I would argue that eliminating the electoral college is critical - it’s the reason slavery lasted as long as it did and why civil rights were delayed 100 years after the Civil War. A third party won’t mean shit if a House dominated by the duopoly gets to select the POTUS because of an insufficient electoral vote count for the candidates.
As the Democrat Party fades into the night 3rd parties willemerged to fill the void. 3rd party options will get stronger as both Republicans and demolishocrats gradually loose power.
We're hopelessly locked into a two-party, two candidate system. I'm also feeling very unfriendly towards any "party." Politics may very well be what will kill this country as we know it.
1.6 million people identify as transgender, yet they were an important piece of the Democratic party's platform in 2024. "Pronouns" and "wokeism" pushed issues affecting many more Americans out of the way. Biden, who mostly did a good job, screwed us over by deciding to run for a second term. Harris was already running at a deficit because a lot of people saw her through the lens of misogyny. Republicans in border states pushed an anti-immigration narrative that was not strongly countered by the Democrats. Harris lost all the swing states to Trump based on issues that don't even affect most Americans. Really, how many trans people or immigrants do you personally know?
Yeah, we need to talk. About too many guns and not enough compassion. Too many rich people and not enough food. About cars costing $50k while 401k's are tanking. About life-saving drugs costing millions of dollars for a single dose. Some cancer therapies cost over $1 million a year. There are people who could benefit from these drug therapies but their insurance will not cover them. Meanwhile, the "president" is trying to sell Teslas outside the WH like a goddamn car salesman.
"politics" certainly is not going to be the assassin. In every other industrialized country, it is a given that the people installed in the positions to do so are good at "politics" ... We're the only industrialized nation that doesn't demand and take good governance for granted. This entire debacle is squarely on the shoulders of We the People and nothing or no one else. Own it. We routinely consent to actions performed by other governments that they have lost their head for. Rightly so. Our appetite for s*** sandwiches is insatiable in other words.
It's our movie and most of us aren't even in the theater those that are sitting in the seats watching. We should be acting, directing, producing, advocating, disseminating.....
I moved over to the Working Families Party. They are a progressive coalition party. Sometimes they run their own candidates, and sometimes they back Democrats, etc. Lots of potential here. Very rational and strategic folks...
That's not true. They are a Democratic Party subterfuge. There's nothing Progressive about it. They are angled at keeping the DNC and their donor class influence in place. That's the case. All you have to do is look at their record of candidate endorsed and the lack of platform. There's nothing legitimate about it. The DNC and its donor class will do any and everything to stop the progressive Wing from setting policy platform. In 2020, their entire energy expenditure was keeping a progressive from the white house. Elizabeth. That's why Bernie was allowed in after costing them 50 million dollars in 16, splitting the progressive vote ,that's why Bloomberg got in the very day she was leading the poles and that's why Joe Biden came off of the porch swing. That's why I Whip Clyburn sold his soul.
Please understand, I'm not attacking you I'm exposing you to reality. What they say for print is completely irrelevant . It's their actions that matter. Their policy proposals are not best policy practice. That's the key to good government. A legitimate platform contains only best policy practice no matter the policy. And, obviously represents the electric in a legitimate way.
Rasheed, I love you and what you stand for. But when you bash "Democrats" I feel pain and I don't think it serves us. There is no such thing as Democrats. Please tell us when someone, Democrat or not, is fighting the good fight. And please name names of "corporate Democrats" and point out how they are letting us down. Somebody please point out the connection between their funding and their weakness.
If some of our Democrats can successfully fight off this continuing resolution (with its poisonous stowaways) that will be a sign of strength and courage.
Holding the party you support accountable for good governance and fulfilling the oath of office is hardly 'bashing"... The Crux of the matter is not holding them accountable for such a formation action is the causation of our current residence. A third world outhouse.
I hope that is simply politically unaware on your part. Otherwise, I would have to accuse you of establishment shilling.
Currently, there are no political opposition party. Ralph Nader was correct. They are partners in an ongoing global criminal enterprise.
Samuel, i think we can benefit by specific criticisms. When you express a negative judgement on a whole group of people, you are not moving the conversation forward. All you did in your response to me is throw negative judgments at me. It's your right of course. We're all angry. One of our weaknesses is expending our anger on the blame game.
If they're negative that's the real world condition. I simply pointed out what's going on. We're done here I can't stand people like you you're the reason we are a s*** hole.
