He most certainly committed war crimes, along with every single person in Biden’s cabinet, along with Biden and Harris. So did all of the mainstream media that hides the truth. All of them should be held accountable. Making money in war is more important than human lives. They are all monsters, that are the most evil psychopaths in the world. Hang them all.

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Thank you, Qasim, for this assessment. The facts about the availability and hindered delivery of aid have not been respected by Blinken's Dept of State. This is willful and constitutes illegal choice and action.

That this bad-faith handling of information that is vitally important for the people of Gaza and for the legal conduct of responsibilities by the Dept of State. Blinken shares responsibility for the loss of lives of innocents.

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Ask most US military veteran officers to compare what they saw in Iran or Afghanistan, let alone Viet Nam, to the American mainstream news accounts filtered. Even these had outside international journalists allowed some coverage. The film "The Control Room" is good at showing how military channels filter news. Israel has a press lockdown. There was an official act from the Israeli Parliament, the Al Jazeera Act, that locked out all international journalists. Most of what Congress sees us also vetted by the Israeli government. The Society to Protect Journalists, among others, keeps track of journalists killed.

Gaza has one of the highest literacy rates in the world, partly because of the UN schools, now used for shelters and bombed anyway. The reporting from inside Gaza is because of Gazans telling their own stories.

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My question, especially after seeing Pres. Biden on The View this morning, is what background dirty laundry does Netanyahu have on Biden?

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Just who knew what when, and why it was dismissed and buried, is an interesting question. Former State Department official Josh Paul, who was directly involved in the Administration's arms transfers, contributed to this report to Congress.


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This is extremely important and I hope Biden and Blinken face accountability for this lie. Thanks for reporting on this topic!

When we first learned that the NSM-20 report was intentionally dishonest, I tried many times to amplify the news. I kept posting note after note about it trying to spread awareness;




I also wrote in my paper The Path to Peace;


"The White House ordered the State Department to create the National Security Memorandum/NSM-20 to assess Israel’s compliance with international law. The report found that Israel’s bombing campaign has violated international law but that Israel is not blocking humanitarian aid. So every single American should watch this clip of a former State Department official with 20 years of experience who just resigned over the NSM-20.


In this clip we learn that State Department subject matter experts, USAID, and on the ground US-aligned human rights organizations all agreed that Israel IS blocking aid. But after all subject matter experts created a report confirming that Israel is blocking aid, that report got sent to higher ups for editing and review before release...The higher ups which could've been Biden, Blinken, or maybe 1 or 2 other people changed the findings of the subject matter experts to instead say Israel is not blocking aid."




All of this is important because the apartheid state of Israel could not carry out their war crimes and crimes against humanity without unwavering support of the United Sassist and if Biden/Blinken had told the truth about Israel blocking humanitarian assistance in the NSM-20 it would have triggered the Foreign Assistance Act;

"The Foreign Assistance Act makes clear; no US assistance may be provided to any country that “prohibits or otherwise restricts, directly or indirectly, the transport or delivery of United States humanitarian aid.”

-Bernie Sanders

So the Biden administration lied on purpose to facilitate Israel's war crimes and we now have proof of it!

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I wrote to President Biden on my objections to sending lethal weaponry and monetary aid to the fascist regime(I did NOT call the Israeli government that, for I know better..) known as Israel. My letters were rejected, I believe, by some monitor overseeing the texts that US Citizens send to any given administration. This is inherently wrong to put a block on what the American populace sees as INJUSTICE.

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Thank you, Mr. Rashid! Allah Akbar to you and your family!

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The US congress gave the executive branch a clear choice: if you do not support Netanyahu without reservation, there will be no additional aid for Ukraine.

Without Israel lobbyists and pacs purchasing and kidnapping the congress on this issue, Biden would have walked into a second term.

Blinken can honestly say he carried out the will of Congress and the Executive branch.

Israel is not and never was a friend to the United States.

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Both the US and Israel have locked arms in promoting genocide! Notice the repeated use of the term “self defense”… I am speaking of our current administration here.

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Qasim, who has the authority to prosecute Blinken? Is that something that the Attorney General could do?

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Yes. Ideally Biden would hold him accountable and then he'd be indicted and charged for lying to Congress.

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Sep 25Liked by Qasim Rashid

I read your texts with great interest and am always impressed by your words and arguments. That said, there is a typo in the penultimate para: the word enforce.

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While the arguments are persuasively backed by evidence even as war with rules can be seen to be prone to violations as it is war, this is way more complicated than we the public can really know with any certainty and more evidence will pour in.

For example, I saw a CBS report, now that I have some tv. They showed rubble of a former town in Gaza that was horrifying. Then the woman reporter said that her interviews showed that Hamas had booby trapped the buildings to blow up. Here I was thinking how horrible Israeli military was and it was hamas blowing up their own people they are tasked to protect. Hmm. Of course, we think we would work to reform our enemies but then I think- can Trump be reformed? Or even trusted? We know the answer. And I hope for jail.

