I’m perusing your back catalog to find articles such as this one, which expands on a subject I knew existed but mostly in the form of bullet points. Your writing style is suited to my time (some but not infinite) and interests. I’m happy to be a paid subscriber.

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The same states with legislatures supporting child marriage have gerrymandered voting districts and a significant portion of the population going apeshit that their birth rate is too low. The same people hate contraception, abortion access, and restrictions on child labor.

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Their lack of self awareness is truly astounding.

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Not sure it is lack of self awareness. Thinking they want females to propagate as soon and often as possible.

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It still boggles my mind that we acknowledge children are not legally old enough to enter into the marriage contract (without parental consent), but they then become stuck there because they are also not legally old enough to break that contract. The mental and legislative gymnastics required here are exhausting. Thank you for this excellent breakdown of the situation!

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It was never about protecting women, girls, or even the institution of marriage (as they like to claim). It was always about control of women and girls--and only that. It's horrifying.

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Oh, believe me - as a woman, I'm well aware the myriad of ways control is exerted (or attempted to be) over us, and how that effort for control is justified and excused. It often happens in some of the most mundane settings, treating us to a constant barage "know your place". I'm just also gobsmacked by the contradiction in these legalities: "Marriage is an 'adult' thing, so you need our permission to enter this contract, but once in it, you're still not adult enough to leave and therefore still need our permission to make adult choices about the adult contract we let you make"... It hurts my brain and soul.

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Looking at a couple of the States have a large LDS population.

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We finally passed legislation in Virginia this year. What other states are at risk?

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39 states still haven't banned child marriage. Lots of work yet to do.

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May 15Liked by Qasim Rashid

Thank you for bringing this critical (yet horrifying) info to light. Anyone who thinks that republicans (or the government rit large) cares about protecting children has *not* been paying attention. 🫣 Will definitely be donating to this cause and writing my legislators.

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Depressing but enlightening.

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Oddly enough that's what I was going for.

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And the solution? There are already so many issues that need to be addressed. Guess it should be added to the women's rights agenda which is already challenged with the abortion, child care, parental leave, etc. etc. issues...

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Horrific. Thank you for sharing this information.

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Yep, we have work to do. Thanks for reading and sharing.

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