Seriously? Look, I said nothing that is an attack or an insult to anyone. I simply told you the dynamic of how this should work. My God. You really stumbled into it there. Even if I give you the point of my address being less than polite, the dynamic is truth and reality. It would behoove you to digest it. realize my forward, blunt and middle class sensibility style can come off as rude or somehow uncouth. Which I don't understand by the way but, when I point out a dynamic that needs corrected and offer the solution I can't stand those people that think that makes me the a******. Careful on your reply to this or we're through. You're a true Democrat if there ever was one. Completely lacking any political acumen whatsoever. Forever the party of Will Rogers.
The only people to blame are the members of the electorate. We suck. Completely failing at our job. There's no blame game here. I am exposing you to reality. If you don't have on your big girl pants and can't deal with that then you need to leave.
We are in Canada and have started a group to enter the fight. Fascism and the Trump agenda is gaining ground here as well. Thank you for sharing such good information.
Great discussion and lots of good points - thank you for jumping into this topic! I was encouraged to read so many good comments of people thinking this through and sharing your ideas for a path forward.
I think there might be opportunity to advance the conversation by talking more about first principles - what are the highest guiding ideas - and about clearly what people want the party to accomplish. Last thought has to do with actual results, not feelings of frustration. I’m very empathetic to the sentiments that got us here, and join in on condemning how the current system isn’t working. I’m really interested in focusing on what defining actions will separate us from other movements that’ve not worked with as much success as originally envisioned. I love the input here. Thank you.
That is incredibly insightful. I think you’re dead-on accurate. Current MO makes everything rocket surgery; simplicity is the hallmark of effectiveness. Great points!
America Needs a Movement That Works, Not Just Another Party
Americans are fed up. The Democratic Party is weak, corporate money owns both sides, and Trump’s authoritarian creep is accelerating. So what now? A third party? A takeover of the Democratic establishment? Something else entirely?
History tells us this. Change does not start in Congress. It starts with us. Civil rights, labor rights, and LGBTQ+ rights did not begin with politicians. They began with people who refused to accept the status quo.
Any new political force, inside or outside the Democratic Party, must be built on real solutions, not performative politics. It must reject corporate money and fight for working people, not donors. And most importantly, it has to win.
No more waiting. No more excuses. We either build something that works or we watch democracy crumble.
Representative democracies are reactionary by nature. Peaceful mass civil disobedience is the only way to make statistically significant major change. You nailed it when you pointed out our history, the suffragettes and gaining the right to vote, obtaining prohibition, relieving us of prohibition, ending this Vietnam war, abolition, civil rights, on and on.... Part of me is in doubt. I'm not sure the majority of our citizens want true freedom. It requires responsibility. Great responsibility. Not something the average 'Murikkkan is seeking.
I'm not from the US, but I recognise how policies affect everyone on the planet.
I am confused though, with this article about creating a new party, standing for humanitarian and climate justice. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression such a party already exists, led by Jill Stein?
Cut out and ignored in 2016. Again in 2020. THAT is the Democrat Party. I have little hope they're going to grow a spine in the next few months. We change things, but we need to hear from them that they've got OUR backs in this very dangerous regime. We're not hearing from them enough (sure, a few here and there). What about joining with WFP and expanding into other states? (Working Families Party).
You people are so bad at the agent prop game. It's not about the people. It's about the platforms. Neither one of those people advocate for changing the platforms. Therefore we accomplish nothing. And we have a shitload to accomplish if we want to save complex life form on Earth and restore the Republic.
No one who is real would be proposing moderates at this point. My God. The only possible policy positions and political ideology that has a chance of moving us down the path of restoring our Republic is Progressive. You know, like the Framers, Jesus, Eisenhower.....
Centrism is the mark of illegitimacy in it two party system. A giveaway to partnership as opposed to political opposition.
Ms Harris seemed to base her platform to the middle class. left in the cold were lower, poverty and below poverty line income people. the gop massive gerrymandering, tactics like in Georgia where a few could file complaints against hundreds of voters, unhoused who have no address to register, bomb threats, the lack of ability for many to get enough time off work to vote…. in Australia it is a requirement for citizens to vote. Elsewhere voting day is a national holiday. the democrats keep moving their tent further from center chasing republicans. several seem to me to be closer to republicans (per their statements and votes). Climate change, Healthcare for all, protection of the natural resources, etc. are what i’d love for my grandchildren.
