Dear friends,
I hope this finds you well. I want to take a moment to say how much your engagement and support mean to me. Running this publication is a labor of love, but let me tell you—it is also a lot of work!
I am a one-person team. Every article you read, every argument I craft, every fact I verify, every podcast I script, and every video I record, edit, and post—it all comes from hours of research, writing, edits, revisions, and dedication.
My goal is simple: to address the critical human rights issues that define our time and provide you with the insights, clarity, and tools to engage meaningfully with the world around us, and work to right the wrongs we see in front of us.
But here’s the thing: for us to grow and reach more people, we need support and resources. I cannot do this alone. That’s where you come in.
I am asking you to consider upgrading to a paid subscription. How much? A cup of coffee, once a month, i.e. $6/month. Your support will help me cover essential costs like research tools, platform fees, the sheer time spent creating this content to advance human rights, and—hopefully soon—hire researchers and writers to expand our reach and impact. With your help, we can build something even bigger, better, and farther reaching.
And by subscribing, you do something else critically important. You help ensure my writing and advocacy remains free and accessible to all those who may not have the means to upgrade to a paid subscription. I don’t believe in paywalls, and I’m hopeful you can help ensure my content continues to remain accessible and sustainable.
We know 2025 and beyond are going to be a terrible four years (at least) for human rights. Now is the time to act and stand united. Together, we can amplify our message, speak truth to power, and continue fighting for justice. Let’s make it happen. We can, if we work together.
Thank you for believing in me, for trusting in me, and for being part of this journey.
With gratitude,