Fred Frump sits at his desk.

Assemblage of random papers

piled neatly in front of him

gold pen in hand. His office staged

as if an Important Man still works. He lingers and haunts the mind's eye of his bleach blonde bad bodied son

power and money sense power and money, in endless heat-seeking loop coursing through word salad responses, yet holding up the table. If you can't convict you must acquit. That junkyard dog Cerberus

needs to be unleashed.

Return us to the land of the living.

-- Elizabeth Marino 6/2/2024

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And yet, this little disc jocky adventure might yield even more legal action, as "YMCA" is on this list.


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Jupiter Florida. Hear his racists talk We hear you and see your ignorance and stupidity.

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These fascist white trash in Florida. Proud of their hate. Against Jews and Blacks.

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Turnout, turnout, turnout!

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Oct 16Liked by Qasim Rashid

Trump’s own father, who was also unethical and had gone the Nazi Bund rallies on Long Island, had dementia. To be fair it wasn’t as well known a disease as it is today, but it is very clear his son is cracking up, big time! This time we can put this Trump (aka The Fapweasel) in an institution before he does irreversible damage. Of course, we have to deal with Vance, aka, the bed bug. He cannot be allowed on the ballot in Trump’s place.

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His father was arrested at a KKK rally. White supremacy is what Trump has always pledged himself to.

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That is pretty disgusting!

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Oct 15Liked by Qasim Rashid

Trumps neurodegenerative decline is not new and is comorbid to Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder. MNPD includes Antisocial Personality Disorder, sadism, pathological lying and no empathy. This is significant because it forms the base and reason for his cruelty and excessive need for revenge.

Trump has clinical signs of dementia with psychotic a thought disorder. His jumping from topic to topic is called flight of ideas. His rambling is called tangential speech and loose associations. His 4th grade vocabulary is called poverty of vocabulary. And his worsening overuse, of grotesque profanity is called disinhibition. He also has facial tics especially about the mouth, and hand tremors. He has had a shuffling gait. His memory is faulty. I could go on but it is much more than cognitive decline. We are looking at a sick, demented sociopath (ASPD) who is rapidly deteriorating, into a serious threat to the world's security. What is really horrifying is millions of Americans embrace his hate and lack or morals, decent and integrity. I however, do not think even they know how mentally ill (there is said it) he is.

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Sounds like you have some psychiatric knowledge. One of my Facebook friends is a clinical psychologist, and she had him pegged as a narcissist even before he got elected, and now he has devolved into something far worse and more dangerous.

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The problem is as several academic, published and clinical psychiatrists have agreed, he has the rare form of NPD being that it is Malignant. This primarily means the NPD is co-morbid with Antisocial Personality Disorder which is otherwise known one the least severe end as sociopathy and most severe as psychopathy. MNPD is also characterized by lying and of tremendous concern by sadism.

It must be remembered that people with NPD or ASPD lack the capacity for empathy. They are capable of anything especially if they feel slighted and have no regard for consequences. They have a complete disregard for the feelings, opinions or needs of others. They also violate societal norms and laws as if they do not apply to them. This describes Trump well. As he has always demonstrated believing he doesn't have to pay his bills, honor contracts or commitments, or obey the law. He feels he can violate women without being held to account. All this is consistent with ASPD.

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Oct 15Liked by Qasim Rashid

It is hard to believe, but it is so in the world's greatest superpower

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No argument. I didn’t want it exactly both ways I was simply providing a few more examples in response to your expanded information in response to me. C’est tout

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Oct 15Liked by Qasim Rashid

Great writing and reporting, always!

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Thanks Jimmie

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You always speak the truth articulately. I read the NYT everyday and they do cover Trump and his lies even as they have so many reporters and commentators. Trump dancing sounds kinda oxymoronic so they don’t have to tell us much to see decline as an answer. Not much about Trump makes sense (outside the context of recognizing what an American anti-Christ looks like) but it makes sense that he would not find his way to condemn the people who think just like him.

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Thank you, Penni. Doing my best to keep my readers informed.

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Oct 15Liked by Qasim Rashid

Love the title, spot on! He is a misogynist fascist maniac and a convicted felon. The Republican party are his enablers. In no decent country should this sort of a person be running for any office!

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And he wouldn’t be able to run if the republicans had voted to impeach him with one of two opportunities to do so!

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Agreed. Which is why even after he loses, we need to increase our workload to ensure meaningful justice going forward.