An American party, and the only requirement is firm adherence to our constitution and a willingness to name it. TRUMP IS THE WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION. The power of naming it. America is under attack by Russia. Trump is a Russian asset. Russia, Putin, Trump, Vance, Musk are all a part of the same criminal syndicate, Russia. Knowing these things, we can now predict that there will be no true ceasefire in Ukraine. Trump and Putin’s intention is wiping democracy off the face of the earth. Russia will not stop its aggression and attacks on Ukraine for good. If Russia agrees to a ceasefire, it will not be honored. Trump’s allegiance is to Putin. Eyes wide open. If we name it we can see it and respond accordingly.
No matter what shakes out of it, removing the barriers to accessing the ballot is an absolute prerequisite to restore this intended republic.
Insane that either Republican or Democrat candidates just get put on the ballot when a third party candidate comes along they have to gather six figure signatures.
I'm not sure how they're going to overcome the immoral unconstitutional never authorized by the framers and dark money though.
I'm afraid the only way out of this mess is a constitutional reaffirmation via 100 million people in the streets on a general strike with a no compromise list of demands. Once they are met a strict enforcement of following the Constitution the law of the land. Leave the interpretation to the preachers and their scriptures.
I love your delicacy concerning the topic. It's a blatant, more than obvious need to force either major party towards legitimacy. I'm over it. I just want honest brokers with best policy practice as a platform and an opportunity for good governance. It's pitiful that's a big ask.
Yessir, the current electoral system incentivizes consolidation into two (not one) parties, and two established parties can maintain the polarization indefinitely if the people permit them to.
You failed to mention it would take rearranging of the Constitution to achieve your proposal. Like that's going to happen in time to restore the Republic.....? Your a status quo still.
In theory. Theory says that if a chimpanzee sits at a piano long enough he'll pound out Beethoven….You are looking at something Snow White and calling it black. The tribalism incentivized alone makes your claim incredibly unlikely. To make such a statement after witnessing the last 60 years of the American body politic is rather obtuse and unaware.
A multiple party system is far superior. The electorate can hardly negotiate a four way stop.
We should make it as easy as possible for everyone to participate and to hold our elected officials accountable to their oath of office and legitimate representation.
If you're arguing with me, you have badly misunderstood the proposal and should revisit the link. If you're addressing someone that deleted all their comments or I have blocked, carry on.
I'm not arguing anything. I'm exposing you to reality. Your policy proposal at the beginning is literally unconstitutional at the moment. To change it you would need an amendment. Or the same thing by a different name. Regardless of the semantics, it would take the same 36 States plus Congressional approval then be implemented. How long has it been since the ERA has attempted to be part of the constitution?
None of your points are valid. I deduce you are simply and establishment shill.
The comment that you have posted five replies to is my suggestion to replace the party platform with a single goal, detailed in the open letter that I linked to. It requires only one act of congress and the letter puts it in legal and historical contexts. It is a serious suggestion.
If you are replying my **totally separate** comment on this article, please clean up your mess - delete all these replies and put one on that comment so people know what you are talking about. That comment was much less serious, which you seem to be upset about, but it does START with "temporary one-message anti-party aimed at a constitutional amendment" so I don't know why you think I ignored that aspect.
So you are either extremely thick or a mouthpiece for the establishment. As if that's ever going to happen? I mean it's not happened since November 63. And we're dumber than ever. Take your pseudo intellectual gibberish elsewhere please.
You are not understanding the basic tenant of democratic representative government. If one party actually offers a good government and implements it when possible, they will win the vast majority of future elections. Ranked choice voting along with four or five parties you are advocating for the status quo of a codependent unannounced partnership in a global crime syndicate to stay in place. Please.
I would argue that eliminating the electoral college is critical - it’s the reason slavery lasted as long as it did and why civil rights were delayed 100 years after the Civil War. A third party won’t mean shit if a House dominated by the duopoly gets to select the POTUS because of an insufficient electoral vote count for the candidates.
As the Democrat Party fades into the night 3rd parties willemerged to fill the void. 3rd party options will get stronger as both Republicans and demolishocrats gradually loose power.
dear comrades
Refuse Fascism
Oppose Oppression
All of that depends on removing the barriers to accessing the ballot. Otherwise we would already have it.
We're hopelessly locked into a two-party, two candidate system. I'm also feeling very unfriendly towards any "party." Politics may very well be what will kill this country as we know it.
