There is one thing statistics haven't measured about Trump's claims. His grandfather was a criminal (draft evader, possible thief, when he came to America. His grandfather committed many crimes as an immigrant and because he was on a list for deportation for both.

So Donald knows from personal history that there was at least one criminal immigrant and at least one criminal immigrant who committed crimes after immigrating.

For God's sake, don't you realize Trump can't add to two?

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Great factual summary of the falsehoods that need this light shed on them! #4 is the one I hear that seems hardest to put to rest. The argument I hear most is that undocumented immigrants can’t possibly be paying those taxes, because as undocumented persons, they aren’t allowed to be hired for jobs that withhold those taxes. I found this explainer - sharing in case it may be of help to anyone else coping with these kinds of arguments: https://bipartisanpolicy.org/blog/how-do-undocumented-immigrants-pay-federal-taxes-an-explainer/

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"Dog whistle" is too mild a term, because Trump & the GOP are not trying to be subtle AT ALL. They're saying it in the open — because the MAGA cult are not deep, and unable to read between the lines, requiring even messages of hate to be spelled out.

To hear JD Vance say "ethnic enclaves" are crime-ridden is atrocious. Obviously, because his own wife is Indian. I can all but guarantee when his in-laws immigrated here, they surrounded themselves with other same-language speakers from India, and circulated within that community, an "ethnic enclave" if you will. Plus, my area of central NJ is a massive, expansive stretch of Indian, Asian and Muslim people. The crime rate is exceedingly low.

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I tried to share a link to this post on Facebook and it was labeled as spam. What the heck?

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"The real solution to America’s drug crisis lies in addressing the true sources of the problem, not in vilifying those who are least responsible for it. That means focusing on comprehensive drug policy reform, smarter border management that targets actual traffickers, and a more humane immigration system that reflects the values of justice and fairness."

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White supremacy is sn oxymoron.

And i am as pale as they come.

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My entire neighborhood are immigrants. Including me. Not one of them has professed to be USA Native American to me. What they have professed is their racist religions with nasty Catholic (how are yard signs not idolization?) yard signs. & that folks is what we need to pay attention to. Those who use religion to promote racism. “Systemic racism” specifically.

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For whatever historical circumstance, white supremacy, in a variety of guises has been a founding force since European colonization of the New World, both south and north began The earliest invaders of South and Central America were after only one thing, gold and jewels. Incredibly they believed they were owed this bounty, having survived the rigors of sailing across the Atlantic. Their obsession with the myths of monsters, and fabulous riches (streets paved with gold, originated with the Conquistadores )led to gratuitous deaths among the invaders and genocidal attacks by them against the native peoples - even after plundering indigenous communities.

They introduced gun fire to the continent, along with European plagues like small pox unknown to the Native population which so depleted that population it was unable to mount effective defenses. Pre conquest the New World population out numbered the invaders by many orders of magnitude, Disease reduced them to ragged remnants. White supremacy was ensured by gifts of small pox infected blankets.

White supremacy with its foundation in existential fear of being hurled back into the sea, with its gunpowder advantage is the long lasting legacy of White colonization. Our present obsession with guns is the toxic legacy of our foundational fear of being replaced. At the time of the Constitution's writing, the Colonizers could see their path to dominance which is why immigration from non-white parts of the world is not even considered, much to the disgust of modern white supremacists.

Now that the entire planet is in turmoil over weather/climate crises and the global population is on the march, searching for survivability, the puny (comparatively speaking) white European world, so used to its god given supremacy is being reminded of its vulnerability and lashing out right, left and centre to fend off the horde of "desperate, criminals, impoverished beggars, leeches on civilization, ....ad nauseam.

Virtually all the media in the US is owned/controlled by white citizens and all are consciously or not, infected by the fear and hatred, inspired by demagogues to appeal to the lowest, least advantaged strata of our populace. They know they are easily displaced, by robots, by cheap imported labour, by off shoring, by the "Elites" determined to exclude them from health care, from decent housing, from the ability to vote, from any form of financial stability. They know they are already disposable, why would they not fear replacement? Why can they not see the lethal hypocrisy of the rabble rousers, more than willing to throw them into the threshing machines of legal and economic warfare?

Consistent underfunding and censorship of education that counteracts the BS of "the American dream"? Consistent propaganda and entertainment that approaches the bread and circuses of the Roman Empire ? Consistent stealth impoverishment through gambling, through drugs , through alcohol, through deliberate financial malfeasance designed to transfer wealth from the poor to the rich? Consistent oppressive behaviour by the oligarchs?

WE al have to adjust the magnification of the reality of our lives.

PS you know the trusim "every great fortune is founded on an equally great crime"? Musk's first successful venture was paypal, founded with a partner whom he later cheated out of the proceeds of its sale. This tidbit was gleaned from a NYTimes article.

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Well said! It's about time that someone mentioned Black slavery and the genocide of the Native peoples.

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Always A+++. But Trump has no issues with "black" people, "brown" people, or "white" people. He has a single-minded interest in one person in this world (assuming he's not still trying to figure out how to get into his older daughter's drawers): himself. His whole life has been that way, and only that way. He'll spout anything that will lead some other people to fawn over him, because that's all he wants. His only interest in rich people, or even poor people, is that they'll support him by giving him money, since he's a financial disaster himself. He is interested in what he considers to be good-looking female people, but not because he cares about them. He really doesn't care about anyone, except himself.

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Another dangerous byproduct of our warped economic system, in which you can extract large sums of money from others while you call them illegal immigrants and criminals but refuse to live under the same punitive standards you insist on imposing on them.

The media does need to step up and tell the truth about immigration and about the criminals denouncing them and about our ultimately destructive economic system.

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Another well written article by you on what the mainstream media will not discuss. These people are cowards and need to do their jobs. Both trump and musk should be in jail for breaking the law. Rules seem not to apply to these “gentlemen”. I do not expect the mainstream media, in the current way it is constructed, to do anything but try to normalize this kind of behavior. Twitter should be shut down immediately. Trump should be in jail. Being rich doesn’t make you respectable.

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Absolutely Brilliant Qasim!! Thank you so very much.

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Thanks for reading, Chris!

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Very well done analysis, timely!

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Thanks, Gail!

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I knew Elon was illegal and he should be deported back to South Africa. He is not contributing any money to our country or our economy. He is the most racist person in our country. Why are we the damn people are not paying attention to this guy, he’s a criminal and a clear and present danger to our country.

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MAGA which many members are White Supremacists just hate anybody who isn't Caucasian ???

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Black Nationalists exist. I’ve met them. They are stuck in the confederate days for generations now. They typically run around & go to church with white supremacists in my area of Mississippi.

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