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You have got the decline and incline exactly correct of course. The decline is slow and unsteady but the incline is getting steeper by the day as it will all the way up to the Nov 5th election and beyond. Where Trump wins or loses here are the two scenarios of violence that I believe we will be dealing with. https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/trump-violence/

I don't believe that I have shared this with any of you before, and if, I have my apologies although nothing has changed in the past five weeks to indicate otherwise. Quite the contrary.

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Fascism incline is absolutely exponential at this point.

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As a matter of ethics and protocol, psychiatrists (I'm one) do not make diagnoses to be applied to people they haven't examined. I realize that Trump is so imposing in the media that it's as if someone could examine him, even if not in person and privately.

But to conclude that he is cognitive decline would require a more or less confident conclusion that he was previously cognitively better. I don't have confidence that we could make that conclusion. He's a shyster and a huckster, but I have never seen evidence that he's very bright. There were stories some years ago that he paid people to take college and graduate school tests for him.

I certainly see how ridiculous he is, but he was just as ridiculous nine and more years ago. As the spotlight shines more brightly on him, and he has fewer people around him to tell him how wonderful he is, he just looks worse. I'm just not sure that he IS worse.

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Dear Dr. Jones,

As a criminologist who has written two books on Trump-- Criminology on Trump (2022) and a much longer sequel, Indicting the 45th President: Boss Trump, the GOP and What We Can Do About the Threat to American Democracy (2024) -- both award winning monographs -- and being aware of Donald's full biography in depth over 78 years as well as the dynamics of father/mother/child/sibling relationships, there is indeed something to be said about his low IQ intelligence scores and the type of dyslexia that has been with Donald his whole life. On the other hand, there is plenty of evidence without sitting down on the couch with Trump about his worsening dementia pretty much like when it began as a similar age in earnest with his father Fred Trump. Alll this stated, as a criminologist with a clinical background in mental illness, there are plenty of psychiatrists/psychologists as well as myself who have not sat down with Donald and yet have come out publicly and labeled him a sociopath.

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Hit the nail on the head with comorbid Malignant NPD

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Mr Barak, you might accuse me of being a purist, and I won't disagree with you. I've been a psychiatrist for 46 years, and I've seen a range of mistakes people make by being careless or making assumptions. (I won't get into the technical issues about Donnie with you here, because it's too long and complicated a discussion.)

Yes, we've all heard about Donnie's upbringing, his dependency on his daddy, his willingness to turn on his older brother in order to please daddy, his outrageous and seemingly unrelenting business failures, and you've confirmed the likelihood of low IQ. (But purist that I am, when you mention "low IQ scores," I don't know that his IQ was ever tested, or what the scores were. I was not aware of dyslexia, and if he's dyslexic, maybe that accounts for "COVFEFE," although it's peculiar that he's so fixated on what he has trouble doing: communicating in writing.

Do you likewise think Biden is demented, because of his last debate, or do you think he just had a very bad night? (And I don't think Biden has shown evidence of high intelligence, either.) I still say, without having evaluated Donnie, that when you take away the props (the adoring and voluminous crowds), he, if I can be colloquial, freaks out. And he or someone close to him knows it. I just read an article today about a rally he held in California, and it was demanded that people be brought there by bus, so they couldn't leave. Are demented people also reliant on a familiar and predictable environment? Yes, they are.

As I said, I'm a purist. Donnie says he's not demented, because he was able to distinguish a giraffe from an elephant. No one evaluates adults that way. So I don't know if anyone has ever evaluated him. And what's most salient for the purpose of this post is whether anyone ever evaluated him twice: in the past and now. The question is whether his cognitive functioning is deteriorating. It might or might not be. We don't have the evidence we need. You're a criminologist. You, more than many, appreciate the essential value of evidence. So do I, and it has to be a certain kind.

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He demenonstrates evidence of a thought disorder in he has: flight of ideas, tangential thinking, loose associations, delusions, lies, poverty of speech, poverty of vocabulary, poverty of empathy, disinhibition,

short, long term and working memory dysfunction, and more. This is just from observation. How can you opine that he does not have mental illness and cognitive decline especially if we add in the content of what he says.

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I disagree that he has several of the indicators you mentioned.

I didn't say he doesn't have a "mental illness," whatever you define that to mean. There is strong indication, for example, of a personality disorder, a diagnosis that has been proposed by many people.

To assess cognitive decline, we would have to have an assessment of cognition earlier and later under the same conditions. I don't think we have that.