1.6 million people identify as transgender, yet they were an important piece of the Democratic party's platform in 2024. "Pronouns" and "wokeism" pushed issues affecting many more Americans out of the way. Biden, who mostly did a good job, screwed us over by deciding to run for a second term. Harris was already running at a deficit because a lot of people saw her through the lens of misogyny. Republicans in border states pushed an anti-immigration narrative that was not strongly countered by the Democrats. Harris lost all the swing states to Trump based on issues that don't even affect most Americans. Really, how many trans people or immigrants do you personally know?
Yeah, we need to talk. About too many guns and not enough compassion. Too many rich people and not enough food. About cars costing $50k while 401k's are tanking. About life-saving drugs costing millions of dollars for a single dose. Some cancer therapies cost over $1 million a year. There are people who could benefit from these drug therapies but their insurance will not cover them. Meanwhile, the "president" is trying to sell Teslas outside the WH like a goddamn car salesman.
"politics" certainly is not going to be the assassin. In every other industrialized country, it is a given that the people installed in the positions to do so are good at "politics" ... We're the only industrialized nation that doesn't demand and take good governance for granted. This entire debacle is squarely on the shoulders of We the People and nothing or no one else. Own it. We routinely consent to actions performed by other governments that they have lost their head for. Rightly so. Our appetite for s*** sandwiches is insatiable in other words.
It's our movie and most of us aren't even in the theater those that are sitting in the seats watching. We should be acting, directing, producing, advocating, disseminating.....
I moved over to the Working Families Party. They are a progressive coalition party. Sometimes they run their own candidates, and sometimes they back Democrats, etc. Lots of potential here. Very rational and strategic folks...
I’ve heard they’ve supported establishment Democrats over progressive candidates. Would need to know more before considering WFP as a viable option.
That's not true. They are a Democratic Party subterfuge. There's nothing Progressive about it. They are angled at keeping the DNC and their donor class influence in place. That's the case. All you have to do is look at their record of candidate endorsed and the lack of platform. There's nothing legitimate about it. The DNC and its donor class will do any and everything to stop the progressive Wing from setting policy platform. In 2020, their entire energy expenditure was keeping a progressive from the white house. Elizabeth. That's why Bernie was allowed in after costing them 50 million dollars in 16, splitting the progressive vote ,that's why Bloomberg got in the very day she was leading the poles and that's why Joe Biden came off of the porch swing. That's why I Whip Clyburn sold his soul.
Please understand, I'm not attacking you I'm exposing you to reality. What they say for print is completely irrelevant . It's their actions that matter. Their policy proposals are not best policy practice. That's the key to good government. A legitimate platform contains only best policy practice no matter the policy. And, obviously represents the electric in a legitimate way.
Rasheed, I love you and what you stand for. But when you bash "Democrats" I feel pain and I don't think it serves us. There is no such thing as Democrats. Please tell us when someone, Democrat or not, is fighting the good fight. And please name names of "corporate Democrats" and point out how they are letting us down. Somebody please point out the connection between their funding and their weakness.
If some of our Democrats can successfully fight off this continuing resolution (with its poisonous stowaways) that will be a sign of strength and courage.
Holding the party you support accountable for good governance and fulfilling the oath of office is hardly 'bashing"... The Crux of the matter is not holding them accountable for such a formation action is the causation of our current residence. A third world outhouse.
I hope that is simply politically unaware on your part. Otherwise, I would have to accuse you of establishment shilling.
Currently, there are no political opposition party. Ralph Nader was correct. They are partners in an ongoing global criminal enterprise.
Samuel, i think we can benefit by specific criticisms. When you express a negative judgement on a whole group of people, you are not moving the conversation forward. All you did in your response to me is throw negative judgments at me. It's your right of course. We're all angry. One of our weaknesses is expending our anger on the blame game.
If they're negative that's the real world condition. I simply pointed out what's going on. We're done here I can't stand people like you you're the reason we are a s*** hole.
Seriously? Look, I said nothing that is an attack or an insult to anyone. I simply told you the dynamic of how this should work. My God. You really stumbled into it there. Even if I give you the point of my address being less than polite, the dynamic is truth and reality. It would behoove you to digest it. realize my forward, blunt and middle class sensibility style can come off as rude or somehow uncouth. Which I don't understand by the way but, when I point out a dynamic that needs corrected and offer the solution I can't stand those people that think that makes me the a******. Careful on your reply to this or we're through. You're a true Democrat if there ever was one. Completely lacking any political acumen whatsoever. Forever the party of Will Rogers.
