As a Shia Muslim in Pakistan , I believe that whatever your religious background or thought of school is, one should not be given enough power to target or kill someone base on their beliefs. It is very important to note that with the advent of Islam, people who did not converted to Islam were not forcefully killed or targeted but was rather told to live peacefully. Extremism was/will never be the answer to living peacefully. For it is God to decide who is right and who is wrong.

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Well said Fariha.

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Jun 18Liked by Qasim Rashid

Thank you for this explanation of Eid of Sacrifice.

It is straight-forward, provides a common sense view of remembrance of an event, remembrance that a person may choose to do personally but for the purpose of strengthening one's personal commitment to acting with mutual respect and mutual understanding.

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This is seriously fucked up. This is seriously fucked up. Wtf is wrong with people. Where is the humanity, or is this humanity.. how much longer will this kind of hate exist.. omg, I swear I'm going to go watch cute puppy and kitten videos and call in sick. I just even today.

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Imagine a Muslim preacher telling a Christian kid: come to our church and I will preach Christianity so that you know more about Christianity, and he preaches Islam instead. How the Christian parents would feel?


Have you heard somebody saying I am a Christian Muslim? Imagine a Christian praying 5 times Salah in the mosque like Muslims and also the mosque where he goes is designated as a Christian mosque (he separates his mosques from remaining). Imagine he is the Imam or preacher so because he keeps saying I am a Muslim, many Muslims come to him to take guidance to get closer to Allah. Now this "Christian Muslim" who shows himself as "Muslim" preaches Christianity and tells the Muslims that THIS is true Islam. Seems like a covert operation.

Be an open Muslim or be an open Christian. If one is not a Muslim, then name yourself as what you are, and abide by the laws of the State.

If the State is saying that Ahmedis are not Muslims (which is true as Ahmedis don't believe in the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H as the last Prophet) so they are not allowed to disguise themselves as Muslims, what is wrong in that? In fact this will protect from deception.

Just like Jews clarify that Zionists are not Jews, don't spread Zionism in our (Jews) name. Similarly, Muslims clarify that Ahmedis are not Muslims, don't spread Ahmedi belief in our (Muslims) name.

Can you please prove with evidence that the Ahmadis are being "oppressed" by the State? The situation in Pakistan, as far as I know, is that anybody who speaks truth and if that truth is not liked by national military establishment or international military establishment, then they are oppressed by various ways e.g. they are told: if you don't stop saying this truth we will abduct you etc. and then if person does not stop, the person is abducted, beaten, tortured, humiliated, family members are harmed etc. This is regardless of being Ahmedi or Muslim, whether Sunni or Shia.

Also why do you link the attack by Taliban to the State?

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The amount of sheer ignorance and bigotry in your comment is self evident to every person reading. I've provided ample links, court decisions, UN reports, State Dept reports, newspaper evidence, and pictorial evidence of the state sanctioned violence and persecution against Ahmadi Muslims, and still you ask for more evidence? You remind me of the old Native American proverb, "You cannot wake up someone pretending to be asleep."

As I said to another commenter, people have the right to believe or not believe as they wish.

Whatever your interpretation of faith, is your right. Whatever anyone else's is, is their right. If you believe you have religious truth, it should be self evident. The idea that a religious truth needs a secular punitive law to enforce it, is probably the greatest argument to demonstrate that so called religious truth is in fact a lie.

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"I've provided ample links, court decisions, UN reports, State Dept reports, newspaper evidence, and pictorial evidence of the state sanctioned violence and persecution against Ahmadi Muslims..." Can you can send here, if possible? Or direct me where I can find these.

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They are linked in this article. If you read the article you will see them.

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Jun 16Liked by Qasim Rashid

Thank you for this important information. Not a surprise that western media is a ridiculous bubble and keeps us woefully ignorant of the rest of the world!

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Thanks MJ. That's exactly one reason I wanted to elevate this injustice. I'm glad people are finding it of value to read and learn.

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Didn’t 60 Minutes run a piece on this?

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Not on this particular issue that I recall but certainly would welcome the media attention and awareness if they ever did in the future.

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Jun 16Liked by Qasim Rashid

This is heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing and I pray that the power of religious oppression ends soon and that people are able to live freely! All oppression is evil!

Ps: do you think this is what could happen here in America if the white national evangelical Christians take over, coupled by Project 2025?