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I at least would say he has Malignant NPD which includes ASPD and sadism. I believe this has been agreed upon and well opined on by leading psychiatrists who have written on Trump’s mental state. I cannot begin to measure the threat a person with MNPD would pose as the leader of the most powerful country. I struggle to understand how you do not discern he has such as flight of ideas and tangential thinking indicating a thought disorder.

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Ms Nelson, you missed my point. You're proposing diagnoses, even ones you say have been agreed upon by "leading psychiatrists," but you and I have no reason to think these "leading psychiatrists" ever evaluated Donnie. If I had to guess, I'd guess no psychiatrist has ever evaluated him.

He is patently self-focused (appears to have no appreciation for anyone but himself), and he clearly lies continually. These kinds of indicators could go with narcissistic or antisocial personality disorder. Sadism is not a diagnosis. (Sadomasochistic personality disorder is.) But assuming he has never chosen to be in psychotherapy, and even if we imagine he doesn't realize he has these traits, nothing can be done about them. (Do you know the joke about how many psychiatrists it takes to change a lightbulb? Only one, but the lightbulb has to want to change.) Donnie isn't looking to change.

As for whether or not he has flight of ideas or tangential thinking, neither you nor I know what he thinks. We only know what he says. And I think that attaching psychopathological terms, like flight of ideas or tangential thinking, is careless and a way to avoid understanding what's in Donnie's mind. For example, Donnie has a rhetorical pattern which he calls "the weave." He deliberately rambles and skips from topic to topic, hoping something he says will get a response. He doesn't seem to care what he says, as long as he gets the response. I generally think of his ramblings as mutual masturbation. He's trying to get an enthusiastic reaction out of his audience, and in exchange, he reassures them that they're victims and they're right. I think there's a calculated quality to what he says. Again, I've never met him nor spoken to him, and he would be extremely unlikely to ask me to treat him (which I wouldn't do anyway). So I observe, and I realize I'm guessing.

Gregg Barak says that when Donnie was in the 11th grade, his IQ was tested and was in the 70s. I don't know how Gregg knows this, but he says he's made an intense study of Donnie, from his own distance, so maybe he's right. I'm surprised, because Donnie functions higher, I think, than 70s. Even if he's 100% con man, which I think he is, it would take more than 70s to pull off what he has, despite all the failures. A lot of people got suckered into going along for the ride with Donnie. I'm not sure he could have pulled that off packing no more than 70s. Donnie had a sister who was a federal judge. He has a niece who's a psychologist. His sister never, to my knowledge, said anything about his intellect or his character, and his niece, who should know, hasn't said anything about his intellect. She's said a lot about his character, or lack thereof, but she hates him, and she's not detached enough to offer a reliable diagnosis.

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This is not the place for the deep dive. Here are a few thin in response to your reply .His scores were from the 11th grade and scores were in the 70s but that was probably dyslexia influenced. If you have read enough books from those who know Trump best you understand the evolution and the decline mentally of what he was saying privately for years now out loud. And unfortunately I have been paying attention to everything Trump and have published more than 90 commentaries since he took office in 2017.

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Mr Barak, you have me at a disadvantage. You propose that this is not the place for a deep dive, which is OK with me, and then you introduce more material (to which I'm presumably not supposed to, or not welcome to, respond). Please don't have it both ways. I already told you it was a complicated discussion, and you seem to say you agree with that (this is not the place for a deep dive), so you should drop the matter. I don't disagree with you that you have devoted yourself to trying to understand, or indict, Trump, criminologist that you are. And it's great that you've written two esteemed books and 90 commentaries, whatever a "commentary" is.

But again, I already agreed with you, and still agree with you, that this is not the place. If you've changed your mind, then you should tell me that, and I'll see how deep a dive I think we can take here.

If you like, you can send me an e-mail to fredjonasmd@gmail, I'll give you my phone number, and we can talk about it. Just please don't be one of those people who says he doesn't want to communicate any more about it, then communicates more about it.

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The fact that he is an active fascist—plans to implement policies—is terrifying. But his mental and physical health has me panicking. Vance is even worse. If you pray, now is the time.

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Absolutely. Work, work, work.

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Lord knows I pray. I'm praying. But we have work to do too, and we cannot relent.

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Oct 15Liked by Qasim Rashid

Thank you a million times for your excellent reporting of crucial information that’s buried by all those selling their souls to this monster and his minions which includes the Republican Party.

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Thank you for reading and sharing, Myra.

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