The only people to blame are the members of the electorate. We suck. Completely failing at our job. There's no blame game here. I am exposing you to reality. If you don't have on your big girl pants and can't deal with that then you need to leave.
Democrats lack courage. That's what's wrong with them.
We are in Canada and have started a group to enter the fight. Fascism and the Trump agenda is gaining ground here as well. Thank you for sharing such good information.
Great discussion and lots of good points - thank you for jumping into this topic! I was encouraged to read so many good comments of people thinking this through and sharing your ideas for a path forward.
I think there might be opportunity to advance the conversation by talking more about first principles - what are the highest guiding ideas - and about clearly what people want the party to accomplish. Last thought has to do with actual results, not feelings of frustration. I’m very empathetic to the sentiments that got us here, and join in on condemning how the current system isn’t working. I’m really interested in focusing on what defining actions will separate us from other movements that’ve not worked with as much success as originally envisioned. I love the input here. Thank you.
Consenting to nothing less than quality policy from both keeping members of government.
It's really that simple. We overthink and under participate. Making it incredibly complicated.
That is incredibly insightful. I think you’re dead-on accurate. Current MO makes everything rocket surgery; simplicity is the hallmark of effectiveness. Great points!
America Needs a Movement That Works, Not Just Another Party
Americans are fed up. The Democratic Party is weak, corporate money owns both sides, and Trump’s authoritarian creep is accelerating. So what now? A third party? A takeover of the Democratic establishment? Something else entirely?
History tells us this. Change does not start in Congress. It starts with us. Civil rights, labor rights, and LGBTQ+ rights did not begin with politicians. They began with people who refused to accept the status quo.
Any new political force, inside or outside the Democratic Party, must be built on real solutions, not performative politics. It must reject corporate money and fight for working people, not donors. And most importantly, it has to win.
No more waiting. No more excuses. We either build something that works or we watch democracy crumble.
Representative democracies are reactionary by nature. Peaceful mass civil disobedience is the only way to make statistically significant major change. You nailed it when you pointed out our history, the suffragettes and gaining the right to vote, obtaining prohibition, relieving us of prohibition, ending this Vietnam war, abolition, civil rights, on and on.... Part of me is in doubt. I'm not sure the majority of our citizens want true freedom. It requires responsibility. Great responsibility. Not something the average 'Murikkkan is seeking.
I'm not from the US, but I recognise how policies affect everyone on the planet.
I am confused though, with this article about creating a new party, standing for humanitarian and climate justice. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression such a party already exists, led by Jill Stein?
The green party was legitimate until Jill stein. She's just a Putin lap dog accomplishing multiple tasks at her position within the party.
It's not really adding parties per se as removing the barriers to accessing the ballot by other parties that already exist or would like to exist.
Cut out and ignored in 2016. Again in 2020. THAT is the Democrat Party. I have little hope they're going to grow a spine in the next few months. We change things, but we need to hear from them that they've got OUR backs in this very dangerous regime. We're not hearing from them enough (sure, a few here and there). What about joining with WFP and expanding into other states? (Working Families Party).
It's an intentionally disingenuous DNC plant. Bad idea.
I’ve heard the same.
The Democrats - the opposition party?
Don't make me laugh.
I’ve said since the Trump times, I believe our only chance is a moderate split ticket: like a R Larry Hogan/D Mark Warner ticket.
You people are so bad at the agent prop game. It's not about the people. It's about the platforms. Neither one of those people advocate for changing the platforms. Therefore we accomplish nothing. And we have a shitload to accomplish if we want to save complex life form on Earth and restore the Republic.
No one who is real would be proposing moderates at this point. My God. The only possible policy positions and political ideology that has a chance of moving us down the path of restoring our Republic is Progressive. You know, like the Framers, Jesus, Eisenhower.....
Centrism is the mark of illegitimacy in it two party system. A giveaway to partnership as opposed to political opposition.
Ms Harris seemed to base her platform to the middle class. left in the cold were lower, poverty and below poverty line income people. the gop massive gerrymandering, tactics like in Georgia where a few could file complaints against hundreds of voters, unhoused who have no address to register, bomb threats, the lack of ability for many to get enough time off work to vote…. in Australia it is a requirement for citizens to vote. Elsewhere voting day is a national holiday. the democrats keep moving their tent further from center chasing republicans. several seem to me to be closer to republicans (per their statements and votes). Climate change, Healthcare for all, protection of the natural resources, etc. are what i’d love for my grandchildren.