Hamas has won their intended outcome- getting the US to question ties to Israel while getting people to judge and hate people of Jewish descent as much as Hamas does. Governments and people are different entities too. All this hate needs healed. While healing starts with action based on truth and we should definitely look at and modify what we fund to Israel, given the evidence, (even as we fund Ukraine, with its more visible more vanilla villain based on that evidence and potential for escalation beyond Ukraine), throwing our Secretary of State under the bus, especially now, does not seem a right answer. Lots of liars out there but that is not usual blinken conduct or Biden administration conduct. Let’s impeach those who lied to get on the Supreme Court before we go after our Secretary of State who must weigh massive concerns and evidence all around the world at once.

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What CBS report? Netanyahu has banned all western journalists and media from Gaza. He's even shut down Al Jazeera in Gaza AND the West Bank. He's additionally killed more than 100 journalists in Gaza. What verified report are you referring to?

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I remember your reporting on the mass murder of journalists now that you say that. Horrific stuff. I believe my husband switched over from CNN on Sunday having seen the earlier version of fareed and a short lighter haired middle aged woman was in the rubble of newly bombed buildings. She said she interviewed a bunch of people who lived there and they said the buildings were booby trapped by Hamas. She also showed tunnels under or near the rubble and they were huge enough to drive semi trucks through. She could have been from nbc but I think it was CBS. It seemed shocking and then no one else seemed to cover it. she was several minutes into her report before she revealed the Hamas connection to the rubble too as I assumed it was military bombings. She had a bit of an accent. Thanks for following up. I find all of this war and the death of so many innocent people so unnerving as do so many of us.

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You need to watch something besides western mainstream media. It’s all been co-opted by Israel. Watch the documentary: The Occupation of the American Mind. This has been going on for decades!

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I hope that American voters will see the differences between Harris and Trump in spite of the horror that is the Middle-East. If they vote for Trump to send a message to Biden and Harris, they are blind to the fact that Trump will send Netanyahu anything Netanyahu wants, not just weapons but money and political support to further change Israel into an oligarchy.

Biden has continued to avoid explaining himself. That is a big mistake.

Keeping international dealings a secret in our information world is a mistake too. They should all be open and transparent. By thinking that secrecy strengthens your position, you create the possibility for conspiracy theories and misinformation campaigns that threaten any possible benefit of that secrecy. Let the bad players be known for that and maintain the high ground, consistently, so that everyone knows that they can trust you and not the others. Simple diplomacy is always better diplomacy.

Biden and Blinken know that.

It is the one aspect of Trump’s stupidity that everyone counts on: They can trust Trump to tell everyone exactly what is on his mind, even when it is just plain stupid.

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Our choices politically in this country have been narrowed down to a duopoly: Maga Red or Maga Blue. That was made obvious in 2016, when Bernie Sanders was shut out by the Democratic Party at the DNC. Both parties have been bought out by big donors. AIPAC fun, both parties in the name of Israel.

The lies began shortly after October 7, when Biden was regurgitating Israeli media lies about beheaded babies. This story was debunked days later but his message stuck. Then the NY Times’ lies about rape, without any evidence. I find that the American psyche is sadly vulnerable to this type of media and presidential manipulation.

I began doing a very deep dive after October 7, as I could smell a rat. Where it has led me has been both illuminating, infuriating and heartbreaking ❤️‍🩹

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You would think that after Vietnam the media would be better at reporting the facts of a war on both sides. Instead, they just ignore the facts and keep reporting Pro-Israeli propaganda.

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Sep 25Liked by Qasim Rashid

This is a very disturbing revelation that deserves immediate objective review. Thank you for raising the issue and pursuing a truthful response!

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Sep 25Liked by Qasim Rashid

Looks like it's already had objective review: multiple eyewitnesses and reliable journalism from trusted sources.

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Sep 25Liked by Qasim Rashid

This accusation needs to be thoroughly investigated. Also, Netanyahu, in my opinion, is as dangerous as Putin. What he has done is despicable. I am Jewish, so I am not an antisemite. I am for what is right and we need to stop providing aid to Israel and Netanyahu should be brought up on charges against humanity. Qasim, your expression "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" applies to so many people in today's world.

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Sep 25Liked by Qasim Rashid

I agree wholeheartedly. My only issue is the naive notion that Democrats doing the right and legal thing would in any way affect what Republicans would do. The immoral will only laugh at the "weak" and continue their immorality.

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This is… genuinely horrifying. Why would Blinken lie? What does he get out of it?

If this is the case, then Biden/Harris need to hold him accountable and put a stop to anymore weapon shipments that Netanyahu’s government may use for war crimes.

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Don’t hold your breath re: Biden / Harris doing anything, as they are complicit as well.

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What would he get out of it? Nothing—except his allegiance to Israel…

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I think he's doing what Biden wants.

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