work for Meta, and I told them that this video needs to be removed and actually they removed it after a few days”


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I left Facebook years ago due to a celebrity obsessed co-worker bullying me, however Facebook at the time never allowed me to delete my account. They had what seemed like a bazillion screens preventing deletion, but did allow de-activation. So m, I ONLY got to deactivate my account. I dread the idea at my age, of trying to log in after decades, to try & delete the account permanently. Plus I live in Mississippi, land of the conservative nutters tracking everything online. It’s just cringe.

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Sep 13Liked by Qasim Rashid

Can’t say I am surprised. They routinely threw me off. I just deleted the app a week ago. Censorship is rearing its ugly head in a lot of places. The fan is whirling on high speed in the Middle East and the storm is spreading throughout the world.

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Sep 13Liked by Qasim Rashid

Facebook started out as a college site for guys to pick up women.

I had a MySpace account but Facebook destroyed that platform. I didn’t want to use FB but everyone was heading there. That was the beginning of the end of a benevolent internet. Google was once a benevolent company with the slogan ‘Do No Harm’. We see how that worked out. I finally had it with Facebook this past May. My account’s still active but I do not use it unless I need to. I use Messenger as my contact but I’d be happier if I didn’t have to. I don’t use any other Meta platforms. One reason I pulled back was frittering (technical term) away my day browsing. TwitX I abandoned the same way. All it did was make me outraged. I found that I was addicted to seeking out posts to be angry about. Facebook did not bring me peace of mind either. So I ‘got off the grid’.

I work outside at home a lot now. It’s therapeutic in ways these social platforms don’t. But now, I admit the need to ration my time on Substack. When I comment, I write as a conversation in my mind like I’m talking to someone. My biggest wish is to think the same with mathematics. It’s an alien concept I’m still working to understand.

Microsoft was the one that started the monetizing tech industry. Bill Gates argued at early gatherings “Why does it have to be free?”, referring to operating systems. Despite his efforts to make himself look less of a crook, he’s responsible for predatory business strategy by making all other DOS products incompatible with Microsoft’s. The original concept was as a community - like Linux is. But like many things, got ruined by opportunists.

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Sep 12Liked by Qasim Rashid

Can’t help but comment. So loved your video. In my ungrounded perspective, perhaps you are poking the bear. A collective of unconscious guilt. Maybe they aren’t unconscious, they are aware. But they are the ones in power and they control the social media. I quit these platforms because they flagged me on Israel and even for criticism of fabrics. These are not open forums. These are private platforms. We don’t have a say. That’s what I was informed. Meta is a lie.

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Sep 12Liked by Qasim Rashid

That is so WRONG! Your voice is needed!! I always read your articles and listen to your videos. Glad I am a subscriber!

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Thank you for your gracious support, Lori!

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Sep 12Liked by Qasim Rashid

This piece made me so mad I upgraded to paid immediately. Insufferable.

Facebook has discriminated against Palestinians for years, while happily posting openly racist intent from Israelis. But did you know that 3 Jewish pro Palestine groups have been forced to cancel a screening of Israelism at the Northbrook library? The library received over 800 complaints from Zionists, and staff say they were inundated with hateful calls and emails. While claiming to support the Library Bill of Rights etc., the library told the organizers that due to the likelihood of protests and possible violence, the organizers would need to pay $4500 to cover security and insurance. So, the innocent parties: community groups attempting to present a legitimate though unpopular point of view were being forced to pay because of bullying from a group of censors. Why were the film organizers punished and not the thugs doing the bullying? So much for free speech and combatting censorship at American libraries.

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As a former small town librarian with 40+ years of experience and always pinching pennies because of questionably literate Councillors (it did get better for the last third of my tenure). Complainants were cautious because I always responded to them in writing, explaining that libraries serve the WHOLE community not just the little old ladies devouring romances, not just the business men looking for ways to evade death and taxes, not just the conspiracy theorists, nor the Christians or the crackpots because the whole point of the free public library is to serve the public good.

That's what we try to do. That's why - even with threats of budget cuts we try to give unpopular ideas shelf space, (even if not much of it.) I always justified it to myself under the heading Know Thine Enemy.

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Honored and grateful for your support, Lesley. ❤️✊🏽

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Sep 12Liked by Qasim Rashid

This is one of my favorite posts! Hands down, it was informative, sensitive and with a bit of humor! Yes, a serious subject, but I had a really good laught here! There is absolutely nothing wroing with what Qasim said, nothing. Sometimes, truth hurts, that is part of our reality.

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