Didn't Florida pass a state law that would allow child sex offenders to recieve the death penalty? Is Geatz gonna face that possibility or...was the legislation designed to target some other group of people 🤔

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Where I come from, it’s simple: “Birds of a feather flock together”.

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Trump, his appointees, and every member of the house and senate that votes inIn trump’s favor without so much as a blink, all have something in their not so proverbial closet they don’t want aired. Ever wonder why Lindsay Graham suddenly became an Always Trumper? These people have something that could shatter their comfy lives and they’re willing to risk everything for the power and money trump’s protection brings. They are all utterly controllable, weak-minded, and lack any kind of moral compass. As long as they can utter the words “Bible” and “yes” they’re safe.

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The only thing I can say is EEEEEWWWWWWWWW!

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The moral superiority these politicians scream about while swimming in a cesspool of their own immorality🤯.

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I thought I saw a post with the name and phone number for someone in Florida, maybe a DA, to call to urge them to investigate Gaetz for purposes of filing legal charges against him, but now I can’t find it. Can anyone re-post it! Thanks.

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What really gets me angry is that Marjorie Taylor Greene threatened to out other members of Congress for their bad deeds if they released the report. Why aren’t we holding them accountable for their bad deeds now? Just shows that MTG is not a good faith actor in addition to being complicit.

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Do you mean to tell me that, by now, you still haven't figured out that Marjorie Taylor Greene is ... a complete ... idiot?

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No one came forward to reveal the truth because the MAGA clique are experts at obfuscation, threats, intimidation, bribery and extortion. Even when caught red-handed they will continue to lie deny, again and again and again until we weary of the farce.

Behind it all is money, monied enablers, criminal money, so much money we cannot even imagine the magnitude of money poured out to swamp the gutters and fill the cess pits. Standing in it up to their chins are the privileged, predatory plutocrats.

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I’m certainly no legal expert, I’d most definitely defer to you for that.

But I can’t help but think the obstruction of the investigation is a massive red flag in regard to his guilt.

Much like his demagogue Trump, who sought to delay all of his trials. You’d think if he were innocent, he’d be eager to be exonerated.

Anyway, I’m glad this report was released and I hope it puts the final nail in the coffin for his political career. But he should probably be in prison for these crimes.

Excellent write up as always, sir!

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Thanks for reading, Lee. And you're exactly right -- the fact that he was so blatantly obstructing the investigation makes the refusal to hold him accountable all the worse. Innocent people don't obstruct investigations.

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If the victim is female she gets blamed for it

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So when does the Florida governor and his wife refer to him and his enablers as groomers? Will the so-called Moms for Liberty try to upend his life and have his name as well as the details about the ethics committee report excised from school curriculums?

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Never, because they enabled this with their silence.

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One more thing I’d like to add from Bob Dylan, money doesn’t talk, it swears.

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The young girl did not let him know that she was seventeen. However, like Fapweasel, he likes the younger type because his prowess isn’t in question. Predators take others down. That said, on a lighter note, think how it would feel not being able to get laid.😆 Fapweasel selected Gaetz because they share the same traits. I have been around men like this since I was a child. These men aren’t any different. They cross all boundaries because they don’t understand what they are. We, as a society protect people like this,causing further damage upon the innocent that will retaliate in the future.

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Irrelevant that she "didn't let him know." A child is a child. The burden of responsibility is on Gaetz to NOT rape a child.

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Also, he PAID for sex from these girls, which puts him in the same category as Jeffrey Epstein. They should lock him in the same cell.

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It's always the hypocrisy with Republicans, isn't it? So strange.

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This is disgusting! But what’s equally horrifying is that Gaetz doesn’t seem to believe this will be career-ending for him. Unfortunately, he may be right. YECCCH!

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Golden parachutes!🤢🤮

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MAGA believes in rules for thee but not for me

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Please contact the office of Ashley Moody to investigate Mathew Gaetz for the Statutory Rape, Drug Abuse prostitution, statutory rape, illicit drug use, impermissible gifts, special favors or privileges, and obstruction of Congress.

www.myfloridalegal.com TOLL FREE: 1-866-9-NO-SCAM

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Thank you for this!

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