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Thank you, and agreed, amen.

Regarding it happening here, absolutely a risk. The United States is not above the ability to devolve into religious extremism. It's why we need to ensure a strict separation of religion and state.

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Jun 16Liked by Qasim Rashid

Thank you for this essay. I'm ashamed to say that I had never heard about this appalling discrimination and the terrible acts carried out with impunity in its name before. And it's immeasurably sad to read about awful digressions from founding principles. Now I'm asking myself what, apart from sharing this article and educating myself, can I do? What tiny drop in the ocean can I contribute to creating a wave of change?

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Author

Thank you, Carly. I appreciate you reading and expanding your knowledge base. There's regular actions, events, and letter writing campaigns we engage in. I'll be sure to post future such opportunities. Thank you for being willing to be engaged. ❤️✊🏽

For now, I link my law review article above that provides a super comprehensive analysis if you want to read more.

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Jun 16Liked by Qasim Rashid

Thank you.

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It’s horrific how some Pakistanis take laws into their own hands and commit atrocities against they deem are “sinners”. It’s even utterly against the spirit and teachings of Islam. No human should feel insecure in this world. Even in Quran it’s mentioned, …persecution is worst than killing...2:217

I feel, however, Pakistanis have been painted in your article as blood thirsty barbarians who are on a spree to kill. Let’s put a light on context as well. There was a broader movement to differentiate between Ahmadis/Qadyanis and Muslim solely based on faith pillars required to be a Muslim. Mainly the difference is the last prophet, Ahmadis do not consider Mohammad to be the last prophet yet it is part of the faith of Muslims to believe there is no prophet after Mohammad. Just like Jews believe in Adam till Moses and not Jesus and Mohammad, Christians believe in Adam till Jesus and not Mohammad and Muslims believe in Adam till Mohammad. This movement in Pakistan is, as all these religions have differentiated themselves with a different name per se but fundamentally belonging to the abrahamic religions, why not Ahmadis differentiate themselves too and not try to merge themselves into Muslims. Ahmadis faith has fundamental differences from Muslims faith and yet insisting on calling themselves Muslims creates deliberate ambiguity.

I do hope however this blind killing in the name of supposed beliefs and intolerance ends in the world in my lifetime.

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Seems you've bought into the right wing extremism used to justify mass murder of Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan. To claim that the persecution would stop "If only Ahmadis would stop trying to merge themselves into Muslims, is, in a word, absurd.

People have the right to believe or not believe as they wish. I don't understand how on one hand you can quote "persecution is worse than killing," and on the other hand justify the persecution by blaming the community being killed?

Whatever your interpretation of faith, is your right. Whatever anyone else's is, is their right. If you believe you have religious truth, it should be self evident. The idea that a religious truth needs a secular punitive law to enforce it, is probably the greatest argument to demonstrate that so called religious truth is in fact a lie.

The blind killing in the name of supposed beliefs and intolerance can end, but it has little hope when even you -- who recognize it as intolerance -- give credence to it by blaming Ahmadis for peacefully practicing our faith.

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Qasim, what an articulate, informative, comprehensive and horrifying article. What a tragic reality for Pakistani Muslims. The world is too rife with such hatred and insanity. Heartbreaking and infuriating!

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To be clear it is the Ahmadiyaa Muslims who face this discrimination, not the entirety of Pakistani Muslims. Pakistan is a majority Muslim (96%) country, so it is other Muslims visiting this injustice on their Ahmadiyaa neighbors. I live in an American community with a large Ahmadiyaa community. I also organize interfaith events, and even here other Muslims shun them.

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I appreciate your feedback!

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Thank you, Leon, for reading and sharing, and for sharing your thoughtful insights.

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Jun 16Liked by Qasim Rashid

Thank you for informing and teaching us about this devastating blow to fundamental freedom. As a trial lawyer, I know the number one rule is to never do anything inconsistent with the theory of your case. WOW to see the world go awry and become the opposite of that intended by principled founders whose protection should never wane. I’m really saddened and alerted by your bringing together of these startling facts. Thank you for staying consistent with truth telling for justice sought.

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Your'e right, Penni. If we're not consistent in our calls to uphold human rights then we're contributing to the problems of injustice that plague our world. Grateful to you for reading and expanding your horizon of understanding on these critical issues.

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