An American party, and the only requirement is firm adherence to our constitution and a willingness to name it. TRUMP IS THE WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION. The power of naming it. America is under attack by Russia. Trump is a Russian asset. Russia, Putin, Trump, Vance, Musk are all a part of the same criminal syndicate, Russia. Knowing these things, we can now predict that there will be no true ceasefire in Ukraine. Trump and Putin’s intention is wiping democracy off the face of the earth. Russia will not stop its aggression and attacks on Ukraine for good. If Russia agrees to a ceasefire, it will not be honored. Trump’s allegiance is to Putin. Eyes wide open. If we name it we can see it and respond accordingly.
breaking the economy to disprove democracy as valid.
No matter what shakes out of it, removing the barriers to accessing the ballot is an absolute prerequisite to restore this intended republic.
Insane that either Republican or Democrat candidates just get put on the ballot when a third party candidate comes along they have to gather six figure signatures.
I'm not sure how they're going to overcome the immoral unconstitutional never authorized by the framers and dark money though.
I'm afraid the only way out of this mess is a constitutional reaffirmation via 100 million people in the streets on a general strike with a no compromise list of demands. Once they are met a strict enforcement of following the Constitution the law of the land. Leave the interpretation to the preachers and their scriptures.
Agreed, the bipartisan restrictions on ballot access hurt our republic. Absolutely true.
I love your delicacy concerning the topic. It's a blatant, more than obvious need to force either major party towards legitimacy. I'm over it. I just want honest brokers with best policy practice as a platform and an opportunity for good governance. It's pitiful that's a big ask.
Or how about this one: simply replace the whole D party platform with a demand for proportional representation, until it's done:
Substack says you replied to a comment by me, but I can't see it. I think someone blocked me.
Because a two-party system never incentivizes good. Only "slightly better than"....
Yessir, the current electoral system incentivizes consolidation into two (not one) parties, and two established parties can maintain the polarization indefinitely if the people permit them to.
You failed to mention it would take rearranging of the Constitution to achieve your proposal. Like that's going to happen in time to restore the Republic.....? Your a status quo still.
In theory. Theory says that if a chimpanzee sits at a piano long enough he'll pound out Beethoven….You are looking at something Snow White and calling it black. The tribalism incentivized alone makes your claim incredibly unlikely. To make such a statement after witnessing the last 60 years of the American body politic is rather obtuse and unaware.
A multiple party system is far superior. The electorate can hardly negotiate a four way stop.
We should make it as easy as possible for everyone to participate and to hold our elected officials accountable to their oath of office and legitimate representation.
If you're arguing with me, you have badly misunderstood the proposal and should revisit the link. If you're addressing someone that deleted all their comments or I have blocked, carry on.
I'm not arguing anything. I'm exposing you to reality. Your policy proposal at the beginning is literally unconstitutional at the moment. To change it you would need an amendment. Or the same thing by a different name. Regardless of the semantics, it would take the same 36 States plus Congressional approval then be implemented. How long has it been since the ERA has attempted to be part of the constitution?
None of your points are valid. I deduce you are simply and establishment shill.
The comment that you have posted five replies to is my suggestion to replace the party platform with a single goal, detailed in the open letter that I linked to. It requires only one act of congress and the letter puts it in legal and historical contexts. It is a serious suggestion.
If you are replying my **totally separate** comment on this article, please clean up your mess - delete all these replies and put one on that comment so people know what you are talking about. That comment was much less serious, which you seem to be upset about, but it does START with "temporary one-message anti-party aimed at a constitutional amendment" so I don't know why you think I ignored that aspect.
Just having a moderately popular third party will NEVER fix this. It has to be popularized outside the parties until they are forced to act.
So you are either extremely thick or a mouthpiece for the establishment. As if that's ever going to happen? I mean it's not happened since November 63. And we're dumber than ever. Take your pseudo intellectual gibberish elsewhere please.
You are not understanding the basic tenant of democratic representative government. If one party actually offers a good government and implements it when possible, they will win the vast majority of future elections. Ranked choice voting along with four or five parties you are advocating for the status quo of a codependent unannounced partnership in a global crime syndicate to stay in place. Please.
You're all over this comment section shooting down everyone's suggestions. Do you have anything positive to add to the conversation?
As far as I can tell nothing in their comments even applies to my suggestion so I don't know what it's about.