Big Oil’s Last Ditch Effort: Immunity for Climate Destruction
Big Oil is lobbying hard to pass legislation giving itself immunity for all the climate destruction it has caused—here's how you can help ensure they're held accountable
Most Americans don’t realize that scientists who worked for Big Oil companies like ExxonMobil warned more than half a century ago that continued exploitation of fossil fuels will cause climate catastrophe.
Big Oil knew this to be true, but lied anyway. But it gets even worse. And if we don’t act now, we’ll suffer the continued consequences of Big Oil’s climate destruction. Let’s Address This.
Fact: Fossil Fuel Companies Knowingly Destroyed Our Planet
While fossil fuel companies like ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, and Chevron lied about the climate crisis, they reaped stupendous record profits to the tune of trillions of dollars. And it still gets worse.
Big Oil reaped these profits while communities nationally and globally suffered the consequences of their deception. Studies show that these catastrophes disproportionately harm low-income people and Black and Latino communities, demonstrating the racial injustice resulting from climate injustice. And yes, it still gets even worse.
After knowingly lying to the public, making record profits off that lie, and destroying countless lives and communities, now Big Oil wants legal immunity. Yep, they want a get-out-of-jail-free card that would shield them from lawsuits and financial responsibility for the damage they’ve knowingly caused. And unless we act now, Big Oil just might get away with it.
This isn’t speculation. It’s happening right now. In Maryland, fossil fuel industry lobbyists are pushing legislation that would grant blanket immunity to oil companies, preventing them from being sued for climate-related destruction. Meanwhile, the American Petroleum Institute and other industry groups are filing lawsuits against climate superfund laws, setting the stage for congressional intervention.
Donald Trump himself has promised to "stop the wave of frivolous litigation from environmental extremists," making it clear that Big Oil has a powerful ally in its fight to evade justice. If they succeed, it won’t just be about climate lawsuits—this will set a precedent for corporations and government entities to dodge accountability across industries.
Again, this isn’t speculation. It is already happening. Just last week the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in favor of the city of San Francisco, allowing them to overrule the EPA, ignore the Clean Water Act, and discharge feces-filled sewage water into “receiving bodies.”
So yes, things are pretty bad. But what can we do to make things better? It starts by following a proven model to protect the human rights we all have.
The Corporate Playbook: Protect Profits, Not People
If this Big Oil strategy sounds familiar, that’s because it is. Industries that have caused massive harm always try to escape liability when public pressure mounts. For example:
The Gun Industry’s Immunity Shield: The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) protects gun manufacturers from lawsuits, even when their products fuel mass shootings. Imagine if families of Sandy Hook victims could sue Remington and win in court—but were barred from doing so? That’s exactly what Big Oil wants for themselves.
The Tobacco and Opioid Industries Were Held Accountable: Unlike the gun industry, Big Tobacco and opioid manufacturers were forced to pay billions in settlements for their role in lying about the dangers of their products. Now, fossil fuel companies want to ensure they never have to pay for the fires, floods, and extreme weather they helped create.
Remember, at its core, this is a justice issue. When corporations evade accountability, the burden of climate destruction falls on us—taxpayers, working-class people, and especially frontline communities already suffering the most. Here’s what happens when polluters don’t pay:
✅ Taxpayers foot the bill for disaster recovery, infrastructure repairs, and medical costs
✅ Vulnerable communities bear the worst impacts, despite contributing the least to climate change
✅ The cycle of destruction continues, as corporations face no consequences and continue profiting from climate devastation
The above examples of the firearm and tobacco industries prove that when we work together, we can hold powerful corporations and industries accountable. We must do the same with Big Oil. If we fail, and instead allow fossil fuel companies to rewrite the rules and dodge accountability, who’s next? Will corporations responsible for water contamination, unsafe working conditions, or dangerous pharmaceuticals demand the same immunity? The fight against Big Oil is a fight to stop corporate lawlessness before it’s too late.
Here is how to act.
The Time to Act is Now
Established organizations like Make Polluters Pay are fighting to force fossil fuel companies to cover the costs of the damage they’ve caused—through climate superfund legislation and climate liability lawsuits. We’ve done this before with Big Tobacco and Big Pharma. It’s time to do it again with Big Oil.
The Make Polluters Pay Plan would establish a Polluters Pay Climate Fund, funded by contributions from major oil and gas companies like ExxonMobil, Chevron, and Shell. The amount each company pays into the fund would be based on their share of historic emissions.
If Trump and Big Oil succeed in securing immunity, not only is there no fund to hold them accountable, it will be a disaster for climate accountability—and for democracy itself. We cannot allow an unelected industry of polluters to override the courts and the will of the people.
Here’s what you can do right now:
Raise your voice. Take a moment to sign the petition to demand accountability and block fossil fuel immunity.
Subscribe to Make Polluters Pay on Substack at Fossil Free Memo. This will help you to stay informed and take action. It is critical we elevate the organizations who are the tip of the spear in fighting for climate justice.
Share this post. The more people who know what’s happening, the harder it will be for Big Oil to operate in secrecy. We the People fought back against the firearm industry and big tobacco by publicizing our stories and making them heard. We must do the same with Big Oil.
Big Oil is counting on public apathy and political corruption to secure its get-out-of-jail-free card. But history proves that when people unite against corporate lawlessness, justice prevails. We’ve held Big Tobacco, the gun industry, and opioid manufacturers accountable—we can and must do the same with fossil fuel companies. The time to act is now. Sign the petition, stay informed, and spread the word. If we let Big Oil win, we set a precedent for unchecked corporate destruction across industries. But if we fight back and make polluters pay, we can protect our planet, our communities, and our future. Corporations don’t stop unless we make them. Let’s make them.
What would happen if we publicized the names of the oil executives, past and present, with their pictures? Is there a way to do this without being sued?
This is horrible! The coal industry pulls the same type tricks. We need to be sure all fossil fuel industries are held accountable! Sharing with everyone I can think of!